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this is true

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How do they manage to kill based Joel? In the first game he was a combat beast.
I couldn't be less surprised they killed off Joel. I thought they were going to do it way back in the first game where he gets hurt in the fall. I was sure they'd make you play the rest of the game as Ellie after that.

how the fuck did they manage to make ellie so damn ugly looking

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But dont you play as the christian roided ogre half way through the game though?

They really are. Luther was a tool of Satan sent to lure those in times of doubt away from the path.


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>Jew writes story where Christians are evil homophobes
Meanwhile Hassids pay day laborers to protest gay parades

>how the fuck did they manage to make ellie so damn ugly looking
You wish you had a gf as cute looking as loli Ellie

Me too

Old, I guess. Given the fact everybody expected him to die anyway, if they wanted to subvert expectations they could have easily kept him alive and let Ellie get killed, sending Joel on the revenge mission and giving him no peace. That type of endless suffering is more soul crushing than death.

I'd probably still buy it if they kept Joel alive. Makes me mad how badly these cunts are salivating with anticipation of killing him off. They weren't even subtle about it.

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the church itself and mentally ill people going there is real, but what they preach is complete bullshit

the tranny ending was so scandalous that people barely noted Dickman wrote literal Christian Death Squads on his fucking game, the nerve on this kike

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Not all of them, but those vatican-worshipping child-rapists and all the amerimutt snake-handling cults sure are.


>post-apocalypse amerimuttia
>christian death squads
I don't see how this is supposed to be unrealistic or unexpected.

>Christians bad
>Religion bad
>Oh but Muslims and Jews are okay

The "the bad guys are Christians" leak has yet to be verified. All we know for sure is that Abby kills Joel and badly hurts Ellie.

>Muslims and Jews
>not atheistic death cults
And don't respond with your reddit tier >hurr atheism is a religion wank

this, but unironically, I hated them before, hate them even more after lurking on Yas Forums and seeing all the crying christcucks

Christianity is a tool of the jew for subversion and conquest. Most Christians are fine despite their delusion, though.

Homosexuality is a sin.

Deus vult cuck

Yes the evil christian fundamentalist that populate middle america churches, those crazy communities composed of elderly and family oriented people, oh the horror!

Shut the fuck up jew

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If she canonically gets raped then I don't mind whatever narrative they throw in

Hire the entire team that made Mass Effect Andromeda to fill your 70% turnover rate positions
Keep lying, you dishonest fucking mutt.

Surely all this pro religion wank is ironic right?

>post 2016 phoneposter Yas Forums


It`s like you are goofing on me, the equivalent would be if I linked an article from the Daily Stormer as a serious argument

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>elderly and family oriented people
So is Utah and the Mormons and they're the most likely to own undocumented nuclear weapons.