Did pandas ruin warcraft?

Did pandas ruin warcraft?

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No, this did.

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>fat hairy midgets

true and hour of twilight pilled

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Wrath did retard, but WoW's problems began in TBC, the fact that WotLK couldn't address the problems TBC brought along was nail in the coffin.

Obligatory post.

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At least they embrace the retardation that is wow story

Not having one canonically be into human cock did

>pandaren girls

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no that was wod

cata pvp was good

>unique zones like Desolace, Western Plaguelands and Thousand Needles no longer have their identity
>enter contested zone at 20
>level 85 literally falls out of the fucking sky and murders you
>help arrives but he just FLIES AWAY
No, Cataclysm did.

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why are 110% of all the pandas on f-list into farts, scat, hyper and vore in general?


If fucking pandas makes me furry, so be it

TFT ruined everything


because they are degenerates and subhumans
pandas are for cuddling, not this shit

People forget that a great subset of people were whining to be able to play as the panda fucks from a long time back

Pandas were a spoon of tar in a barrel of honey.

Draenei did.

This. Especialy problems with story. They destroyed most interisting characters in franchise aroud those two addons

you leave the Dwarves out of this, they are based.

>muh smol differences in zones
>muh story
You won't grab my attention until you address the very core issues of game design that WoW has.
>TBC invalidates all content and progression of Vanilla.
>WotLK further invalidates TBC and Vanilla content, setting the norm of every expansion merely being an illusion of progression, gutting a playerbase of 12million players over the span of 2-3 expansions.
And that's just one of MANY extremely and utterly incompetent game design choices made by activision.

No, but it certainly accelerated the decline of the quality of the playerbase with all the extra furfags running around

Warcraft 3 custom games were soul
reforged killed it


my brother

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It's just short four pages garbage. Forgot the source but go to nhentai then look for furry tag and you should find it.

Sounds like typical furries to me, basically all furries are into disgusting shit like scat, braps, inflation, hyper, diapers, etc.

Im not talkin about custom games

What kind of cuck faggot uses exhentai? Don't you have to send in your email and shit? Garbage.

yeah except for me

Get madder over nothing.

>muh vanilla gear
Why do you retards keep bringing this up? Did you really think that endgame gear from a time where the level cap was 10 levels lower was going to last forever? What the hell would be the point in ever questing, dungeoning or raiding ever again?

If you watch porn, its matter of time. You sill search new fetishes because old ones are to weak, just like drugg adict searching stronger stuff

Cata is a great example of why WoW is shit now
Cata had great gameplay, PvP, dungeons, and raids, and literally none of it mattered because they made the faggot that wrote Flintlocke's Guide to Azeroth their lead quest designer and let him rape the setting by turning it into the Borderlands 2 meme machine universe.

Sorry user, but as a furfag you were cursed from birth to walk the earth among the most disgusting of degenerates

MoP unironically had a Good story

There's no point in asking. Classic fags will say BC ruined it. BC fags will say Wrath ruined it. Wrath fags will say Cata ruined it. It doesn't end.


get over it it's been almost 20 years now lol

>good raids
let's be honest dragon soul was fucking terrible

Here's your raid, bro

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No Blizzard ruined warcraft. I'm sick of Blizzard not being blamed for their shitty predatory, creativity stifling buisness practices

>Why do you retards keep bringing this up?
Are you telling me that you cannot even comprehend the basic fundamentals of progression?
>Did you really think that endgame gear from a time where the level cap was 10 levels lower was going to last forever?
Raising level cap with every expansion is just a "fiat currency" of level design, it's redundant, stupid and not at all required. It creates a wide game with no depth and the core of any RPG is depth, not width.
>What the hell would be the point in ever questing, dungeoning or raiding ever again?
Rare items, dynamic items, an actual chance in having an impact on your surroundings, creating communities, a free market that can be affected by said dungeoning. I am going to ignore that you pulled the "raid" card, as it is a redundant feature and brainlet move. Just take off your "blizz" goggles for a moment and try to be critical of their game design, just for once.

>get over it it's been almost 20 years now lol
I refuse to get over the single MMORPG that quite literally is the sole reason of the MMORPG genre currently being dead.

Everyone is copying WoW in hope of similar 12mill numbers, when they dont understand that the very reason WoW saw that success is complicated. They are copying all the design choices that lead to WoW's death, not it's success.