So bros how's it feel to finally have THIS be bumped down to second most disappointing video game sequel of all time?

So bros how's it feel to finally have THIS be bumped down to second most disappointing video game sequel of all time?

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The Last of Us 2: Beat women edition is coming out soon. It will be number 3.

Wait so what's number 1?

In spite of ME3 being shit, it has some redeeming qualities; good gameplay, bimbo Ashley, cameltoe EDI, renegade choices like fucking over the Krogan.
But the best thing is Jack's loving caresses.

>But the best thing is Jack's loving caresses
She's not even in the game.

t. hasn't played the games

She has 2 minutes worth of content in the game. She's effectively not in it. A main character in the previous game, gets less time than Diana Allers.

I danced with her in Purgatory, so suck it pleb. Also enterprising individuals have used her ME3 design with Miranda to give new aesthetic delights.

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>I danced with her in Purgatory, so suck it pleb
This isn't a complain toward Jack. It's a complain toward Bioware. I danced with Jack, too.

Damn, biotics teachers look like that!? Anyone know how to get implants?

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I want to do terribly bad things to Jack. Terribly bad things that she would enjoy.

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For real though, if ME3 had spent say another ten to fifteen minutes on each of the old crew (except Jacob) fleshing out their story post ME2, via conversations, emails or poignant cutscenes ME3 would be a much better game. Imagine Jack telling the commander during a quiet drink on the Citadel how much her class has grown to mean to her.

WAY more people cared about ME than TLOU2


So where does this one sit?

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dark souls 2

Dragon age 2

Mass Effect 3 was different in the sense that it had things that you could enjoy in it (romance, character interactions, combat), it's just that main plot ruined. Never gave shit about TLOU.

Oh fuck no, this is still the worst

Because unlike Last of Us, this had both gameplay and likable characters.

Plus it had 1 more game to its name before it massively shit the bed.


God the memories of ME3 will never go away

>Mass Effect 3
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Dragon Age 2

So many terrible games put out by them. Why hasn't EA dragged them out to the garbage heap, yet?

They did lay off some of the devs, I believe and a lot of others left over time. This BioWare is BioWare in name only, not people. And I bet they will merge it into another company some day.

They really wanted those IGN points.

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Yeah, they should have brought back more squad members. Maybe they didn't want to do that because some of them can die over the series? Anyway, Beefslab was alright, I suppose.

I think it's safe to say that the people left in Bioware, are people that weren't that talented to begin with, that got carried on the backs of better developers and new hires that don't contribute to the level of previous talent. Anthem is a clear admission that Bioware stopped trying.

>Maybe they didn't want to do that because some of them can die over the series?
This is exactly why. Anyone that could be dead, was effectively dead, except Garrus and Tali that had proven immensely and unexpectedly popular. For obvious reasons.

Tali is for incels.

Keep seething

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For me it's blueberry Liara.

I can understand why they are liked, but they are not for me.

Please, let me list the ME women that are better than Tali in descending order:

Miranda, Samara, Chakwas
Liara, Kelly, Kasumi, Aria
Ashley, EDI, Shia'la
Gabriella, Admiral Xen, Tevos

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