>”Coronavirus was cured months ago, but our son still self isolates”
>”Nothing’s changed for user then!”
”Coronavirus was cured months ago, but our son still self isolates”
I would hardly know there was a virus without Yas Forums
Silence, thot!
I'm praising the Lord in chastity and deprivation!
I'm calling the police
How hard is it for you degenerate fucks to socialise with your family for one fucking hour a day and make small talk? Pathetic.
fuck u pussy
i wish my mom had aborted me
Demiurge intended you to exist. He predestined this life for you.
How can you not be thankful for this unique gift?
Oh yeah, corona! Such a fresh topic! Take it easy, OP, I can barely breath through all this laughter.
I don't have anything interesting to talk about but I still do care about my mom and sis
just talk about your vast vidya knowledge
I don't say a word at the dinner table. My parents don't need to make small-talk because they know I do absolutely nothing of note throughout the day. I just came to eat the bare-minimum so I can go back to my room again.
Why is the food talking
>no corona-themed wojak
We're poor/lower middle-class and both of them are normies so I can't really show my powerlevel all that much.
how about no and i know my family members only want me around so i can do heavy lifting or manual labor for them, fuck that also fuck op that response was given to me last sunday when i meet my sisters husband
>get seriously injured playing football
>almost die
>organs removed
>shit liquid fury every day
>as a result, only member of my family not obese or morbidly obese
>dinnertime with the family is mostly "this is so delicious" "oh my god I love this" and various sounds of mastication and moans of ecstasy
>can't say anything because accused of being off my meds or drunk
>filled with resentment
>resentment turns to self-loathing as I realize it is jealousy and not sour grapes
Jealousy is a terrible thing made worse when you realize you are jealous but can do nothing about it. I wish I enjoyed food, but I never will. Eating and mealtime fills me with intense dread and I do not enjoy spending time with my parents or family as a result. I hate food and am bitter about not being able to enjoy food as others do. Since the lives of my family revolve around food, there's nothing else I can really do with them. All trips and discussion involve food.
>hey wanna go to the movies
>get some popcorn user
>why won't you get a hot dog user
I understand this is my fault and that makes it worse. The company I worked for went under (oil and gas bust) and I had to move back home, but I'm getting out of here ASAP.
Why can't you guys just be normal?
Why can't everyone else just be weird?
normals lie about their happiness and are generally boring unmotivated creatures that try to suck me dry of my happiness of being a lone retard that plays video games
>get seriously injured playing football
>almost die
>organs removed
>shit liquid fury every day
What fucking injury did you get?
Why can't everyone else think on my wavelength?
What an absolute waste of time that would be.
Because Demiurge predestined this role for me.
I am alive because I must end lives.
>"Hey user, how was your day?"
Don't care desu, vidya and anime > real life
Fuck normalfags
>male lead
>female lead
user you can't just compare them like that.
Moving out was the best thing that ever happened to me
I saw this as a thread header and didnt open it because I assumed it was some random shitpost comparing 2B to some dude.
I only now realize it was the tranny.
>get home
>family on voice call
>hey user say x thing lol say it
>user talk with us
>nah I just want to eat right now I'm tired
>wtf what an asshole
Internal hemorrhaging. My colon and intestines became necrotic due to lack of blood flow and a large portion was removed. I have enough to not require a bag, though, so I'm alright. I just get the shits every single day and have some slight leakage that I'm sure your garden variety faggot is familiar with.