ITT: post a game that angers you when you think about it
ITT: post a game that angers you when you think about it
For some reason this game just pisses me off
I mean that was my first one ever..
Why does it anger you, user?
What's wrong with this? It was so great
i used to be a neogaf member once because i was an idiot
you have no idea the amount of shilling the game received there, everyone pretended this game would be THE SANDBOX GAME TO END ALL THE OTHER SANDBOX GAME EVER even though anyone with half a brain could figure out that a game on the DS would be limited in what you could do
YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING, THIS GAME WILL HAVE UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES, they screeched and everyone who questioned this was quickly shut up, it was like "see that mountain, you can climb it!" x 1000
the max amount of shilling came out when a user declared that he summoned a time machine to go back in the past in order to ride a dinosaur so he could defeat zombies, this was it! this game was the one where you could truly do everything
the developer self-fellated so much that you can actually summon a painting of such a scene by writing the number of that neogaf post and even being able to summon the neogaf logo and the amount of dick sucking i witnessed it's just so much, it makes my blood boil when i think about it
of course if you actually played the game, you know scribblenauts is barely the amazing sandbox game they advertised but HYPEHYPEHYPE
>the developer self-fellated so much that you can actually summon a painting of such a scene by writing the number of that neogaf post and even being able to summon the neogaf logo
Damn, you're not bullshitting, it's legit. How weird.
little brother syndrome
I didn't know about that but I hated this game too
what a fucking disappointment
you were actually pretty limited in your options and the touch controls were horrible
one of the few purchases I really regret
Damn user you just redpilled me hard on why to hate the game. This is just like SPORE before release
They should have made a mode in the campaign where you were limited to one use of each word throughout the entire thing.
Fuck this shitty time vampire.
Wasn't that just a puzzle game though?
Sounds pretty awful, and you can feel the reddit atmosphere and humor when you play the game.
I still loved this first DS installment, I thought it had so much potential and the story mode and level design was super neat actually. It's sequels doe, fucking garbage, reusing everything, adding nothing and level design thought for legit infants learning to write or something. For me, it's one of the biggest wastes of potential in videogames.
DtL was better
I mean Super Scribblenauts did add adjectives which was a pretty big gamechanger. But anything past Super Scribblenauts has been fluff
Wow, you actually did it too. Thanks for the dedication
You just made me angry.
I thought scribblenauts unlimited was fun
>that ending on the second game
I was 12 when I played this the first time so I wasn't mad at all. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
But it didn't take long for the missed potential and in general stale gameplay to sour on me.
Also Galactic Adventures was also probably my first experience with "game dev" (if you can even cal it that) so that's cool
World of Tanks
PlayStation AllStars, that crap was miserable to play. Collecting orbs for a super move is not fun.
I think the 24 hours following me rushing to best buy on release day my freshman year of high school and putting it putting it in my disc drive as soon as I got home fueled my rapid transformation into the cynical, angry, and overall worse human I am today
fucking EA
What could have been...
I remember some of the shilling of "you can do everything" here but I never took it that seriously because I never really considered it a "sandbox" game just more of unique experiment in puzzle games.
The only scribblenauts game I played was Unlimited on Wii U and I actually really enjoyed it for what it was, that being said I didn't really have massive hype for it, it was just a Wii U game that I found on sale for $30 when all there really was to play was W101, NSMBU, and half a dozen ports of games that came out on 360/ps3 much earlier.
Were you actually excited for PS AllStars? I don't think I've ever came across anyone who was legit really hyped for it.
Except a simple 2D puzzle game on the DS was pretty easy to see the limitations. Only retards who went to bad internet communities would have been upset with this game.
Unlimited tripled the dictionary, added many more interactions and added the ability to introduce your own objects and define their behavior.
What the fuck are you smoking? The DC superhero one added superpowers as a big game changer, even if you ignore all the licensed characters they added to the dictionary.
I just wanted my scizor dude
There was lots of people on Yas Forums who did. There was a 24/7 general from hype and speculation.
Not even a Sony thing, I just love Smash Bros. and this was in that period between the release of Brawl and the announcement of Smash 4, so there was NOTHING and I and others were hopeful it could at least be somewhat decent.
This game doesn't upset me as much as it makes me laugh. The story of its failure is such a rollercoaster
> a single shoutout from Notch on Twitter and all of a sudden everyone needs Cube World
> people get obsessed with all things cube world
> the dev gets pressured by the community to put out an early access version
> the launch goes horribly with the servers crashing but eventually people get their hands on the game
> pretty much everyone loves it even in its barebones state
> days go by and the dev goes silent
> we get the iconic date of "July 23, 2013"
> almost everyone stop believing in the idea of a cube world update ever coming
> years go by and any single sign that the dev is still alive has gaming communities going wild
> 2020, 7 years since launch, and out of NOWHERE the dev announces Steam release
> people go WILD
> everyone and their mom talks about cube world again
> people finally get their hands on it
> it's worse than the alpha
> people forget about cube world no less than 2 days after its official release
I picked it up on a trip to Yellowstone and thought it was cute and great for killing time, but knowing now that it was put on a pedestal as the messiah of gaming is something else entirely. It certainly wasn't that.