Almost 200gb Install Size with new update

180gb Download size
why are we not talking about this?
game uses same engine from Ps1 CoD games FFS and looks below average

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Big nope. Companies can go fuck themselves if they do this.

If I bought this game next week, how would I do in TDM and domination game modes being level 1?

By 2025 a terabyte will only fit 4 games

I uninstalled because of how huge it is

It really starts to get to a is it necessary? point.

I'm already good at FPS so with just the free version i made it to level 100+ in just a couple months. only one weekend of normal MP.

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Every AAA purposely does this to be at the top of the list on the players console. Most of the time its uncompressed audio files and textures.

I have it installed with the newest update and it only uses 87gb.

>180gb spyware

i only play it because my friends are to casual for real games.

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look at this poverty ridden person

>not having 2 PC's
>an gaming htpc connected to large screen + controller and a personal PC

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Is MP included in the free version? I thought it was only Warzone.

only some weekends.
otherwise only warzone.

Warzone is legitimately enjoyable, especially if you have normie friends.

But I uninstalled this week. The fucking 200gb is absurd, I won't be a part of that bullshit. For reference I have two SSD's, both 2TB, and an external. I have the space, but I ain't giving it to them.

You have only warzone, this is how the complete folder with SP and standard MP looks like

No. Sometimes you get a free weekend but you can't change the gamemode or the map, and it's only 3 maps

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>ps5 only has 825gb proprietary storage
>file sizes are already this big
Next gen is gonna suck dick

thats autism. i installed and uninstalled terabytes on my 2nd hand HD. HD are 2 b used and u got into pc gaming....u knew wat u were gettin into.

hds are used and abused in pc gaming

Don't they have separate modules? I remember back in the day on Steam you could install zombies, MP and SP each on their own.

100gb is from uncompressed campaign files.

It's pretty ass until you get the M4 at level 6.

this is being done by so companies take over your hdd and you only play their game.

sadly no, i miss Steam days as well

>180gb Download size
what the hell does take up all that space for that matter?
is it going full retard with textures or what?

textures and audio files being in .wav

dont these people realize this shit fills up a ssd

CoD players only play one game.

I'd blame sp cinematics for at least 40GB, i played it on 2K and those were very pretty and detailed.
One could mistake them for live action. I wonder why they don't go for simple ingame movies, those would cost a tenth of mocap and CGI artists and you could compress that shit better

A 1tb HDD is $30
A 1tb SSD is $100

you need to quit being poor.

That's the point, console friends get their console filled up with one game and can only play that one game everybody else is playing.
This way they invest more time in CoD, and this way they have more chances of investing more money into it

shows 86.9 gigs on mine, dumbfucks.

There were no Call of Duty games for the PS1. The first game released in 2003 for the PC.

>A 1tb SSD is $100
I don't want to have 5 SSD drives connected just os I can have 15 games on my pc

It's Call of Duty. If you're half decent at Halo, Counter Strike, or any other FPS you will do okay. This cod has a very fast time to kill though. Sensitivity to 10.

>why are we not talking about this?
Because only retarded faggots play COD.

>buying another drive just to play CoD

i have an extra 500gb hd laying around...BUT still i wont install it just for cod...or maybe i will

shits gettin ridiculous

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i was gonna install on pc but the size stopped me, literally only 107GB on xbox why so big on pC?

they added a tranny character for PC gamers. its a DLC