How's your island coming along, Yas Forums? Do anything interesting with terraforming yet? Are you getting fucked by stalks? Post Dodos!
Animal Crossing
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The problem with Animal crossing isn't just the lack of personality types, it's the fact that two villagers of the same type are identical. The only differences between them are their looks, catch phrase and house style. Just adding 4 or 5 interest markers for each personality type and checking them on or off for different villagers would make the game so much more alive.
Post your favorite villager in your island RIGHT NOW and what their favorite song you think would be
Island still open with Stu making the golden arowanda.
Time to take your generals to /vg/
Yeah lets program different things to say for each of the 400 villagers, of which you wont even meet half in your playtime, good idea.
I already have that DIY
Does anyone have Lief on their island today?
that's what the golden shovel looks like?
how are some things in this game beautifully designed and the more rare and valuable things are ugly as fucking sin
Unlocked terraforming a few days ago and have barely played because of it. I have no idea what to do with my island bros.
what happened to that user who had mario party and minigames on their island
I wanna do that
Really? Post dodo please.
any southern hemisphere bros found a walking stick? it's apparently on trees between 400 and 800 or 1700 and 1900, haven't found a single one of the cunts but
I found one a few weeks ago
>Only missing barreleye, ants and flies until there's no new fauna to catch until may
>Rain day today and fruit and trash has been laying outside for 2 days now so hopefully it'll spoil soon
feels fucking good
I'll come over, do you need pears, oranges, or peaches?
He told me he likes anime and constantly naruto runs so its probably this.
I'm pretty sure that's the colorful shovel
fruit doesnt spoil in this game but turnips do.
it took exactly 1 minute for my turnip to be on the ground before ants were on it. make sure its on a long strip of land though and not a pathway because ants dont spawn unless they have enough room to walk to their hole.
Update: Celeste is here now
Nah, I'm good for fruit. Thanks though.
I think he closed :(
His entire theme is being based off of a battleship and his house is filled with oils, generators and waste.
well there's egg on my face.
well the golden axe looks dumb so i assumed it would be a trend
Nah, I'm still open.
this looks retarded
I couldn’t get your code to work
ok, can I still go anyway? that DIY sounds cool
I have a request for the user who makes the wanted posters
please make a missing poster for Winnie
Anyone have any requests for any WANTED/MISSING posters?
I drew some for a couple of Anons a few days ago and can maybe try do some more today. Can't promise but I can certainly try.
Of course.
Did you try the one in , cause that's the new one since the last code crashed.
I'm making a junk area on my island for the dupe DIYs I pick up.
This is what I got so far, but something feels lacking. Working with limited space so it cant be much wider or taller without me moving it somewhere else completely.
What do you think about the hedge fences? Should I swap them for something else?
soulmates have found eachother
bob, because I cannot find bob anywhere i go
The rest of the town is pretty dead, but Celeste is here. Would be nice if you could water my hybrids if ya pass them on the bottom right part of town.
would an irl junk area be fenced with hedges
What the fuck man kek
I will try! Either check the thread later or write down my creator code and check that later. If it's not there, then I've failed at drawing a horse.
theres no chain fence in this game for some reason that would work better.
No, but it has to look good.
Otherwise I'd use barbed wire like the good ol days.
I have one of these too and I just made it like the gamecube dump
you guys know about simple panel to acting as semi-wall outside right?
sterling is in my house, he is my husband after all
Make a wanted poster for BBC
Yes. Although I wouldn't know a good place to find a good wall design for said panel.
>Deli in boxes
>tfw grinding for tickets now
Hope I got the dominant egypt cat.
Barbed wire to make it look like an actual dump or the rope fence would look a little nicer.
only one thing worse than furries
gay furries
I used barbed wire fences in my dump
big thanks, user!
Use barbed wire instead of hedges
is simple panel a diy?
Regular item
sterling's BIG TOUCAN COCK is reserved for his wife celia only!
Do you have "La isla" hat? Can I catalog it?
I decided to go for a realistic basement
How is you haunted fake painting and statue collecting going annons ?
I have two sections in my town that are still mostly unused, and I get the feeling I'll need to clear them of trees. But I have no idea what concept I can design for there. One is just an open grassy area in the lighter populated district, near a river. Maybe a small park? The other is an empty patch of land near the dock.
Doesn't exist yet, Redd isn't on my island today and none of my friends seem to have him either.
What are the chances of him visiting?
>not making a rape dungeon that you trap anons in
Would anyone be interested in Jacob?
You talked to Blathers, right?
Is your island open to visitors by chance?
I've already got the art wing, I'm just annoyed because I thought Redd's shop having a symbol meant it would be a permanent one.
No I just found that random pic.
Speaking of which that Sterling clearly is a starter villager. I wonder how much item giving that player gave to him.
This is fucking stupid