Super Smash Bros Melee Thread

No discussion of any other Smash game. Talk how Melee is utterly kino.

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melee is fucking garbage

Ultimate is my favorite to play because I can't pull off the tech to get the most out of Melee, but Melee's still usually the best to watch. I don't understand why more people can't admire it at least for that much, or at least not throw tantrums about it. The main things I don't like about it are edgehogging, as I definitely prefer the more intricate offstage play of Ultimate, and just the way that a lot of moves feel like they don't work as they should, or have less interesting effects. Multihits don't connect as much and often aren't safe even on hit, there's no windboxes I believe, and there didn't seem to be as much variety in launch angles when I last played. But even as bad as I am at it I still love it, everyone knows Fox is top tier but I learned he's also stupidly fun, cleared Event 51 with him without using any cheese and I felt like a god.
Post some sick shit I guess, I'll start.

Have you just set out to be the new barneyfag or something? That user in the screencap doesn't sound smart or cool to anyone who is at all discerning, he sounds like a childish fucking tool.

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too much for Yas Forums

I do not understand Yas Forums then. That is cool shit, why even hate it, let alone so furiously?
Like I know we're full of newfags but you'd think there'd be enough adults around to at least have a decent thread fairly often. They don't even know the whole showers thing was concerning Sm4sh tournaments, nevermind how infantile it is that they feel the need to screech exclusively about it. Like just never fucking mind that the gameplay is fun as fuck, Yas Forums will at least try and champion good legitimate fun until it comes to Melee.

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>The main things I don't like about it are edgehogging,
Yeah that's a real gripe of mine. I don't like is the shit or unvaried recovery a lot of characters have. That plus very punishing edgehogging kills some characters.
Recovery is something they've learned to improve over time. I just wish they followed through with gamplay. Melee still feels miles head to move around in, without even using tech skill. I'm not sure why, but moves also feel more impactful. Like Luigi or shiek FAir or even falcon knee or Dair. They've tried to put more emphasis on knee and it just feels...ok. Character kits have made improvements but there are no moves that feel too satisfying or have quality meat to them. I can't think of any at least.


>implying Yas Forums, the plague of newfaggotry and casual scum, would even care to talk about the game since they couldn't do anything better but shitpost, derail and falseflag about the game because they don't even watch nor understand it to begin with
everyone says reddit is a shithole, which I agree if we're talking mainstream ones, but once you look to other ones for dedicated subreddits ssbm, "dota" to an extent since that's where you get news on patches and ones about competitive niches, it's actually not as bad but still sucks as compared to here since anonymity does allow people for better discussion due to the hivemind that is reddit and I can say this truthfully since trying to discuss ANYTHING that isn't "good" by their standards will usually yield to shit but otherwise it's ok.

just wait for the next big melee tourny to come around and you'll be able to have a much more civilised discussion as compared to not doing so, since people who partake in those threads actually enjoy them

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Well yeah, Melee has momentum that transfers between the ground and air doesn't it? Like melee fox feels fucking amazing to control, feels like he can do anything you want if you know how (amd I can't even wavedash), while 4/Ult Fox feels extremely stiff and less versatile. I definitely feel there's plenty of impact behind the characters I main though, being Banjo, Inkling and all three of Trainer's 'mons, especially Ivysaur and his meaty vine-thwacks and what is probably the most fun dair in the game.
But in general I have noticed most characters just don't feel right, and that's where the sheer volume saves it since everyone can eventually find a character or more they like, but almost every character in Melee feels fun to me, not to mention winning with Dorf feeling both more satisfying and more earned.

>just wait for the next big melee tourny to come around
for a moment I forgot about that, yeah those threads are actually fun and hype and peak comfy

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>post some sick shit I guess

edgeguarding in melee is often a lot more intricate and nuanced than it looks if you know what you're looking at, it just appears like the same shit every time because at high level most players usually switch between a couple different flowcharts but there are usually plenty of recovery options that go underused

I love how you literally have to break the game's physics to play the game """"competitively""""
That's a good ass game right there.


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>break the games physics

I mean I can definitely see that, I guess I didn't mean mentally as much as stylishly. Look at the neato shit Marss did in the GFs at Genesis 7 for example.

what the fuck, is Fox Illusion usually even a thing in combos? That was the coolest part

Isn't wavedashing a bug? Like it's performed by exploiting the directional dodge, right?

It's a bug in the same way strafe jumping in Quake 3 is a bug. It's not """intended"" but it's a logical result of how the physics works.

devs knew about it during development but they were fine with it, its not really an exploit or a bug they just didnt realise its potential utility

Fair enough. Ignore my retarded cheeky shitpost, then.

Common misconception, very understandable! But please educate yourself now that you're here.
Of course, the best players can perform it much more rapidly than expected, but that goes for advanced techniques in all sorts of games.

Oh don't forget the game is really really fun too

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Everyday I'm SHFFLin'

imagine falling for 15 year old memes

The crazy thing is that it starts at fucking 115%. Never seen a string like that at a percent that high.

asumsaus is based
making anti melee fags seethe at every new video
and he probably lurks Yas Forums

I definitely prefer the more intricate offstage play of Ultimate

meant for

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>it's the best one because it has the glitch i learned to abuse that they fixed in future titles
Every Melee player ever.

It's the best one because it's fast and the movement isn't floaty

Sorry, I do believe there is intricacy. It's just sad to see characters get dicked out to poor recovery. There are many times I see falcon lose a stock and it hurts. And he's not the worst case.

I hope he converts them outright too, I don't even see how one could argue with him.

Not claiming there's more skill or mindgames, just that there's more going on. Plus, taking advantage of ledge trumping is a lot cooler than edgehogging imo.