So you're just some random peasant ass foot soldier 1 of a billion dynastic grunt. You give up a life of a slop farmer...

So you're just some random peasant ass foot soldier 1 of a billion dynastic grunt. You give up a life of a slop farmer, enlist in the army, probably unwillingly and have been marching for days without a break or fare share of rations.
You finally get to the battle and out of nowhere, this crazy ass mother fucker does sixteen backflips, takes out about a thousand of your buddies with one swing of his spear, slams into it to the ground and starts glowing like a goddamn super sayin or some shit and makes direct eye contact with you.

Dynasty Warriors/koei thread.

Attached: Zhaoyun_cg.jpg (1280x1280, 207.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Spears are the worst weapon. When you think badass who thinks of spears? The whole point of Romance of the Three Kingdoms is to romanticize shit, why put emphasis on the most boring weapon? Everybody should be using swords or bows

>Spears are the worst weapon. When you think badass who thinks of spears?

>Dynasty Warriors/koei thread.
how did everything go so wrong?

Attached: DW9-famitsu.jpg (1043x1069, 400.25K)

>When you think badass who thinks of spears?


being a decade too late to the open world fad and having learned nothing from how western games tackled it. also, koei is apparently making way more money from licensed spin-offs than their two core series. most aren't even of the FUCKING overpriced season passes for dw9.

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Well thank god Liu Bei will have a mustache

I kind of want to give them some credit for attempting something newish. On paper the idea could have been really good, and I think the potential for an Empires version is tragically given up on. I mean don't get me wrong I ain't saying the game ain't shit on a stick, but the potential was there for it to not be terrible.

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Occasionally they just fuck up. Like with DW6. I'd attribute it to generational jumps, but PS3 to PS4 worked out just fine.

This was Zhao Yun's best design. All others were cookie cutter generic or bland or just plain ugh.

And it was from DW6. The one which had absolutely bizarre design choices.

I'd like to think that their next game will work out and run a lot better. Koei screws up but they usually bounce back pretty well. 7 was a big improvement over 6 and 8 even more so.

I was mostly bugged about them turning SSX into a cute idoru. I didn't really mind the weapon switch so much giving she's supposed to be the BOW princess but that design was awful. And her one from 5 was so good.

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Man it may be a diseased, militant police state but Chinese action movies are so much better than American ones it's not even funny.

It's almost like he's wearing Wei or Jin colors.

He always had a weird lack of green on him.

im pretty sure they said somewhere they'll go back if 9 isn't well received. that said, they also gave us SW 4-II because people went mental over the change in mission structure.

They'll blame the wrong reasons for going back, though. Open world Musou CAN work, just not in this half-assed form they gave us with 10.

Well they turned WO4 pretty damn fast all things considered. And even that kind of felt like a step back over it's predecessor, though I blame that on being rushed.

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Is Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate good? The last warriors I played was Gundam 3 so I don't know shit about these games but I feel like playing one.

Are there any other games set in feudal China or with a Chinese setting? It's such an underrated and underused setting outside this series. I'm playing through Jade Empire and I'm eyeing a game called Tale of Wuxia but those are the only ones I've really found

>It's such an underrated and underused setting outside this series.
There's a metric ton of MMORPGs, but they're not released in English. Gacha games are probably your closest bet and they're heavily based on Three Kingdoms. There's also Romance of the Three Kingdoms series.

Attached: 396803-romance-of-the-three-kingdoms-xiii-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 171.47K)

>Tactical turn based rpg
Hey, that looks pretty good
I'm not touching gachashit with a ten foot spear though

ROTK10 is the closest to RPG in what it focused on, but series as a whole is a Japanese take on grand strategy, basically.

I enjoyed the gameplay, some of my favourite in the franchise. story was shit though, and they massively dropped the ball on the menu interface

Yeah, Japan really likes the setting

I remember playing the 3rd one for the SNES because I thought it was going to be a dating sim game or something. I ended up putting a lot of time into it at the end though.

i bought all this, but only ever end up playing the PC port of DW4 please send help

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You could always try Sengoku Basara for a more KUHRAZY take on the Sengoku Musou setting.

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imagine if the soldiers in dynasty warriors actually attacked you enmasse instead of all standing around you in a circle and only occasionally taking swings

Fuck, I though had an OR JAPAN in there. Well the SB games are still fun.

Please study military history before talking out your ass brainlet

You mean like on hard mode?

still hardly aggressive enough on the higher difficulties.

Let's face it, the thing holding Dynasty Warriors back at this point in the series' lifespan, is that it doesn't want to embrace going full crazy fantasy like Sengoku Basara and this includes the level design

That's the one with the giant fujo following right? Are they good?

yeah they're very good. levels have all sorts of gimmicks and enemy types instead of being a floor sweeping simulator

For some reason the entire Sengoku era has a massive fujo following. I don't get it myself. S'weird. But the games are cool. Not many are translated though. In some ways even better than DW.

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I still think 6 had some design improvements that got shitcanned when the overall game got totally panned. I need to go back sometime and play it a bit more.

Yes. They're more like actual action games in Musou framework. Characters have interesting movesets and are very different from one another. Series is also cursed with untranslated entries so your best bet is probably the Wii one which also made it to PS3 in English.

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Also you haven't lived till you've heard Norio Wakamato ham it up as Nobunaga.

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