ITT post THAT boss

ITT post THAT boss

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Maybe I'm retarded but I thrashed NeoExdeath without a sweat and still coulddn't even make a scratch on pic related motherfucking pile of demonic junk.

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I didn't know that spirit was the guard command

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Redrum. Instakill move and healing. The whole sewer level is pretty cancer actually. still fun though

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I had little trouble with that guy, but I think I was overleveled, and Rudy had the rocket launcher maxed.

Are Final fantasy bosses hard? I have never actually played one and always assumed you could overlevel yourself to crush them

No. The hardest thing they do is sometimes have a mechanic that you can figure out in the first 5 minutes.


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>Are Final fantasy bosses hard?
Not particularly. On rare occasion you get a boss that is somewhat challenging, but like you said, you can just overlevel to murder them with ease.

This bitch right here

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Oh fuck that cunt. I didn't use magic at all before getting to her.


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yunalesca in ffx was cancer probably the worst boss ive ever seen in FF

The pic related is an optional super boss that just happens to roam along the path towards the final boss. It's very likely it and Shinryu (another super boss from the same game) will wipe your party if you aren't prepared.

Personally I haven't beaten Omega simply because the only times I've played FF5 have been through five job fiesta (essentially, you are given randomized classes that you must beat the game with), and as such I'm not guaranteed to have a party composition that can take it on.

I need to replay Wild Arms, what a great JRPG

Worst boss but best dungeon music.

>destroys all your skeletons before you can even cast Iron Maiden
teehee =^w^=

I guess it's not so bad to be filtered by a boss that resembles Ultraman could be worse.

>mfw watching retards spout that FFXIII is a joke and plays itself, then get put in the ground by Barthandelus because they never learned the mechanics
P I T I F U L L ' C I E

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Yunalesca is actually fun use of status ailments to block attacks and a really well made battle. Seymour Flux was actual cancer

>Cakewalk in main game
>Fucking Bullshit in first DLC
Yeah, has kept me from replying plague knight since

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The screw attack bomb jump made him pretty easy.

I never even made it that far because the mechanics weren't fun or engaging

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I got filtered by this shit

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was going to post this

plague knight in general is the hardest to play though.

I think the point of THAT BOSS is that you reach it without prior knowledge of how to defeat it and it kicks your ass.

Of course it's going to be easy if you know all the numbers.

>save 3 premade role assignments for the AI to execute
>switch between them periodically in battle

This if nothing else but the save system
Have the feeling this fuck was a lot of peoples first lesson in keeping multiple files
Sure was one of mine

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Yeah, but that's the GBA. Try the original one, mister.


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That, and the mix ability trivializes most everything in the game if you know how to use it. Even the final boss succumbs to it.

The only way to win is pray the RNG doesn't steer Rafa right into the enemy team.

Omega is not significantly harder on SNES, could use the same tactic against it on there.

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honestly that boss isn't hard just very poorly designed.

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how the FUCK do i play uncensored BoF IV uncensored in english? Is there an iso or a fan translation patch?

Its when this faggot casts Doom, when the real filtering begins.

>it gets good after 20 hours

i'll take your word for it

Those are mechanics yes.
Having to switch between roles is more complex than the attack/heal shit in most other FFs.
Only FFX and occasionally FFVII force you to pay attention to boss gimmicks.

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But, I don't want to delete her...

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This battle is nothing but a bunch of dice rolls, its ridiculous. Too many bad rolls and the battle is simply unwinnable.

Thank god for save states.

the website would be a ghost town if someone actually did that.

>That sly final note after the dialogue starts

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I sat next to a guy trying to beat this. Took a solid couple of hours of attempts, but I couldn't help but burst laughing when happened.


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