How can Danganronpa have a such horrible fanbase? I feel ashamed that I like the same games as such "people"...

How can Danganronpa have a such horrible fanbase? I feel ashamed that I like the same games as such "people". When I go to Danganronpa threads, apart from dumb waifu discussions I only see retarded people pretending to roleplay as the own characters of the game, and basically having weird conversations that have nothing to do with the games

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such is the curse of japanese games.

Perhaps it is time to finally end it user. Perhaps it's time to finally end it all.

A bunch of mentally ill tumblr faggots like it for some reason

>why are danganautists subhuman


It's /vg/ bringing their Danganronpa General autism to Yas Forums.

>Legit wanted to get into this series
>Get attacked and harassed by Daganropa fans for asking questions when seeing their screenshots
>They leaked my DMs with a another user
>They basically cause the reason why I'm so nervous talking to people online
>Series is permanently over with the last game literally telling Daganropa fans to fuck themselves for being faggots
Feels good that I never got into this series and they got what they deserved.

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Easy to write colorful characters that pander heavily to both waifufags and fujofags makes it an autism magnet.

>>They leaked my DMs with a another user
I don't see how this is impossible unless you were engaging in the same faggotry as them

How about not posting a Danganronopa thread at all? The series ended years ago and you only give autistis a reason to post more of the same bullshit. THe shit that is posted EVERY DAY for YEARS. just fucking kill yourself

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I feel relieved that I am not the only one who thinks that the fanbase is full of retards. What a shame and what a pity and what a waste, honestly... because I really enjoyed the games but it's embarrassing how can such mongoloids be attracted to these games as well

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Games that are popular with let's players always have the most autistic audience. Undertale, Five nights at freddies, Doki DOki literature club and also Danganronpa.
It bring the most autistic people and furries into the series. I wish the game was a niche as "Your Turn to die" although even that game is already visibly bringing the same faggots who post same images and memes over and over thinking they are funny. I just wish Corona would kill autistic people.

Yea the game has been taken over by trannies long ago. The VAs all were saying "TRANS RIGHTS" on camera and even the spin off comics etc. have agenda shoved in them in translations.

It really is the let's players that fuck everything up.
Mind you the audience, and most of the time the player, barely have any standards when it comes to story telling and writing in this medium.
So if the writing is shit, where does all the attention go to? The autistic characters of course. Which this series is prone of nothing but annoying to just outright terrible characters that are 'quirky' and therefore somehow lovable.
Just get some exposure to actual good mediums.

Bad news for you, franchise is not over, they already confirmed to be working on new games that will announce this year.

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YOu can enjoy any autistic shit. The problem is that you shoudn't try to expose your shit tastes on public forums and spam it eternally every day

cope more and please kill yourself fucking autist


Because it's popular.
Look at Undertale.

>source:my ass

What else could they announce? Remake?

Fucking virgin!

>new game
I'll believe it when I see it. You're getting a shitty spinoff, probably a gacha too

It could be anything from gacha/mobile games to pachinko machines to just "enhanced edition" old games. So stop being fully autistic and having a 24/7 boner for a game that the original creator literally ended permanently last game because of annoyign fanboys like you who don't know what a fucking "End" means. Try to google it you fucking moron.

I'm a different user bro. Don't be so negative. Anyway we'll see the answer later.

Dangan retards need a new fucking franchise to ruin with their obsessive fanboyism. These are the people that make The Simpsons go on forever.

hope it's a v3 prequel

>I feel ashamed that I like the same games as such "people"
Why do you care about others peoples opinions?

This. You feel ashamed of liking DR and complain about its fandom while posting on fucking Yas Forums?

you fucking brainlet, stop posting anytime

The Simpsons should've ended like 15 years ago. Now it's a pure cringefest. But hey I always liked Futurama much more.