I'm about to start RE7

I don't think I'll like it so I'm going in already hating the game, which is good because every time I do this I end up loving it, like Borderlands 3.

But this one seems different because I'm truly invested in the RE story and from what I've seen, this RE has a creepy paranormal teleporting little girl and the monsters are "mutated bacteria" which is retarded, they went for a magic route instead of staying with the virus.

Anyway BRB and tell you my reaction I'm just gonna play it a few minutes to test it.

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RE7 was pure, disposable garbage.
Take this from an old-ass RE fanatic. This shit was made for LPs staring zoomies.

The first part of the game has a Mansion but doesn't seem to be related to RE stuff in any way.

Farther into the game, everything is put into context.

It's a good game.

OMG MIA IS UGLY AF WHAT THE SHIT WHY IS SHE SO UGLY!? Ugh I'm already hating the faces, I already know Chris looks like shit i'm just gonna pretend he doesn't but if everyone else looks this bad too, ughhhh

it's not magic, but it's still pretty fucking stupid. But the Resident Evil story has been terrible since Code: Veronica, so whatever. I think the gameplay is the strongest part of RE7, but not many people will like it since it's so slow compared to the rest of the series.

I can see why people say this game is scary.

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Everything has a scientific explination in RE. And to be fair... if this is retarded, the fucking t-rex Zombie variation and wesker dodging bulletts what are?

It is more of a cinematic experience and not survival horror. I had all the time the feeling that it started out as a other game and not as an RE game but I still liked it more than RE 5&6 because, for me, it had more in commen with the the first ones, at least in spirit and feel.

Aww the plot seems kino, why tf did it have to be a resident evil game, they could have made it without the umbrella mention and without chris, just call it The Family, The Mold or whatevs.

>it had more in commen with the the first ones, at least in spirit and feel.
Have you morons EVER even played RE1? Seriously??

Because new IPs don't sell enuff according the AAA jews.

Wesker and Zombies can be explained through the virus, mutations, etc.

A little creepy girl with magic powers teleporting, breaking glass and black goo monsters it's not muated stuff, it's outright nightmare paranormal shit. Maybe everything makes sense when I actually play it, I just saw some scenes on youtube and with no context they just look like from a movie like the ring or shit like that, which is paranormal.

Oh boy, shitty textures.

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One of the best games in the series. Honestly. And proof that some games can actually be better for taking a more cinematic approach (though most aren't)

I saw worse user, everyone did. But I'll give you that RE7 isn't the most original with base enemies designs (they're all kinda the same molded shit). And yeah, everything is explained.

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Is my character retarded or something? Why am I going ALONE to a creepy looking house in the middle of nowhere looking for a woman that's been dead for 3 years and sent a weird video in which she seemed kidnapped?

tHiS iSnT a rEsIdEnT eViL gAMe!! REEEE

Oh, mute character, great. I'm loving the environment seems like a pretty cool game but feels more like that blair witch game rather than a resident evil game.

Ethan does speak... when he wants. Oh, and trust me when I say they're going to hit horrors troopes a lot, all of them.

my only complaint really is the enemies are trash. generic black goo monsters don't make for fun enemy design.

Heh, kino boo, but wtf who makes VHS thing in 2017.

>this RE has a creepy paranormal teleporting little girl
what makes you think she actually exists rather than being a hallucination?


It bothers me that i find creepy things, I saw a man walking, the mutilated reindeer thropy thing, and he doesn't say anythign. AHHH BUT I COLLIDE WITH A WALL AND HE MOANS LIKE A BITCH, I hate mute protagonists I don't feel attached to them.

>Aww the plot seems kino, why tf did it have to be a resident evil game, they could have made it without the umbrella mention and without chris, just call it The Family, The Mold or whatevs.

>man this game is really good, boy I wish it just wasn't a *series* game, I hate *series*
end your life retard

The Virus makes you colder.

>Posting on Yas Forums as you play the game

Just start a shitty twitch channel and relieve us of these worthless threads.

Oh noe, I liked him.

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That's because you're supposed to dump your dumb bitch wife for southern belle Zoe

>talking to yourself
Jesus Christ OP, seek help.

>Wesker's shounen anime battle is totally normal and can be explained with the virus!
>being infected and therefore part of a hive mind, coupled with illusions is absolutely unaccountable!
Clearly a shitposting faggot

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>hallucinations from literal mutated fugi growing in your brain are stupid
>magical regeneration virus that make dead people control their body parts is not
Unironically kill yourself and OP is a faggot as usual

Kill yourself you fucking zoomer, the way you type you belong on twitter god damn it.

People... people really consider this shit terror? The jumpscares are predictable AF and don't have any effect, I was expecting them to at least be sound scares too but god... the horror element is pretty bad.

>I'm truly invested in the RE story
Fucking how?

Oh... that sounds... pretty bad. Is it really everything just hallucinations due to fungus? Wow... and people consider that a good plot?

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Did... did she just stab me through the hand and my character is non chalant about this? WHAT IS THIS SHIT?

OP is a fixed camera fa(n)ggot that is still seething because the best RE is getting a direct sequel

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I can't rape her? wtf

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You're talking as if RE had any horror element to it in the first place. It is just as bland as RE7 until 3, and from the 4th on onwards it just drops the ball and becomes a B movie horror.

Counting that the best they got do far was 'there is a new virus, go kill the big guy/escape'.... yes.

Worst thread on Yas Forums. Even worse than all the last of us bullshit.

OH MY FUCKING GOD SHE RISED UP OMG lmao that was a good jump scare nevermind it does have good horror jesus christ.

>You're talking as if RE had any horror element to it in the first place.

No no, I said that because everyone I've heard praise this game said the horror was soooo good and stuff like that but so far only one jumpscare scared me.

Finally a game that lets me beat my wife canonically and i don't have to roleplay it like in FO4.

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OP just play the fucking game. I will never understand why retards on this board beg to get spoiled.

Only thing I will tell you is to set your brightness really low, the lowest or the second or third lowest. I also turned motion blur/depth of field/chromatic aberration off but that's more personal preference.

>Is it really everything just hallucinations due to fungus?
How fucking dumb can you be ?
Is this bait ?

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>Oh... that sounds... pretty bad. Is it really everything just hallucinations due to fungus? Wow... and people consider that a good plot?
Yeah this is bait

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Wow they are overusing Mia, she was scary at first but now just stop, she's not cool.