I just started playing this without any prior knowledge. Can anybody explain to me why the fuck some random mother decided to "protect her child" by dying a horrible death for some scumbag rebel she barely knows even though the child was right beside her and completely alone? Morover, this was presented as the first major plot point. Is it gonna get better?
I also don't play that many jrpgs so I'm not really used to doing nothing but mashing "auto-battle" and winning every fight. Why does it take so much time to make you do anything interesting?
Auto battle is less efficient than manually selecting attacks to build up the enemy's stagger scale and repeating them when you find the right combination
Alexander Brown
thank you.
John Bailey
They screwed up the pacing at the start, square underestimated how long it would take to make the game fit the story they wrote. So the first half is super slow and the second half is bizarre and poorly explained.
Robert Wilson
>Can anybody explain to me why the fuck some random mother decided to "protect her child" by dying a horrible death for some scumbag rebel she barely knows even though the child was right beside her and completely alone? Director: Motomu Toriyama >Is it gonna get better? It’s unironically the worst vidya ever written, so.... no.
Tyler Robinson
>Can anybody explain to me why the fuck some random mother decided to "protect her child" by dying a horrible death for some scumbag rebel she barely knows even though the child was right beside her and completely alone?
I only played this once years ago, I don't remember this at all so I dont think it's significant the first 9 or 10 chapters are basically a battle tutorial, it gets much better as you go
Joshua Ross
I guess that's why many devs make the game first fit the story later.
Michael Bennett
and fit the story later*
Jackson Barnes
You're in for a bad time. FF13 is notorious for throwing a whole bunch of shit at you completely unexplained, unless you find it in the Datalog, and even then it's not great. Good luck sorting out all the L'cie and Fal'cie bullshit.
Dominic Roberts
>I just started playing this You fucked up, son.
Levi Sanders
Physical attacks build the stagger scale up slower but it decreases slower Ravager/magic builds it up faster but it decreases faster Always scan/analyse new enemy types to learn their weaknesses and resistances Combat becomes more tactically knowing when to do Paradigm shifts and combination of character roles I.e. Open with defensive and status effect magic (later on when unlocked) Switch to a mix of commando and ravager to build up stagger scale Switch to all ravagers to quickly stagger when the enemies at a certain point Wail on them with a mixture of physical and magic when staggered If you need to heal, have a combo with someone still doing damage to maintain the stagger meter Customise and experiment with combinations for tougher enemies and bosses
Hudson Murphy
wow thank you very much
Grayson White
I really like the idea of splitting the main party up into groups of 2 or 3 and having them explore the world and familiarize themselves with the player for the first quarter of the game before coming together as a full unit Just the idea though. The execution was kind of bad. Also Jill Nabaat is hot but don't expect anything from her
Charles Johnson
>457830▶ > (OP) Yeah, good idea, bad execution, particularly because the party is mainly splitted in pairs while having a battle system that work the best with 3 party members.
Isaac Ross
I agree about having several perspectives for fleshing out the world and such. I also kind of liked the voice over retrospectively talking about the events, but it seems like all these great narrative tools still somehow fail to fulfill their function.
Samuel Cook
Levi Roberts
>character unironically called hope >falls into despair over the death of his mother >other character says "as long as we have you, we still have hope" this game can't be saved
Josiah Moore
Don't take the main story too seriously. It has the worst storytelling + acting + script in an English localised JRPG I've seen, and that's saying something. Probably on par with Xenoblade 2 in those aspects. Just rush through the game because there's not much to do. Don't bother with auto, don't bother grinding yet. The game opens up some 20-30 hours in. Once it does and you get the Death spell and the 2x CP item, it's great fun. You can say that's when the game REALLY starts
Hudson Wright
XIII is terrible OP, don't expect logic from the world or the characters. Go download FFVII and install 7th Heaven Mod Manager and play that with with HDs backgrounds. XIII is not only a bad FF or JRPG, but it's an awful game overall.
Andrew Bennett
I have always wondered why do jrpgs take so much time to "start" though? Is this long tutorial really worth going through? Even if it does, it's a really weird way of flattening the accessibility curve if that's what they're trying to do.
Robert Collins
XIII od unique in that the entire game is a tutorial. Bail out when you have the chance OP, it's not worth it. Play a good FF like VII, X or XII on steam or emulate a classic game. XIII will serve only to turn you off from the series and genre all together.
Joshua Gray
Because Asian retards see American retards walk in circle in half life 2 and they have this retarded conclusion that thats how everyone operates
Dominic Hall
To add to user's tips, switching Paradigms gives you a free ATB bar on a cooldown. I think it was like every one or two ATB bars you spend, if you switch you'll get one for free. The battles are mostly too easy but if you try to 5 star them it gets more interesting
Jace Walker
Get away while you still can dude, don't waste your time with this awful game.
Chase Cruz
Made worse by fully voiced cutscenes and dialogues. They just had to speak each lines word-by-word, at an excruciatingly slow pace >Is this long tutorial really worth going through? In this particular game's case, only if you're planning to play XIII-2 and Lightning Returns too. Those games are much better overall, and unfortunately do require you to go through XIII first to fully appreciate the improvements they bring
Mason Garcia
I absolutely love ff13 and its story. The story is allegorical for several things.
Music cocks too. Gameplay is a lil lame imo though
Joseph Cruz
Refund that shit OP and play a good FF game.
Joshua Rodriguez
You clearly were new to the series when you played XIII then, it's dogshit and you should feel bad for liking that trash. It ruined the fucking series with our decade with Lightning.
Aiden Walker
I actually sort of liked 13, but it could be because I played it years after release and was expecting it to be the worst game ever made. So it ended up exceeding my expectations just because I expected it to be much worse than it turned out to be. It's not really memorable at all except for some of the music. It doesn't help that the story and lore is all in some massive encyclopedia instead of just explained during the course of the game.