Anyone else love watching people play video games?

anyone else love watching people play video games?

Attached: uu6rbVe.png (771x602, 561.87K)

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I do because video games are boring and only enjoyable as a social medium.

No, but I enjoy watching people fail at video games and throw temper tantrums.

Attached: NeighboringFemaleFairyfly-max-1mb.gif (300x169, 884.27K)

I enjoy watching girls being scared of horror games.

Attached: 1.jpg (1754x1240, 340.04K)

where is that pic from?

Video games are good, but they’re better when you’re fucking someone other than your wife.


His doom eternal playthough is hilarous

its all fake/exaggerated, you buffoon.

yes but not this guy, he's an insufferable cunt and isn't even good at video games

I'm going through HippoZoned archives and they're top fucking kek