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>it was all a dream


Damage control

>Please assume
Doesn't mean they're going with it. They just want to blindiside us again.

So what was the point of the time jannies?

You able to give us the date this thing was posted?

Otherwise i'm going to assume that Yoshinori Kitase had a vision of just bumping up graphics of the original game and Square Enix stepped in and forced another Director to change the game in order to get as many sales as possible.

Having Sephiroth actually appear at any point before the end of temple of the ancients is a huge mistake, having Zack still alive is a huge mistake and Having Avalanche not be responsible for any god damn terrorist action is a huge mistake.

I used to read word up! magazine

Salt-n-Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine

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I lost trust in Square promises over a decade ago.

I hope they finally go bancrupt.

remember these are the same people who thought little town hero had a bigger budget than pokemon sword and shield because a gamefreak developer said in an interview that he wanted it to be just as big as pokemon

They'll surprise us with some shit. Honestly NO ONE saw this story arc. Before the release NO ONE knew what the fuck to expect.


March this year.

>Literally conceivs Final Fantasy
>Works on the best entries in the series and is a major influence
>Makes SquareSoft go bankrupt because he knows they'll be shit when he's gone
>Genuienly cool dude

Is there a man more based than this?

Attached: Sakaguchi.jpg (1600x900, 91.46K)

Thanks user... bit of a shame to see Kitase fallen so far.

Well yeah, they literally had to come out and spoonfeed u so you shut your mouth nigger

It is actually very faithful tho

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Kitase has more seniority than Nomura, remember that. And given the japanese politeness protocol this is probably the most "We kicked Tetsuya's ass for trying to pull his KH shit with this project" you can get.

To remove Advent Children from history

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>He just wants to surf all day and write JRPG scripts that will never get made into full games

>Japanese dude who's actually not afraid to have facial hair

>"we're not drastically changing the story"
>drastically change the story

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>Kitase, who was director of the original FFVII, is asked how much input he had on the remake. He says that the overall direction and concept, story and worldbuilding was left to Nomura, while game design and drama scene direction was left to co-directors Hamaguchi and Toriyama. Kitase did not make many direct requests, but did participate as a planner on some locations in the game: He says that the initial level design for the infiltration and escape from Mako Reactor no. 5 was done by him, and hopes players take notice of it.

I think everyone liked the demo, which is what he primarily worked on. So he's still a cool dude if you ask me.

I'm just providing the source. Faithful can be interpretated in a lot of ways. I'm not going to argue about that one on Yas Forums out of all places.

>and hopes players take notice of it.
>I didnt do the retarded parts guys not me I did the cool part Im cool right please dont hate me it was noomura he pissed on my wife AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>He says that the initial level design for the infiltration and escape from Mako Reactor no. 5 was done by him, and hopes players take notice of it.

Unironically the entire section on the rails and moving through the plates, with the sunlamps and all, was fun to me.

Interesting though that supposedly he got consulted so little despite being the producer.
Maybe the feedback will change that? Maybe it will turn out alright in the end.

But other than optimism I have nothing to go by.

Guys, this is a quote from the Ultimania magazine of this month. Not from before the game released.

That's a far stretch to say the least. If I worked on a project, as part of a group, I would also like people to notice what I worked on exactly, no matter how good or bad the stuff other people did actually is.

You can't have a story that isn't drastically changed with the revival of Zack, Jesse, and Biggs. This is just damage control for the blowback they're getting.

So what you're saying is they got the feedback and will henceforth try to not let Nomura nomura things up?