Fuck Duckman

brothers, look at how Duckman butchered our surrogate daughter.

Jesus. we should punish Neil. This is unacceptable.

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Her porn is great.

Should've slit her throat

Why are Jewish stories always filled with pointless, grotesque violence?

She was fighting a roided out tranny there's been cases in real life of women getting destroyed in the ring by them

You're asking this question about the same people that invented circumcision.

Ah, you're right

Have been this way since the Old Testament.
No values at all, just a bunch of goatfuckers having a murder hobo campaign in the desert out of pure malice if you read between the lines.
In the meantime the Iliad and the Odyssey were shaping literature as we know it.

Kikes convincing whites their desert "religion" has any place in our greco-roman culture has been the biggest trick ever.

Finally someone gets it

Just woke up what is the thing that's fucking people up is it some she shit I take it?

ellen page should sue them over this representation

You wouldn't be saying shit if it was a man getting his face pulverised you simping faggot,

written and directed by Jewy Steinwitz

Why does violence against women bother me so much? Can I ever grow out of this? I know it makes me a massive faggot but everytime I see a woman getting hurt I'd rather put myself in the way

I wish I had the balls to make a game where a roided up tranny beats Yas Forums's daughterfu to bloody pulp.

It's unironically based and you daughterfu fags should kill yourselves.

caring about nice girls and women is not faggotry. it means you're a good man with heart.

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>violence ok

lmao you hated her for years, fuck off.

But I hate Abby for caving Joel's brain in, fuck her father and her angst about Joel killing him. The dude collected immune children and dissected them to "maybe" find a cure.

Pockyin sfm sarah

This scene was so fucking hilarious. It's so indulgent and obscenely violent. It feels like a Newgrounds parody flash animation, but with a AAA studio's budget, animators, and technology.

I'd punish my daughter worse than that if she chose to be a lesbian.

You'd need to have sex first and your chances look slim on that front.

read Matthew 23. Jesus tells the jews how they where completely wrong with everything and how they are a bunch of goat fuckers.

Don't put Jesus and the jews in one basket.

>no daddy I'm not a lesbian! she's just my bestfriend! no pls! uhuuuu :(( I'm sorry, pls stop pls...

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Can you show me?

New Testament is just retconning the retarded shit from the old.
First thing Jesus did in the bible was break Jewish law by picking grain on a sabbath

Why do so many male feminists have a fetish for women being beaten? Joss Whedon was the same way

That shit ain't right.

Imagine going back in time to meet Ellie's actress as she's performing for the first game, and telling her, "you and your pregnant girlfriend and going to get beaten half to death in the sequel. Have fun while you can."

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Never forget

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you post child porn son?

you are absolutely detached from reality

she's just having a high fever and hallucinating

holy God. Jesus is based!

I think it just means you're a good guy. Have you ever seen a woman fall? They fall like children. It's fucking horrific to imagine the shit getting kicked out of them. Men provide and protect, while women nurture and heal. It's natural to feel uncomfortable seeing violence against ladies.

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Fuckin lel

>Ellies goblin jewish girlfriend is pregnant with an Asian child

This is like something Yas Forums would make up and nobody would believe.