Are the leaks really as bad as what everyone is saying?
The Last of Us 2
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The leaks make me want to preorder.
The leaks might make it sound shit but it might translate well into the actual game I'm not so sure myself.
See for yourself
The leaks sound great imo. Definitely looking forward to this.
>has "The Last" in the title
>it's a sequel
>turns out to be shit
All of this seems oddly familiar.
It mostly just sounds really boring
Weird, I thought everyone hated TLOU, why do people care about the leaks?
>people were excited for naughty dog cinematic garbage
Bloody hell; I feel sorry for those who pre-ordered the special editions and won't view the leaks.
>"She's pregnant"
Here's your playable character for half the game bro.
Literally not. Ellie doesnt seem to actually be dead at all.
Its still pretty fucking dumb
Was Jesse in the first game? Should I know who that is?
she's good with a knife
Nope. He's another TLOU2 literally who that exists only to die.
I hate the game after leaks but somehow I want to preorder too just to see how they fucked up with scenario. It's another prototype 2 shit. Killing first game MC that everybody loves in 2nd game is terrible writing. And.... killer is new MC! Hahahah you fucked Neil Druckmann.
yeah reminds me of FINAL Fantasy which has like 50 games but none of them is good
>haha, i konw it's shit, let me pay for it full price on release
gamers are by far the dumbest consumer group
Presenting Joel as the bad guy of tlou1 is actually genius. He did shoot up a hospital and kill a doctor to save a girl that voluntarily donated her body to science because she was immune somehow. Having said that, ugh. I'll still play it but I understand people's reactions.
I'm not poor like you retard. Full game price it's nothing.
No, its exactly what any person with a functional brain would expect from a sequel to the original, it's not some mega game changer or some super genre defining thing the way the hype is trying to make it out to be, it's actually a little lame and the overall concept that the devs are going for was already lost with how they made the first game play out, but anyone surprised by the leaks for the sequel is actually slow.
The point is you’re rewarding the developers for their fuck up, you god damn retard.
user buy my nuts encrusted shitlog I had this morning, only $60+shipping!
What are you, poor?
Cope snoynigger
It's the worst story I have seen since The Last Jedi. It also "subverts expectations" in the same way that TLJ does, too.
It is a cool idea, but it was botched, they showed pretty clearly that the fireflies were basically just pulling a hail mary with ellie and hoping it would lead somewhere with no real proof that it would do anything, they didnt lean hard enough into their "morally gray" concept to try and double back in the sequel and make it work without seeming contrived and weird.
I literally said its going to be a lame game how is that fit your "snoy cope reeee" you sperg?
Goddamn, keep seething you trannoid. Sorry your GOTY isn't anything more than propaganda for SJW agendas.
Idk the story seems pretty based to me. People are honestly reeing because you play as the girl who kills Joel?
jokes on you schizo poster, I dont even own a playstation.
Fucking LEL. What a dumpsterfire.
Sir, your soyy shake is ready. Don’t forget to suck a bunch if dicks today, faggot.
Ellie doesn't die at the end but the rest is right. Ellie and Dina live, Ellie makes a grave for Joel, secretly packs her bags to chase down Abby and Dina pleads Ellie not to go. Ellie chooses revenge over Dina/a normal life.
Here, have another (You) just because I feel bad for you
>"10 threads about the same thing?lets make it 11!"
gotta love this hellhole during drama