>our gal (making everyone reeeee)
Abby real life model is cute
Nope, still la goblina
What makes a chick do this to herself? An overbearing father who wanted a son?
maybe if you're a faggot
She's cuter in game
Damn. One of the few times the actor is actually uglier than the game model
>this creatura
the absolute state of snoys
i really dont understand this character
Same as male bodybuilders
Some deeply rooted issues
>yeah but men tho :^)
She's vomit.
What the fuck is this.
If you are seriously attracted to this type of "females", you might call yourself a faggot and suck dicks instead.
>negative hips
not cute, nigger
I'm into the lower body but not the upper body. I like fit women, but only natty.
You gay, son lmao
how you achieve that body with 0 workout in the middle of a apocalypse and with bad and scarce food? I guess women are truly superior
>Yas Forums normies first encounter with musclefu
It's hilarious
>that abomination
dude just admit you are a tranny
just come out of the closet already
She's kinda cute in game
I see women at the gym all the time who look way better than this. This chick is on gear.
Yikes. Most muscle girl peddlers are usually wise enough to use some anime fantasy girl who paradoxically keep their feminine proportions along side their 6 pack, but in real life you just got this uncanny androgyny. The character actually looks better than the model, when it's usually the opposite.
is that tania from insanity with shaun t?
you wish faggot
Your fucking blind if you thats cute. Unironically worse than her in game model
>a fucking redbull
My only guess is commercial. Because you dont get high on redbull before or after workout.
Her pharmacist dad must have been whipping up anavar for her.
how would someone even get that ripped in an apocalypse, aren't food and resources extremely limited and rationed out?
a yes, a body that requires daily workouts, carefully balanced diet and isn't dragged down by womenly things (genetics, period, etc) is a perfectly normal a post-apocalyptic world.
This like casting a female to play Tony Soprano. 'Abby' is so fucking clearly and obviously suppose to be a male character, but because the creators are mentally ill, it's a female with the body of an outlier.
Where's her penis?
I wouldn't say cute but at least you can tell she's female that at worst went too hard on roids.
Abby is just a dude with a feminine face.
amazing what some roids can do in a post apocalyptic world
Do you follow this philosophy as an excuse to stay inside your home doing nothing but playing video games while being out of shape and living an unhealthy as fuck of a live? How could a person doing their best to be fit annoy you people? Get a life.
I've been working out over a decade, but he's not wrong that people who hit the gear usually have body dysmorphia or other shit going on. And she's definitely on gear.
There's a difference between being fit and being a roided out monkey.
Do you think normal people find bodybuilders attractive? They look grotesque, not hot.
is the character supposed to be a mtf or ftm?
roidmonkeys are not musclefu