Why do Snoys love Druckmann so much? I know that most Snoys hate anime tiddies and are for more leftist political views, but kicking out a female writer because she doesn't listen what a man tells her to do is quite stupid, especially if that woman did stuff well.
Also why Last of Us 2 can have rape and such but anime tiddies are bad?
Why do Snoys love Druckmann so much? I know that most Snoys hate anime tiddies and are for more leftist political views...
>Nincel defending a republican racist woman in hopes of getting laid
Lmao do Nincels really?
Male feminists and women make best ryona and torture porn in games. I just wish their female characters would be prettier.
>Another gamer nincel enters a thread
Women aren't made for your enjoyment you disgusting freak. Real women are beautiful with their flaws but your coomerbrain just wants some disgusting pedophilic anime girls.
Cry harder about it, no one here cares
>likes anime tiddies
>calls other s.oy
>N-Noooo I need my titty games! How else am I supposed to masturbate while playing videogames!?
>Must be because of those darn SJWs!!!
This. Fucking Nincels who wants their baby games and not real artistic experiences like Last of Us 2 or Death Stranding.
Last of Us 2 is going to be garbage but Death Stranding is great
and amie got fucked by ea and incompetence
legacy might be the best story in vidya
I will never forgive the removal of Doughnut Drake
>written by a woman
So that's why the Legacy of Kain and Uncharted series is so fucking bad
Oh it is another "Nippon good west bad" weeb. Fuck off, stop defending Japanese games. Japan is a sexist country full of pedophiles
>Death Stranding
>is great
somebody bought into kojima fuckery
I just want consistency. Feels stupid when Sony releases games with torture porn and rape like TLOU 2, but censors anime tiddies.
Though I dunno why Snoys defend Druckmann and his decisions so much on TLOU and Uncharted 4. TLOU 2 feels like "subversion for subversion's sake." kinda deal
Why are you so angry about Japan and Nintendo?
Nah, real females are pure condensed cancer.
All of this is made even more funny by the fact that TLOU2 is pretty fucking insulting and "problematic" by "woke" standards, and really disturbingly fetishistic about violence against women, to a degree where it's more fucked up and objectifying than putting them into chainmail bikini.
I'm really fucking curious about how all the "SJW" will respond to it once it's officially released, because honestly, it has to put them into a really awkwards position.
I mean they have been heralding this as the pinnacle of mature culture for four years and then this mess comes out and it comes across as equal parts partonizing, distasteful, and "toxic", and I just can't wait to see them worm their way out of that one.
I'm actually one of the biggest anti-nippon fags on this board. I like Death Stranding because it's a western game in its design and soul despite being made by a jap. It's only japanese by origin of creator, but shares no common characteristics with typically japanese games. Just like Dark Souls.
TLoU 2 is going to be garbage because it's a sequel to garbage game, but made to be even more garbage by killing off the only remotely interesting character in favor of a piece of garbage that is a tranny.
>it's another "weeb incel doesn't understand why nobody cares about gratuitous violence but think anime porn is cringe" episode
hate reruns
Everything should be fair game. I think torture porn is a bit more distasteful than girls in bras but meh. To each their own.
I just do not understand why nudity and sexuality are such taboos in Murica.
Are you falseflagging at this point? You act like a retard.
I liked TLOU1 but I don't like Cuckmann.
>I just do not understand why nudity and sexuality are such taboos in Murica.
Puritanist legacy that they never really managed to address properly. Christianity has never been very good with dealing with human sexuality, it has always been a bit of a weak-point of it, and puritanism just made it even worse.
With the US having it's secularization delayed, influence of puritan religious schools increased, and the sexual revolution of the 60's being so sudden and mishandled, it's no wonder the culture has that as a biggest fucking trauma.
If there’s one thing the left do better than anyone else it’s cannibalise their own. Watching them turn on Druckmann is going to blast my sides into orbit.
But then again if there is something they are really, really fucking AWFUL at, it's admitting they have been wrong, so I don't think their position is going to be as simple.
Shut up cunt and suck my dick.
>I just do not understand why nudity and sexuality are such taboos in Murica.
Nudity and sexuality in games serve no purpose other tha coom bait. Nudity or sex has never contributed positively to the story or themes. It's just fap material. What doesn't contribute to quality of story or gameplay is a waste of resources and a useless filler. There is no reason to include sex in games, movies or books, it adds nothing of value and doesn't make the story a better written one. You want to see people have sex, watch porn, that's the reason it was made for specifically.
t. non-burger
Druckmann is one of the tribe, Hennig isn't. She never stood a chance
>No you can't use sex to further media. All SEX IS PORN
>admitting they have been wrong
Literally never happens, they just turn on each other in a heartbeat regardless of yesterday's alliances and then go on pretending nothing was ever out of the ordinary
>at this point?
user, it was bait from the very first post he made.
>Nudity or sex has never contributed positively to the story or themes.
Let me guess. American?
The trio of shit, just nuke this thread
Why are white people so fucking autistic when it comes to sex?
Christ that shit's annoying.
Nudity can be humorous too you know. Sex as well.
We all are born naked after all and sex is natural. And hopefully part of many people's life as well.
Torture porn is just there for shock value and, well, for people who find it extremely hot.
These days bait and genuine stupidity are very hard to distinguish.
I wish I could torture retards like you to death.
>At this point
He was baiting from the very first fucking post. Are you gonna pull out Poe's Law as an excuse now you faggot? Fucking autists like you are worse than falseflaggers.
>white people
mutts aren't white nigger.
It's really just Americans and their schizoid world view formed by Puritan autism
I’m leftypol and I love tits, OP. Snoys aren’t real men.
The character designs get very little added by being almost or actually naked. Mother getting more nude as you feed her is retarded and reeks of lonely virgin coder. Pic related looking liek she does is as deep as /v#tv/ gushing over loli portman in leon.
Do you have any fucking clue what the Sisters are and what they represent? Also, "Mother"? What the fuck?
>it's another user finds a random screencap, believes everything in it implicitly and then goes on to talk about its subject as if he had extensive knowledge of it episode
>I wish I could torture retards like you to death.
>He was baiting from the very first fucking post. Are you gonna pull out Poe's Law as an excuse now you faggot? Fucking autists like you are worse than falseflaggers.
As I said, genuine stupidity and baiting are very close to each other.
And you know it to be true.