

Attached: holy trinity jrpgs.png (781x748, 335.25K)

question, are there even any other jrpgs aside from those?

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ni no kuni 2
bunch of tales and tits games

Nice try Nathan.

I'm not generally disliking the game but DQXI is not being particularly fun or interesting until now, I just got Sylvando to join the party, does it get any better?

Trials of cold steel
Metal max

Xenoblade, Nier, Tales, FF7R, Ys

Dragon Quest and Persona sure but you are an absolute MORON if you think FF7R is anywhere close to being as good as the others.

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Except Dragon Quest sucks, it's the most boring game there.
Imagine having a story that isn't interesting, lame characters, the gameplay is catered to 4 year olds aka nu-pokemon tier and the music sucks so much. What does it even have to offer?

Fantastic games, all three. I fully agree

>Waifu simulator
Even FF7:R is better than Coomer 5: I-I play it for the gameplay...

Exactly what I'm thinking. As I said here I'm just past Sylvando, is it the same boring game all through it?

Let me guess you'd pick some nintendo garbage like xenoblade

Shin Megami Tensei 3 >> Persona 5

Holy Trinity of Shit

7R is awful and not even a fucking full game, retard.

Original > Royal P5

Remove FF7R and add Xenoblade 2 instead
unfinished cash grab has no place in the "best of" list

Why are pos4 fanaics so pathetic? Play more games than what is mass markted to you.



Shit list,
DQ11, Xenoblade 2, Nier 2

DQ's charm is in how it is written, how the characters behave with charm and detail, how so many NPCs have work put into the dialogue, the games are built like a colleciton of short stories and like short stories they have a "point" to them that's often moral or dramatic. For example I enjoyed the little story with the carpenter in the woods being turned into a dog a lot. He talked about how as a child he dreamed of talking with Yggdrasil and grew old never realizing his dream, working a simple job and being jealous of the young person who was chosen. It's simple but it was written with a lot of humanity and I could relate to them. I can completely see why that's just boring, because there are few exciting things happening and no interesting and new world to explore but for people who like it there is very little that replicates the feeling of DQ.

DQ7 is one of my favourite games ever because some of the side stories were written with a lot of empathy and humanity for the people who were involved in it, with many good and uplifting messages as well as tragic endings that teach you that sometimes things just don't work out. At the end of the game I felt like I made a journey through the human condition and grew up a little. Meanwhile the main plot is "kill bad guy" and it drags forever.

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the gameplay is nice. the cute girls that you can date are a great addition.
Makes me think of etrian odyssey but with story and many distracting objectives

Original > Royal


He dont have ps4

did you guys really pay 60 dollars for 1/6th of a game?

Literally every woman in Re:Make wants Cloud's dick. Every single one. And some of the men too. It's way more pandering than most of the waifushit games Yas Forums whines about.

Do you mean golden or viir?

i must be part of the conversation no matter what, i also have disposable income as i am a rich american

Yeah what kind of an idiot would pay 60 dollars for a 40 hour game

You can just focus on your friendships with your bros if you hate that aspect of it

Well in the famous words of Reggie
>if it isn't fun, why bother?
DQ11 was too boring for my taste.

the legit holy trinity

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A terrible remake/sequel, a generic and boring paint-by-numbers, and a visual novel.
Jesus, this gen really has been trash hasn't it?

I'd be 99.9% positive that trannies adore P5.
Waifus are neither good nor bad, but you're kidding yourself if you think P5 has anything else to offer. Braindead combat, a retarded plot, boring characters but I CAN FUGG MOMMY TEACHER AWOOGA I CAN DO IT AT THE OBLIGATORY ANIME BEACH SCENE YES MOMMY I WISH I WAS JOKER UNFFF
There's a reason you can play that game with one hand, and there's a reason discusion in Persona threads is limited to waifus and console wars, because that's the only demographic apart from trannies.

The gameplay is the most absolute trash basic JRPG nonsense going. The combat is functionally one braindead puzzle you have to repeatedly solve for whatever stupid amount of time the game drags out for. You're rewarded so hard for using super effective moves it's the only viable option because not only do you do more damage, you get an entire turn again. Otherwise combat can be boiled down to
>Do I want to conserve resources?
>Yes: Use the clearly superior physical attack if viable else use a weaker spell
>No: Use the stronger spell
Status effects don't work on bosses because of course they don't, just use your attacks and do the effective QTEs.
The distractions are just "Choose the correct social option so people will like you now you're best friends goodbye forever, else choose the incorrect option and the exact same thing happens just dragged out. The character you interact with is on a path, your role only dictates the speed of that path, but they suck your dick and act like you solved all their problems anyways.
It's moe slice of life anime in video game form.

Yet there's still slightly more meat than just waifufaggotry. If you ignore the waifufaggotry Persona is nothing. FF7:RE is just bad.

yeah and i can completely understand that. for someone like me something like xenoblade or most modern FF games feel too outlandish, anime and cold on the other hand. tastes are different

>Yet there's still slightly more meat than just waifufaggotry
Yes, like collecting cats and 1 hour hallway dungeons

both wrong

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I'm not saying FF7 is a good game, it's not a good game.

Don't know which one of this is actually worse.

Is romancing saga a difficult game to play? Are the battle mechanics hard to understand? I usually play jRPGs to relax

>all have characters in Smash Bros.
Sakurai knows the truth

yeah. just stick with Dragon Quest.

Let me know of a JRPG with better combat and story then. Of course you can’t.
>a-all JRPGs are shit!

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If anyone wants a challenging DQ game that's JUST challenging enough to not necessarily require grinding, play DQ9 or DQ3 with only 3 party members.

JRPGs died when normalfags who were too stupid to play actual games invaded the market. We can no longer have hard games simply because WAAAHHHH!!!! ARTIFICIAL DIFFICULTY!!!! I HATE GRINDINGG!!!!! (And no, Dark Souls is not a hard game)

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And the story? The story of P5 is one of the worst things I've ever seen.

uh you can not waifu anyone and its still basically the same game

Normalfags don't want to play first person view dungeon crawlers. The only reason people gave a shit about Etrian Odessey is because, you guessed it, loli waifu pandering.

>Let me know of a JRPG with better combat and story then
Cyber Sleuth
Mega Man X Command Mission
Basically any jrpg you can think of because persona gameplay is as basic as it can get and it doesn't even have any degree of exploration or varying gameplay. As for the story it's as juvenile as you can get in an rpg let alone jrpgs.

>you guessed it, loli waifu pandering.
You've never played an etrian game have you.