"naughty dog shouldn't have done crunch"

>"naughty dog shouldn't have done crunch"
>"but no don't spoiler these shit!"
>"also ignore the stuff I got from leaking."

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Attached: i8YTvxDc_400x400.jpg (400x400, 25.99K)

No game journo would leak a game's entire story. Stop being wilfully retarded.

jason "kill all the palestine children" schreier
jason "we are living in a post gamergat world" schreier
jason "bethesda haven't responded to a single Kotaku email for 4.5 years and counting" schreier

>employees need to fight back


I bet 20 Trumpbux that the leaker did reach out to this kike, but Jason didn't want to piss off Naughty Dog and Sony so he ignored the e-mail. He's done this before.

Jews defend jews,
Todd's game wasn't kosher.

Schrier's hardon for Naughty Dog is well recorded.

He's always been extremely biased in his reporting. He pulls his punches towards studios he personally likes, and has a long-documented history of skewed reporting on genres he doesn't personally enjoy.

this pedophile should be arrested

Attached: Sorceress.jpg (928x1280, 163.32K)

Hey, all Jews aren't pedophiles.

Who the hell actually respects or listens to slowtaku?

Ov vey this thread reeks of antisemitism

isn't he also buddies with druckman

way to miss the point

Have you noticed all the naughty dog/last of us threads are being made by esls? Look at OP. No real understanding of english. What's going on here?

What is it with kikes, third worlders and sony?

He's at a new place. Even Kotaku is too shit for him.

He does have a few good stories here and there though, like about the shitshow that was Mass Effect Andromeda.

>he doesn't know the saying

they arent?

Attached: huh.jpg (253x199, 12.65K)

which is Bloomberg, making it hilarious

Source: trust me bro

>ESL fags hate Jews and trannies
Pretty based if u ask me

what about the dragon's crown initial?

Exactly, it's hilarious.

>suck up all your pain and protest in the most proper way

too bad he couldn't block this on neogaf at the time :(

Attached: DAd7jQ8.png (1303x1023, 398.63K)

It's not the same actually.
The Naughty Dog leaker who is believed to be an ex disgruntled employee had no financial incentive to leak footage from the game.
Jason Schreier on the other hand does have financial incentive to leak games.

context in pic related

This kike raped my girlfriend. She talks about it all the time. I believe her.

I'm talking about his "stance". He comes off as a hypocrite.

t. Shalom Goldstein

I really don't see the contradiction.
You can be against crunch and against spoilers.
You just don't like the guy so you're trying to pretend he's being hypocritical.

He actually replied to someone saying what to do instead and advised they reach out to him for a story, what a scumbag

Because his career is leaks lol.

It's not about spoilers, but how he sees this as an "improper reaction". Think of slacktivists getting a shocking revelation.

And then there's the fact that he leaks shit before.

>this is heartbreaking for the employee's that worked so hard on the game

Literally had an article a month ago how much of the staff have left and want the game to fail, also the studio got put through crunch twice and still hasn't had it's bonus because of the delays, Schreier usually lives for that kind of shit but here he's fawning over the bosses.