Look at what you did Yas Forums

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all me

Why are the alt-right chuds too stupid to make videogames?

Literally who

>no matter what you see and hear, the final experience will be worth it

I love it, it's like a corporate death rattle

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A good game wouldn't be ruined by leaks.

They don't get funded.

If he felt anything for his team maybe he should have given them overtime pay

It’s the voice actor for Abby

if only you paid them, but of course you couldn’t, you’re a jew

>but no paycheck

>Heartbroken for my obedient underlings er I mean the team.

I work at Naughty Dog, don't worry about it. Everyone talks about how the "team" is heartbroken. Everyone except the team.

Don't believe people who speak for others. IF the "team" wanted to tell you they were heartbroken, they could do it themselves. Sometimes, even people on the same team can have different thoughts, because people aren't robot.s

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>it will be worth it
that's a funny ass joke you got there dev

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but jews have no hearts

Remider that this is nothing compared to the hell they will get later for being satan's slaves.

Social conservatism has a significant negative correlation with IQ.


Oh no leftbros, we got too cocky!

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This has been disproven actually. The real answer is that many games have been made by people with anti-establishment views, but you don't hear about them because they're capable of not treating everything like an ideological vehicle.

>because people aren't robot.s

A fact that I'm sure Neil fucking loathes. Don't have to pay robots.

>heartbroken for the team I worked into the dirt
Sure bud

Yoda's Foda and Soda? Whats foda?

You're talking about rightwingedness without split along social/economical lines.
I'm talking specifically about social conservatism.

Yood called it food.

The coping kike

Foda deez nuts

A social conservative would rather do something like DIY or gardening than make a stupid vidyagaem.

Oh now he give a shit about the team lmao

If working for Naughty Dog is as bad as people say it is then they probably couldn’t give a fuck or have a general feeling that the studio deserved it.

lmao maybe this wouldn't have happened if he wasn't treating "the team" like the goyim cattle they are

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that's the joke.
when it's his paycheck that's effected he suddenly cares about the health of the game

>low tier piece of shit with retarded propaganda for kids

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Yeah, they have no creativity and are only capable of recreating existing things.
Plus, video games require actually high IQ, which is something that prevents social conservatism.

Art requires that you have some emotional connection.

Haven’t posted this in a long time. Of course they want people to think it’ll be worth it.

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Who do you think makes Nintendo games?

Next time use more buzzwords in your post please. My filters missed you for some reason

Yes, that's precisely what I'm referring to. How anyone can read Chesterton and think he's somehow the lesser of Shaw is ridiculous.

>We know the last few days have been incredibly difficult for you
For having the story of a game spoilered? I mean, fuck you fags for spoiling it, but in the end it's just a piece of entertainment.

The majority of Jap Gamedevs are conservative, especially by American standards, where Japan’s Left is more conservative than America’s right.

Friendly reminder that DQ’s composer is an open anti-semite and Hitler supporter, and this pissed off ResetERA trannies when they realized they can’t get him cancelled cause they have no power over Japan.

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>he now suddennly cares for the team
top fucking kek.
what a jew

I'm sorry, I'm not the entire internet; fuck off faggot. Let them deflect and play the victim all the want in their collective delusion in the end they just want to people spend $60 for their shit.

What's Japan?


trannies and gays

Minecraft came out like 10 years ago dude.

Fuck you Cuckman I'm not paying to see a tranny killed our protagonists.

let's indulge in your RP for a moment
how does "the team" feel? do they give a shit about the leaks, secretly support the idea of rebelling against crunch, or what?

This is the same stupid argument as in
>1000 years old equivalents of scientists were all christians!

No matter how you look at it, on a large scale, the higher IQ people will always care less about religion, tradition and others' sexuality than the lower IQ ones.

why would people (most of whom are not millionaires) buy a video game that shills politics that only benefits the wealthy?

>proving his point

Reddit-tier bait lol.

i believe you. also how it was working for this game?

fuck this hypocrite. imagine pushing out one of the most (and only) acclaimed female

>Japan’s Left is more conservative than America’s right.
Only socially, not economically.

you fuckwits don't ask questions, you just shit on everything unequivocally, stop pretending you're taking a moral, ethical, or even logical stance

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huh? notch made one of the most popular games of all time

good riddance

Didn't I just tell you not to believe secondhand information?

I can answer your question though, a team has no feelings. Only humans have feelings. And cats and dogs and otters I guess.

right wing people don't put politics in their games, so every game that isn't sjw crap is right wing by default

I don't understand why people need to take their political fights out on this game. Go to Yas Forums if you want to talk about if it's bad that they're gay or muscular or whatever. I just want to enjoy the game.

According to whom, Americans?

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Why is Yas Forums baited so easily? The lowest iq board.

-s working in the industry because she didn't like your writing and then masquerading as a feminist for nearly a decade

>no matter what you see and hear, the final experience will be worth it
Why is that such a red flag to me. It's odd, I just feel like anything more than.
>We hope you will find the final experience to be worth it.
Is Todd trying to sell me fallout 76.

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Yeah heart broken for the sales right

>others' sexuality than the lower IQ ones.
what the fuck are you talking about leftist care more about ones sexuality than the right does now so much so that your sexuality will put you on different tiers of their social order

I work at Naughty Dog too. If you don't believe me, look at my username. If you still don't believe me, maybe this anime reaction face will help. Anyway, everything is fine anons, nobody is heartbroken and this is not a contrarian shitpost.
Source: an actual real Naughty Dog employee

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I'm working on mine right now! The bad guys are fascists and murderers that actually make good points and the good guys are bureaucrats and collectivists trying to convince you they're doing the right thing. You also play as a stronk cyborg girl who acts as a metaphor for transgenderism.

It will still sell and this wont negatively impact the game sales

>deplatform and push every conservative out of the industry
we will never know

I didn't though. Creating a magnificent garden requires far more thoughtfulness, care and attention than you give it credit.
The likes of Druckmann would just lay down slabs of concrete then take a big shit on them because that would be subverting expectations of what a garden should be.

People will respond to anything if you come off antagonistic on this board. Bunch of stupid fucking seals dance for their treat, even when the bait is painfully obvious.

>Children throwing money at darg-kids
PFFT lightweight, now if it was ADULTS throwing money at child stripper, maybe you'd have a post.

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Why are we only hearing corporate and not the actual devs

Cuckman is the most jewish person you can find. He exploits his workers, he's greedy, he's a liar, and he tries to destroy the western civilization through media brainwashing.

Dunno, why did progressives have to smear their political shit over the entire industry? Why whine about Yas Forums bringing up politics when it's reaction to your ilk shoveling politics in the first place? Why are you shifting blame?

>No matter how you look at it, on a large scale, the higher IQ people will always care less about religion,
Sure. But you don’t have to be religious to be conservative. Japan is once again a perfect example. There’s also a clear distinction between wanting to preserve your culture and traditions (which often tie to religious practice) and actually believing religious scripture.
Tradition is important and plenty if high IQ individuals care very much about it. In fact, citation needed on this one.
>and others' sexuality than the lower IQ ones.
In my experience, only American leftards are wildly obsessed with the sexuality of others and having a million genders.

Your politcal views don’t make you smart. No matter how much you want to slam a zinger on conservatives. You’d be surprised how many people, powerful people, have right wing views and keep their mouths shut. Idiots exist on both sides of the political spectrum, and it doesn’t take an exceptionally high IQ to be a game dev, especially a AAA game dev. It takes connections in Silicon Valley.