Did they deserve it?

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who cares

You don't pay me, i'll fuck with you.
100% deserved


of course they did
the video game industry is a worthless heaping pile of shit, and all major video game producers and developers need to be crushed.
the only games i've played in the last 10 years which were worth even an ounce of my time were ALL indie games.

not only unpaid but lefties shitting on non crazy sjws everystep of the way making them feel marginalized

>Multiple reports of sexual harrasaments inside Naughty dog studios
>Overworking employees, especially those on the animation branch, and hiring film-makers animators, making developer works harder (i.e. afilm animation is different than a game animation)
>Doesn't play employess

the guy who leaked it is an hero to the masses.

Another western developer dead, Japan runs this industry

>when the goyim backstabs the jew

1000% deserved
>Don't pay employees
>have them walking on eggshells because muh politics is more important than just working
>Can't criticize the retard that doesn't know how to communicate to each division properly
>Forces you to sign an NDA so you can't mention how god awful the work environment is and how heavily political it is or they withhold your severance package
Anyone defending ND in this are corporate condoms.

So how long until the media changes their stance on crunch time and protect employees and instead attack the employee or employees that did this leak.

neil druckmann did because he is a fag

>Just work for free goyim
100% deserved fuck naughtydog dudes a hero

Didnt jason kucktaku already whine about it despite his entire job being leaking shit

yes. fuck naughty dog


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They deserve it for abandoning fun in exchange for boring narratives.
If you told me a decade or so ago that Naughty Dog would just become some Israeli douchebag’s fanfic factory I would have laughed it off,

Can someone give me a quick rundown of what happened? Not about the content of the leak idgaf but about who leaked it and why

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It is alleged that a former disgruntled employee leaked footage of story cutscenes possibly due to the working conditions at Naughty Dog.

The employees should have leaked it to Jason so he could run it with ads. Simple as

>who leaked it
someone working for naughtydog who didnt get paid
because they didnt pay

Can I get the run down?

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>Did they deserve it?
Eh, maybe?
Who cares? It was funny, it's all that matters.

>treat employees like shiit
>don't pay them
>"do you think it's deserved"
Are you stupid? it's 1000000000% deserved, they even were a bit too nice with just leaking stuff

Employees played grabass too much and so when crunchtime came they got mad about putting in 12 hour days for their six figure paychecks and we're all having a laugh because no one worth talking to actually plays this game or cares about console shit.

>naughty dog


It's studio was literally half asian you fucktard

>ND puts everyone on crunchtime
>work conditions are awful
>employees are not paid
>some huehue QA tester gets mad and starts leaking the game
>ND goes on damage control on twitter, acknowledging that all the leaks and shit are true

>doesn't pay employees

What does this mean? For a big company, that's illegal and there are bigger repercussions than leaking a dumb video game story.

>not paid

So is a naughty dog one that hasn't been cooked?

They were paid, they are exempt employees. They agreed to work for a salaried rate and not an hourly wage. Look up FLSA Overtime Law.

Of course, fuck sony

what happened

Rundown on Naughty Dog becoming cucked? Any of the old guard from Jak and Crash still around?

fuck videogames

I'm curious of the process behind getting software out of a studio
whats he doing, just copying finished assets on to a personal drive or something?

is there any way to actually prevent someone from doing that in the moment?

I'm sure there's a difference between leaking a narrative heavy game's entire plot and minor details of yet-to-be announced games that don't specify anything other than the setting.


If you are paid salary you work as much as they tell you.
It's really that simple.

He had to defend the objective point from waves of progressively more difficult enemies while the files slowly uploaded.

this is your brain on sony

>Multiple reports of sexual harrasaments inside Naughty dog studios
>Try to be progressive and have the moral high ground or some shit

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Surely if they didnt get the work done in time that falls on the project manager and not the individual workers or was the project manager playing grabass too, the director must be lazy

Unpaid work isnt acceptable user
My last job tried getting me to do free overtime so I quit

>Yeah it's completely okay to make people work 12 hours a day in garbage conditions
Fuck off schlomo

>Game about revenge being bad
>Employees get sweet revenge with the game

>get your ass grabbed by ugly bosses who threaten to terminate you and ruin your career in the industry if you dare to tell anyone about it
>also refuse to pay workers for crunch overtime and keep pushing for +100h weeks so big boss can get his million dollar bonus from Sony at the end of the year
>your image in the industry is so bad that nobody wants to work for you anymore and the only way to find more employees is from outside of the industry because nobody there knows how shitty you treat them

"What the fuck this is unfair please be supportive of your Naughty Dog bros and avoid the spoilers! Preorder the game today and experience it PURE!"

If you are a slave you work as much as they tell you.
It's really that simple.

the leaker saved people from buying a terrible game. he's a hero.

Druckman is a jew and his second in command is a tranny.

Imagine pushing this cringey progressive message in your games but you get fucked by the employees you abused andmarginalized, simply beautiful

Are you joking?

It's fucking simple as hell.
People were getting top secret material out of U.S. bases during a time where you had to unironically check out a secret drive, log on with your secret credentials, verify your secret password on the .mil secured site.

All while being searched at every entrance and exit, going through metal detectors, etc.

If you can get information out through that, you can get info out of a fucking studio with a fucking hired guard at best.

They didn't say that it's okay they said that's how it is fucking idiot. learn how to read.

That's basically what Jason replied to someone with aswell, now he works for Bloomberg what a guy.

>It's studio was literally half asian you fucktard
so is all the west, thanks mass immigration and demographic replacement

>I can jew you but you can’t jew me
Fuck off kike

oh damn, was this an [objective: SURVIVE] situaton?

Why the fuck are you angry that I told you the truth?

Are you retards deft?

So yes, it is justified and they deserve what came to them.

For "some" reason its always the nice and progressive guys who turn out to be the biggest bigots and rapists.

>If i am nice enough to Britney she will surely start falling in love with me!
>Of course i think women should get paid as much as men if not more!
>Yes of course i am a real feminist! Here are some expensive chocolates just to show you how much i value you as a person!
>What do you mean i am ugly and you don't want to have sex with me?

work overtime for no extra pay goyim

You're supposed lie to snowflakes, user.

Most people who spoke up who worked on that game wanted it to fail, maybe not like this but it's hardly as bad as ND making them go through crunch on the same game TWICE and still not getting there bonus.

That leaker from a few months ago was so right about the whole game being a disaster made by amateur, remember 70% of the staff have walked since Druckmann became boss.

>calls someone a kike

>supports kike ideologies like not working hard to finish a product, but still getting paid

No, go back to whatever communist shithole you came from and stay there.

slavery was legal at one point too

I doubt one employee can actually access the whole project and just put it on a personal drive. I bet he was either assigned to this particular part of the game or he got access to someone who did

pretty sure that when i sign up a salary contract it also states my weekly hours
Also, are people on Yas Forums really defending a multibillion international corporation for no reason at all?

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Imagine being so much of a slave lmao

Vae Victis bitch.

the entire banking system is kike controlled
we need a new currency that isnt privately controlled

People are working from home so I can't imagine it's hard.

Capitalism at it's finest.

You get what you pay for and you pay for what you get.

I hope all the bad PR and disappointed fans were worth not paying your staff an additional few thousand dollars.

>Druckman claims to be super progressive and pro-women
>quite literally kicked Amy Hennig out of Naughty Dog by using his influence in the company because he desired her position

How come some people still haven't realized that progressiveness is a fucking scam and people only act like progressive shitheads for karma points on social media without actually standing behind those ideas?

>goyim are cattle and deserve to be treated as such

nah the problem isnt that its privately controlled, the problem is that theres a legal precident that only certain private individuals are allowed to create money

what we need is a system where everyone can create their own copyrighted currency and trade it like stocks
we need to move to crypto basically

If NaughtyDog was being landlords they deserve it.

not really, if you have access to the repo or a beta build you can copy it to a hard drive and simply get out, unless you work for the NSA nobody checks what you're doing on your machine or what you carry in and out
t. developer (not vidyer)

Sure, it's free advertising

You would be surprised what a single competent person with good IT knowledge can do. There is a reason that most IT security is focused around keeping people from accessing your network externally. If they are already there internally then you are fucked.

I'm not sure if this is his innate retardation or his jewishness.

based and mao-pilled


Then the people bitching and moaning about "not being paid" when they were paid their agreed rate should have quit also. They aren't slaves, they can leave whenever they want.
I wish it was legal again so I could by qt3.14 mulatto waifu.

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Yes, fuck (((Druckmann))) and his agenda.
Naughty Dog was a great studio before that kike took over.

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Vae Victis bitch.

Only if you add that and you wouldn't get hired if that's the case.

You guys are cry babies.
Try being a network admin and getting called in on your one day off a week because some asshole needs to use the network on the weekend and it went down for some reason.

It happens every single day to countless million people.
They have to work hours they didn't originally think they would.

Because they are on salary and are required to do a job regardless of the amount of hours that job entails.

If you don't do your job, you're in breach of the contract and you can be fired without severance.

Well no shit, that's what happens when you leave your currency to a new one that is based on nothing.

Based as fuck.


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Idealy this will lead to better work standards in general across the industry but I am kind of worried that might come in the form of union cancer.

They'll just start spying on employees more.

Jason doesn't give a shit about ubisoft or bethesda though.

>"why the fuck are you angry"


>better ways
Like what? Complain with him so he can make money with shitty website? Fuck off, the leakers did the right thing.