How did she get pregnant? Isn't she a dyke?
How did she get pregnant? Isn't she a dyke?
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Khazar’s old lover, Jesse, knocks her up before getting killed by Chabby
She’s bi and got impregnated by her Asian ex boyfriend. That makes Ellie a cuck and Joel died to a tranny
and then players are cucked by playing as Joel tranny killer
artificial insemination, duh?
>tfw this is true and not shitposting
If my girlfriend told me she was pregnant by her ex I'd tell her to abort it or give it up for adoption/to her ex to raise and never see it again. It's one thing to date someone with kids already and grow attached to them as people. But being Shanghai'd into raising someone else's kid the minute they're out the door? This is insulting as hell, and anyone who pulled this shit in my town would be thrown out - violently - of any gay social circles.
Fuck this idiotic game
Abortion is murder
The only correct decision is to break up
v-video games
How the fuck is ellie a cuck if she's the new girlfriend?
Like pottery
New jesus obviously
Surrogate motherhood? Artificial insemination? Rape? Sexual identity has no effect on the biological functions of your body.
Dykes are only dykes as long as there's no big enough cock around.
>She’s bi and got impregnated by her Asian ex boyfriend. That makes Ellie a cuck and Joel died to a tranny
Truly a game made and designed for sonybros
Th child isn't hers and she's gonna take care of it.
So this is what Sony meant when they said they were going to push cinematic experiences...
She had sex with a man
Gender is just a social construct and has no biological grounds. There's no reason why Ellie's girlfriend wouldn't be able to get pregnant with Ellie.
he meant the jew dyke you retard
Go christ here come the RWBY bumblebee tards.
I can't breathe
seek help
wow good thing this shit was leaked or a hell of a lot of people with a brain would have lost their money
the absolute state of snoy
>Ellie, eyes popped, arms broken, chocking in blood.
>The Nose, Suffers several Sever head concussions, arrows through lung, massively bleeding.
>Both left to die.
Both Still survive , the nose still gives birth.
Wasn't this supposed to be a zombie apocalypse?
shut up goyim
The what now?
Jews reproduce asexually, usually triggered by the presence of money.
Do we know for 100% sure that Abby is a tranny or is that just speculation based on her build?
what a blasphemous sodomy
>her Asian ex boyfriend.
lmao they're just trying to throw everything in this game huh?
It has to be 4d chess at this point
Well yes, Gender is in fact a social construct with no basis in reality, invented by a mad scientist who mutilated and molested two little boys throughout their youth and didn't even get thrown in jail for it.
The word people might be looking for is SEX, and if the SEX of two people is female, they can't have children with one another.
The what
Truly a true Snoy™ experience.
I guess I shouldn't expect cute yuri adventures from Western developers.
>seek help
You have a problem with what this user said? Are you aware that even women in a coma can get pregnant and give birth to healthy children? You think women in a coma can consciously decide which way they swing?
Or are you a fucking retard 1/10 troll with no brain.
>abortion is murder
>adopting children makes you a cuck
So what, we should just be dumping unwanted kids in orphanages to rot?