Real leak for smash bros

>Max brass is in as a fighter >Vault boy is also in >Pic related >Poggers

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as a 3D modeler, this is... Really fucking good. Almost too good. Not familiar with Arms, so I'm guessing that is supposed to be shiny.
I look around and couldn't find the artwork, I had assumed it was from a CG trailer.

If you made this, fucking kudos user. If this is real, and Vault Boy is also in, that'd be neat.

Issue is the colouration is a little too bright. It looks more like it should be an alt for him than anything.

It admittedly doesn't help for cross-referencing that most if not all Max images are him on the champ's arena which is a darker stage.

I have absolutely no issue with this part of the leak being real. The Vault-Boy part is what bothers me most.

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Shut the fuck up OP no one cares about your fake ass leaks

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Rise up Max Brass Chads

that looks pretty nice ngl

Max Chad

I've been a fallout fan for a long time and Vault Boy would be really weird to me.
Vault boy might be fallout's mascot but he's honestly not really representative of Fallout as a series at all, he's a cartoon character. Vault Boy is a cartoon whose only real purpose is to establish some black humor to juxtapose against the series' otherwise gritty tone. It'd be like if you put in Captain Baseball Bat Boy as a Max Payne rep, it wouldn't make any sense.

Especially since Zenimax has fucking DOOMGUY. Doom is the first breakout shooter. It's one of the first well-realized 3D games out there. And best of all, it literally just had a revival to complete critical acclaim on top of Eternal giving him such wide moveset potential that there'd be basically nothing you'd have to make up to make him work as a smash fighter. It's staring you right in the face, come on.

Here's the thing, though; it'd probably be considered too violent to join Smash. I mean, yes, the same can be said for Bayonetta; but they can easily handwave stuff with magic.

Guess Sakurai is retarded huh

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Yeah no.

Joker shoots people with an actual realistic gun and bayo's game is not only extremely violent but sexual at the exact same time, a double taboo.
Gore might be associated with the doom series at this point but I don't think it's a necessary component or anything, either. High speed/impact shooter combat with a wide variety of guns and enemies is the big draw.

>It's a "let's create 50 threads about a leak proven false the next day" episode

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I'd love for it to be him (or Helix) but it's not going to be.

Vault boy can’t get pussy Tragic

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Vault Boy is a great example of a parody mascot that turned into the very thing it was satirizing.

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Given the amount of time it's been since the reveal and given the circumstances that's led to a lot of bored people, I think it's totally pretty likely that this was just a fanmade thing. Good job though.


It's not, in the last thread the guy who made the model posted proof it was his creation.

So insane how easy it is to trick retards into believing this shit. We literally live in an age where professional grade 3D modelling software is available widely and mostly for free and we still have "whoah.....I cant find the render......and this model is too good......Bros is it REAL??"

Even worse people thinking Vault Boy is real, when it's an easily grabbale 2D image.

Then again, idiots think the Cacodemon/Mallow Mii Hat leak is real when Nintendo has been issuing takedowns over leaked Pokemon sprites within 12 hours of them hitting twitter. When Ryu and Roy were hacked in a day earlier cus Nintendo fucked up and loaded the patch early, videos were down within hours.

Pre-release footage of Ultimate from street broken dates, taken down within 3 hours. Same with Sword and Shield.

Yet they won't touch this footage.

Hubbaa hubbbbaaa awoooogaaaa

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>Remember that Brassfags are piss scared of Genofags and are skirting so hard around the spirits rule being broken to stay in their comfy delusions.
>Remember that Max Brass isn't the main character of ARMS, so if he gets in, that rule is broken too.
>Springman/Ribbongirl get in, Spirit rule dead
>Brass gets in, main character rule dead
>Relevance and sales rules are dead thanks to Bro Bear and Waifu Bird.
No matter how you look at it, Geno's looken more and more possible.

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Oh wait it was already confirmed fake

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Unironically Max Brass would be the best Arms rep, but I just know it won't be him

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America!!!!! Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ayo what the fuck

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I'd fuck Min Min every hour of the day desu

Pretty nice model honestly. I think it looks better than that fake Rayman did. Not even annoyed by this one, shame it probably got lost in the TLOU2 shuffle.

Max or Coyle really would be the best choices of fighter for ARMS rep. I wouldn’t give a single fuck about Vault Boy, but also wouldn’t be as apposed to it as I am by Byleth being included.

pog poggers pogchamp poggers


>main character rule dead
But user, springman is already in

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do you really think they'd have fucking vault boy as the big E3 reveal

if geno was getting in, he would be the one breaking rules, not arms shitters

Can’t believe Nintendo really wants a copyrighted song in Smash ultimate awooga

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