Accused of being a generic outlast clone

>Accused of being a generic outlast clone
>Actually one of the most soulful entries in the franchise
>Easily one of the best games in the series with the DLC

Why does the RE fanbase have such shit taste? Meanwhile I've seen people defend those garbage CGI movies because they have Leon in them.

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No. 7 is awful

It's a masterpiece and Mikami said he liked it so much he wanted to go back and direct a new RE.

I started playing it after RE2make and I'm really enjoying it. The bosses that I faced (Jack and Marguerite) were extremely fun and the atmosphere of terror is wonderful without overdoing too much with jumpscares. I can't understand why someone who played and liked the classic games wouldn't like this.

When a game series changes it up too much, you'll always get people bitching about why they changed it without giving a second thought. They just want the exact same game over and over and over, ad infinitum.

I’m really glad they changed it up. The RE4 melee meme was expiring.

The fanbase is full of waifufags. They're always retards with shit taste.

It's a great game.

It's not Japanese enough I guess.

Poor enemy variety is my biggest gripe with the game
Outlast elements weren't nearly as annoying as i thought they would be and you just fucking murder the family members in satisfying ways anyway.

Franchise was on his last feet. To be able to get back up with a new game without rebooting it deserves at least a bit of respect

Also all RE are kinda avarage games anyway

Resident Evil fans love 7. The people who hate it are retards.

Not the biggest fan of it myself but RE4cucks that ruined the franchise got BTFO by it and I'm happy for it.

i just finished the end of zoe DLC and holy fuck does it suck. not only does it make the base game seem stupider when a hill billy can kill all enemies with his bare hands but the fucking platforming sections with crocodiles was ridiculous.


My favorite RE is 4 and I really enjoyed 7. I think a lot of RE fans agree that the only bad main RE is 6 and maybe 0.

Eat a dick beccafag. I love 4 and 7.

really liked it, remakes are cool but I want a continuation of the new direction


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VR is a meme and all, but holy shit is this game incredible with VR.


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The only thing 7 did right was to steer the series back to horror territory, for a little while at least. The story and characters were ass.
Mikami is also a gay. I don't trust him after Evil Within anymore, plus he has made his share of duds too.

I just realized REmake 2's Mr. X is a more refined version of Pa Baker. He was the template.

re7 was so damn good, play it in psvr and you will fall in love with it

>The story and characters were ass.
your opinion is ass

REVII was great at the time because "it's not RE6!" It marked a step in the right direction again so it was better than nothing. HOWEVER, once everyone saw REmake 2, with actual RE characters, actual RE locations, actual RE monsters and something back to a third person view that allowed you to observe your character, everyone basically brushed aside VII and said "anyway guys, cool tech demo but THIS is RE!"

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i would unironically buy pcvr for this game, alas

You are probably an RE4 fanboy. Kill yourself.

id tell you to probably not, its like buying a console for one game, just dont.though psvr doesnt really have much on it anyways lol, look at some games and see if the 2 total psvr games interest you.
but if you really want to, do it. re7 was such a fun experience and scary as shit in vr

don't tell me what to do

my favorite psvr experience by far

If you liked 4 you aren't a Resident Evil fan and need to kill yourself.

Funny because the RE3 remake was just a tech demo so they could rush to remaking 4 again.

Your taste in stories and characters are ass.

Obviously you don't know dick about survival horror so your opinion is discarded. Into the trash it goes.

>Meanwhile I've seen people defend those garbage CGI movies because they have Leon in them
b-but I l-like Leon...

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I think REmake 2 is better than RE7 but I wouldn't mind if RE8 bring new characters like 7 did.

This was better than the RE2 remake and RE3 remake combined

Nothing wrong with variety and this series shows this. The slow plodding pace was the opposite of 6 and still masterfully pulled off.

RE4 is my favorite game of all time and RE7 is the best thing to happen to the franchise in the last decade, it's not RE4 fanboys who hate RE7, it's just faggots with shit taste.


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I felt the only draw back was enemy variety. After the Marguerite fight, they could have introduced enemies that crawled on the ceiling and walls

Evil Within was great though, it was the sequel that blew

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what does it feel like to like literal shit?

There are two games that made PSVR worth it. RE7 and Ace Combat 7. Both are the absolute best you can do with VR.

RE7 doesn't play like anything in the series, but it's sure as hell more like RE4 than RE1-3 you dumb retard.

Do you guys really believe that REmake 4 is in progress? I doubt it.

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i really should finish ace combat 7. i wish the entire game were in vr instead of just 3 missions

Whatever RE game you mention, there'll always be an army of retards telling why it's not RE and why you can't like this game. Rule of thumb is to ignore them and appreciate each RE game for what they are instead of what you think they should be.

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Based. 6 is bad tho

TEW1 was annoying how much it wanted to OHK the player. The later levels also blew and it got more shooty than even RE4. Overal I do prefer it over the sequel though, but I think they both average out on a 7 with their strengths and weaknesses.

Some turbonerd will get on a mod for that for the PC version eventually. That said, I'm not so sure about a few things in VR. That sandstorm mission would be a nightmare, I don't want to deal with lightning, and some of the setpieces would be pretty tough.
I think they'll definitely include it in AC8, though. Who knows? Maybe they'll do the whole thing then.

Actually that question is directed to you.

Dumb coomer.

>shit characters
>shit enemy variety
>first person garbage
>doesn't feel like a Resident Evil game in the slightest
I liked the locations and puzzles tho.

>no, u
Brainlet post, as expected

>The story and characters were ass
So it’s just like every other game in the series

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