In Ch 16, how did Chadley get to the Shinra building? He didn't have a grappling gun, did he?

In Ch 16, how did Chadley get to the Shinra building? He didn't have a grappling gun, did he?

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He literally explains it to you the second you talk to him.


>thousands of lives and homes lost
>doesn't care because he's too busy 3D printing gods and demons
CHADley indeed.

fuck kinda name is chadley

Since he's android, i guess he has flight. If not, he's still Shinra employee so he should have access to company's transportation

Did the English VA for this twink take estrogen pills before recording?

A name Hojo wanted of his grandchild to have... if he ever had one.

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the implications chadly brings are so retarded. The fact that he's fully sentient AI is even more of a retarded retcon than the genesis clones in AC.
did they realise that doesn't fit with all the other robots and universe of FF7? why the fuck is there only one advanced AI and it's used as a lab assistant?
why the fuck would Hojo a biologist know how to program sentient AI. I fucking hate what they've done to FF7.

Did Hojo create him though? Chadley only said that he was created to be Hojo's assistant, not that Hojo made him himself. I might've missed something, but I don't recall him saying that he was created by Hojo himself. Just made FOR HOJO.

can't remember fully but then who did make him then? and why do they just let this super expensive, hyper advanced experimental technology walk around in the slums unsupervised.

Someone in Shinra? I don't know. I just know (from what I recall) is that I don't remember Chadley saying that he was created by Hojo, just FOR Hojo.

user, he is owned by a man that named his own son after Jewish tree, in case you forgot. Names aren't Hojo's forte.

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Reeve is the AI expert in Shinra

Shinra robots are really smart though? They all path find perfectly, navigate complex environments, even jump into the walls and shit. Obviously they don't philosophize but that's all AI too.

>sephiroths brother is named chadley

So Chadley becomes Cait Sith's ride.

Did Hojo give Sephiroth his name though? I was under the impression that he was mainly in Gast's care before Gast ran away. So I would blame his Jewish name on Gast instead.
Besides, Hojo isn't the type to give his experiments a name. He just uses the label for them. Even for Sephiroth himself, he just uses a label when talking about him. So don't think that he gave Sephiroth his name.


Sephiroth is exactly the name Hojo WOULD GIVE TO HIS EXPERIMENT. Mainly because the said name IS A LABEL.
>Sephiroth = Tree of Life (Sefirot)
>Tree of Life = Cetra a.k.a. Sephiroth project
Also, no. While Gast did take care of Sephiroth as well, he was in nobody's care. He was a lab rat, cared by scientist such as Gast, and Hojo himself.

>Shinra robots are really smart though?
for example?

Yet Cait Sith the work he relies on, is a bot he needs to control remotely with only some simple personalty quirks resembling sentience not nearly on the level of chadley.

What is the scene?

just realized there are still fags that don't know he is an android
can you believe this board, user?

Fuck this game.

Hojo wanting to breed Aerith with Sephiroth (which confirms that Sephiroth isn't infertile as some anons thought he was).
Yes. Hojo is pimping out Aerith to everyone in this game basically.

Who the fuck is his design meant to appeal to? Pedophiles?

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Cait Sith is not controlled the whole time
he also sacrificed itself in the Temple of the Ancients without any kind of input from Reeve

reminds me of all the digital shit in Kingdom hearts 2. Even with Disney movies set in the present they still felt the need to have a Matrix ripoff twist when Hollow Bastion didn't even have a computer the first time you went there.

I know bro, it's like some of us didnt get the game week earlier than the official launch day and play it non-stop and complete all challenges. When did Yas Forums become this casual?

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His clothes are the same as one of the npc kid models from the orginal. Head and face are like Sephiroth's nerd lil bro

To her.

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Are the summons that you summon the real deal or are they artificial constructs?

it's just nonsensical japanese design

>futuristic monocle
>school kid outift
>old school suitcase worn as a backpack

yeah because he's AI with directives he's not sentient on the level of chadley.

He was pimping her out in original as well. He wanted to mate her with fucking dog-lion thing in original. So him wanting to see Aerith gang-banged by SOLDIER and later raped by his own son is nothing in comparison to the thing in original.

Leftover blueprint of Gast that Hojo seized, or Bugenhagen left behind before he "retired".
There, problem solved.
Also did you forget Cait Sith?

Hojo probably injected Chadley with Jenova cells too just to see how it functions with an inorganic body

Yes. They are magical lore of mythical beasts extracted into materia artifically

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>which confirms that Sephiroth isn't infertile as some anons thought he was
Why didn't Hojo try to breed him before then? Back then when he had an actual control over his ass? How the fuck does he plan to have them fuck now?

Wait, I beat the game and paid lots of attention to dialogue

But where the fuck does it say that Chadley is an AI?

Imagine not harvesting her eggs. If you let soldiers and sephiroth rape her, she might cause complications to fetus and herself. If you just get her eggs, you can fertilize them all and have like what, dozens of kids without worrying if their mom is gonna euthanize them

After you complete the hardest Shinra simulator challenge in Hard, where you boss rush Summons and the super secret boss.

Caith Sith is literally a walking talking AI who sometimes gets controlled by Reeve.

Who is to say what "tests" papa Hojo pull/didn't pull on little Seph. Fact that he is certain that his son could get it up enough to knock up a woman with a baby, says alone that he already did some kind of testing regarding it.
>How the fuck does he plan to have them fuck now?
By pulling Chris Redfield on them until they fuck.

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i'm actually disgusted for putting the imagine of sephy having intercourse with aerith in my mind.all the cutscene with hojo is just so poorly done only saving grace is level design best in the game

>i'm actually disgusted for putting the imagine of sephy having intercourse with aerith in my mind
t. Sephiroth; stop being a faggot for that blonde twink and fuck that fertile Cetra already

You do know that in one of the early scripts this was actually meant to happen between Sephiroth and Aerith? It's mostly throwback to that.
Hojo, stop posting.