3DS is dead soon

3DS is dead soon
Rest in peace

en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/48972/kw/limited eshop#s1q3

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noone cares?

Nintendo absolutely needs to make a 4DS.
Fuck triggered Switchlets, the "hybrid" meme hasn't worked out.

I backed up every worthwhile 3DS and Wii U game last year

How has it not?

>tfw you still haven't finished your hundreds of pirated games

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We're getting half or less as many games. The whole idea behind the "hybrid" was that the Switch would combine the libraries of handhelds and consoles. Instead Nintendo is just making fewer games overall. They even let the Mario & Luigi RPG developer go bankrupt.
And there's plenty of games that benefited a lot from dual/touch screens. e.g. Etrian Odyssey, there's a reason we still have no info on the next entry.

>buy games
>wait few years
>money stolen

why is this allowed?

This is why videogames will never be an art form. Even movies do this better because you czn buy either DVD or BD. Try buying games made 20 years ago.

>he didn't pirate his games
You either fuck or get fucked in this dog eat dog world, user.

What about Pokemon Bank? Seeing as the 3DS games can't directly connect to Home, does that mean Bank will still be kept running?

>Try buying games made 20 years ago
but I already bought FF7R

>mfw there are apparently people not pirating on the 3ds

I still need to get an external drive for my Wii U so I can download everything

That may be true, but I doubt Nintendo cares about that. Their main metric for success is profit, and the Switch is selling well. And if the Switch is leading to fewer first-party games, that's because of Nintendo's own decision making. They could have decided to make a large number of simpler 3DS-style games on Switch, but they didn't. They seem to think fewer but larger-scale games are more important to their success overall. But it's not like they couldn't easily shift their priorities to smaller titles, that's not an inherent issue with the Switch, it's just that they're choosing not to.

It's a bit disappointing in some ways, but there's no way Nintendo is going back on a strategy that's worked so well for them and separating out the handheld and home console platforms again.

In the end we're probably just going to have to accept that the DS/3DS-paradigm is over. It was fun while it lasted, but they're not bringing it back, and we're just going to have to hope that Etrian Odyssey finds its way to Switch and manages to make it work eventually.

Ah yes, "remakes"... Not gonna say movies don't have remakes but there are a lot of more in videogames.

Handheld era in general was pretty much over a few years ago. The PSP and DS were both god-tier in their own ways and while the next generation tried to compete smartphones through gimmicks, the 3DS and Vita both had their own merits.

>the transient or non-vicarious nature of video games prevents them from being art
Nigga what? This is a challenge associated with Archival and Preservation, not "art"
unless you're trying to make a case for the classification of "art" and its relationship with curation

>Limited eShop
Those ones don't even let you buy games, only insert download codes. I'm surprised they didn't close them sooner.

The Vita is such a sad little platform. It had the potential to be a wonderful system, I especially loved that beautiful display, and replacing the shitty clitnub on the PSP with reasonably good dual analogs was a big improvement. But it was never going to be able to carve out a market between the 3DS and smartphones on one hand, and Sony's own home console on the other. And Sony's shitty marketing didn't help.

>cant download the games you bought anymore
how arent people bombing nintendo's HQ?
literally stealing their games

>Haven't hacked my 3DS waiting for the support to be over
>That days is coming

*1/4 of FFVII "remake"

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How's this any different from the wii shop?
Granted, that's a very shitty market move but it's not like they never did that before.

To be respected as a higher art form you must be able to preserve your creation. Otherwise it will wash away like tears in the rain.

>update software
this is why devs releasing unfinished games or barely working games should never be a thing on consoles
if you want to play a game years later on a fresh system, you're fucked if that game needs an update that fixes gamebreaking bugs or a bunch of annoying bugs that just ruin the game experience, or if only half the game is on the cartridge or disc and the rest you have to download online

games should be released complete, anything less and you are just telling them it's ok to fuck you up the ass as a customer

The Vita was more or less the Saturn of the handhelds between the american department of Sony hating on portable consoles and the big amount of niche games it had in the library (with lot of them being japanese-only). Its native ability to play PSP and PS1 games was also great and I still own/play it to this day, mainly thanks to the hack.

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Tranny console

there are an absurd number of lost works in all mediums

Is Tranny just a label for ''thing I don't like'' like Reddit?

Fuck you nigger

Fuck me daddy owo

The fact that games have not a standard way to be archived in order for people later in years to enjoy them as if it was day 1 speaks a lot about them being form of art.
It takes me 1 hour to go to the Uffizi galleries and take a look at the hundreds of art pieces that are preserved there for more than 500 years, while if I want to play MGS2 for PC, due to its lack of compatibility and forward support I have to manually install patches, fixes and the likes.

But video games can be and are being preserved and archived.

Wow. So i might as well have pirated all that dowloaded 3DS shit. Cool.

>key redemption only store gets shutdown

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the message is that Nintendo is no longer caring about software sales for for the 3ds and soon the other eshops will shut down too

Isn't this proportionally a LOT sooner than the regular Wii shop closed down, in relation to when it was originally opened? Really gives the notion that the walls are closing in faster and faster for support from Nintendo.

I still never take the Switch out of my home. Handheld gaming is essentially dead.