This BTFO's "X game is SA3" fags

>This BTFO's "X game is SA3" fags

Attached: Sonic Adventure 3.jpg (1200x941, 282.55K)

You made a thread for this? Really?
I mean, I'm probably one of the biggest Sonic fans in the world but not even I would do something this dumb.

Unleashed is actually Adventure 3 though.

Attached: Sonic_World_Adventure_Logo.png (320x176, 37.95K)

Sonic heroes is so obviously adventure 3. There's no point denying it.

At best, only 06 was actually meant to be a followup to the adventure games
Ow the Edge was a spinoff, and Heroes was built up as some grand return to tradition for the series, actively distancing itself from SA1 and 2 as much as it could

It's branded as an Adventure game, but that doesn't stop people from calling 06 or Heroes SA3.

>as built up as some grand return to tradition for the series
No? It was clearly marketed as a completely new take on sonic to reach the nintendo audience

No '06 was SA3 early in development and it shows. Stop being in denial.

06 is the closest to SA3 because of it's approach and structure, it's just awful.
The other 3 don't follow the SA formula at all.

>No hubworld
>Not called adventure
>Different gameplay from the adventure games
>"hurrburrr it so obvius"

06 was a reboot, not a sequel to Adventure 2. If you're going to say "even if it's called adventure it's not adventure", you might as well close the thread and stick a dick up your ass.

06 is a reboot. "Unleashed" is Adventure 3.

SA2 didn't have a hubworld so I don't know why you think that's an adventure series trait and not a one off thing.

>The game that maintained all the character and continuity was a reboot
>The game that actively distanced itself from the previous canon and returned to simplicity wasn't
How do you people post here in your condition? Surely the mental and motor skills required to operate a web browser and keyboard must be fairly taxing for those with impaired faculties

2 games in the Adventure series have hubworlds. And SA2 had an overworld at least, not just a "select level" menu screen.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 136.18K)

You can write as much as you want, 06 is still a reboot and World Adventure is canonically Adventure 3.

It's surprising it needs to be pointed out.

> If you're going to say "even if it's called adventure it's not adventure"
I didn't claim this, literally all I'm saying is that people will still call those other 3D games SA3 because of certain elements...kinda like what's happening in this very thread.

>The actual contents of the games don't matter, only titles do
Ignoring the fact that you're too autistic to understand why people want a followup to the adventure games, I should point out that even then- it's still not "Sonic Adventure 3", you fucking retard

>2 games in the Adventure series have hubworlds.
I legitimately don't know what other game you're talking about. If you're calling a port or something an entirely different game then you're being disingenuous.
Besides that, it only takes one example of the opposite to prove that a rule is not a rule.

Functionally speaking 06 isn’t a reboot it literally builds itself off the story of previous games and still uses elements like GUN

>I legitimately don't know what other game you're talking about
I think he's talking about Unleashed/World Adventure.

>It was originally intended to be the third installment of the Sonic Adventure series[42] and subsequently, at an early development stage, had the working title Sonic World Adventure, complete with a work-in-progress logo. However, the development team began to introduce enough new innovations to separate it from the Sonic Adventure games,[43] and so a new title, Sonic Unleashed, was decided.
They literally straight up decided that it's NOT SA3.

>had the working title Sonic World Adventure
Then what the fuck is this?

Attached: 51mvHIgrwfL._SY445_.jpg (312x445, 38.56K)

The world unleashed has sexual connotations in Japan, so they had to keep it there.

How hard is it for Sega to just use the SA2 engine to make a new game? It was the best 3D-Sonic engine by fucking far

>It was originally intended to be the third installment of the Sonic Adventure series[42] and subsequently, at an early development stage, had the working title Sonic World Adventure

Neither 06 nor Heroes had that distinction during development, nor do they carry the Adventure name upon completion.

>"As a development team, we originally started off this project planning to create Sonic Adventure 3"... "In our minds, this game will have more in common with the older Sonic Adventure series. It has no relation to Sonic the Hedgehog [06] or Sonic and the Secret Rings"
-Yoshihisa Hashimoto, lead game designer on World Adventure

>How hard is it for Sega to just use the SA2 engine to make a new game?
Didn't they do that for Heroes before they had to change the engine to make it easier to port to different systems?

Now post the rest of that first quote, you illiterate nigger

Them wanting to call it Adventure and then feeling the need to change it because of how different it is from Adventure goes more against your point than for it.

After so many years I'm immensely proud of where SRB2 stands. I never thought I'd ever come back to that dumb ass game I dumped way too much time in as a kid but fuck me they made it look/sound so fucking good

Well, if that's true then I wish they didn't

How is Heroes SA3, it has more in line with the classic games, the plot is much more simplistic and the level design is more akin to that of the 2D Sonic Games. About the only thing that Heroes has to link it to the Adventure sub-series is that Shadow's past is mentioned.

That was the rest of the quote, you stupid fucking autistic retard.

Unleashed is SA3. Bury your head in the ground and don't come back for air.

Not really. The game was designed from the ground up as Adventure 3; the name was only changed for stupid Western audiences such as yourself. It is Adventure 3.

>It was originally intended to be the third installment of the Sonic Adventure series[42] and subsequently, at an early development stage, had the working title Sonic World Adventure, complete with a work-in-progress logo. However, the development team began to introduce enough new innovations to separate it from the Sonic Adventure games,[43] and so a new title, Sonic Unleashed, was decided.

Kill yourself, you disingenuous ignorant autist

>Lead Designer says game is Adventure 3
>"k-kill yourself you disingenuous autist"

This is how retarded you are. Take a step back and re-evaluate your life.

>It is Adventure 3.
It's actually World Adventure(in Japan, because of issues), lying retard.

Except that's your headcanon that you're making up based on shit you're either deliberately misrepresenting to fuck with people or are too illiterate to read correctly

If you're retarded enough to believe that bullshit of "sexual connotations in Japan", you have no right to talk to me; additionally, no right whatso-fucking-ever to call anybody a retard.

World Adventure is Adventure 3.

>World Adventure is Adventure 3.
It literally isn't. Those are, objectively, different titles.