post vidya music

Attached: tube [].jpg (1436x750, 349.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: RE[].jpg (600x537, 54.97K)

context: Forums-external-sounds

Attached: [].jpg (768x1024, 113.71K)

Attached: ApeEscape[].gif (500x375, 1.92M)

Attached: KISSAlterEgo [].webm (640x480, 3M)

Attached: [].gif (320x240, 600.94K)

Attached: Sexy[].gif (384x464, 494.1K)

getting it right this time
i hope this sticks around longer than a few days

Attached: [].gif (320x240, 261.41K)

Attached: Evasoda[].webm (320x240, 1.83M)

I will just casually see it in other threads once it's settled

Attached: CHADDLER [].png (219x423, 150.02K)

Attached: [].gif (320x240, 732.29K)


Attached: 4 AM [].jpg (1280x960, 147.02K)

I really out to play that game again, after I think I only beat the first three missions and trouble on the fourth.

Attached: VibRibbon[].gif (1000x1000, 1.08M)

Attached: 4chan City[].webm (308x240, 1.09M)

Attached: [].jpg (400x566, 66.71K)

Attached: [].gif (179x270, 28.17K)


Attached: TFR [].png (687x817, 500.57K)

Attached: McRoll'd[].webm (320x240, 925.43K)

Attached: smithers[].png (360x360, 183.88K)

Attached: [].jpg (225x225, 4.13K)

Attached: Hong Kong 97 [].webm (1436x1080, 717.65K)

Thank you.

Attached: Lock the taskbar [].webm (320x240, 251.67K)

Ah shit, I made a version with a loop but forgot I can't post it. Next thread

Attached: Hot Nigga 144p [].webm (144x144, 107.16K)

Attached: A FUCKING LEAF [].gif (16x11, 368)


Attached: PIKAPIKA[].gif (377x289, 2.04M)

Attached: airman [].gif (200x200, 14.67K)

When I wake up there better be a billion of these sound photos scattered all over


Attached: [].gif (388x272, 1.18M)

holy shit sound threads are back?!

Attached: 1558370350195.jpg (640x480, 42.47K)

Attached: Caramelldansen [].gif (800x600, 1.5M)

there's just something really fucking funny about this audio playing when I click on that tiny flag

Based oldfag

You did it.

Can't wait to start seeing sound files in non sound threads. That way phone niggers will be missing out

i expect to see more nnd songs just spread because of this

Really wish it had MP, fighting the AI is fun for testing and all that but if I could fight other players I'd really be enticed to optimize and improve.

When's this dude making another game anyway? ChoDE was great, but imagine if he put the same concept in a less restrictive setting, e.g. just on earth.

Anyone got some good ace attorney ones?


Attached: Aca03 [].jpg (740x740, 79.16K)

Attached: F O E[].webm (480x360, 2.83M)

Not gonna work if files are temporary like they are now
And I don't think permanent hosting is possible either
The people who are willing to reupload the audio every post are few.

Fucking nice

Attached: (You) Are Super Special [].png (701x596, 73.88K)


Attached: AppleMarket2[].webm (316x238, 1.31M)

at least the guy making it knows there are people using it now so he's free to change it however wanted

Attached: kungflubutterfly [].gif (256x240, 31.86K)

Attached: [].gif (350x200, 340.12K)

let's try something simple

Attached: test [].gif (500x500, 257.44K)

What song is this?

JER KIN (now properly)

Attached: Jerkcity corp 2 [] .png (1660x793, 1.42M)

Wrong audio

Pretty good sync with music and webm

Attached: Gurren Lagann[].webm (426x240, 2.41M)

Attached: ahaha.wav [].png (496x480, 190.54K)

Don't just post the same stuff over and over

I didn't know myself but I googled it and that's the exact title apparently from Chaos Head

Attached: [].webm (640x640, 481.42K)

is there a way to control the volume for Yas Forums specifically?
I usually keep my Chrome volume up near max and just use volume sliders on sites but that's not an option here

is this Children of a Dead Earth?

Finally ahaha.wav is here
btw how long does host a file

keep it Yas Forums

How do i deal with Yas Forums and Yas Forums X duplicated features? I get two reply boxes when I quote someone now, and two versions of expanded images.

i've had files saved a year old so far because that's only as long as i've used it

You have to disable 4chans in the settings of the site

Attached: TokyoXanadu[].jpg (800x450, 72.9K)

Attached: G&P [].png (1280x720, 1.09M)


Attached: [].gif (294x266, 293.19K)

Just for you user

Attached: Why yes I do read [].png (709x709, 775.22K)



Attached: [].gif (500x448, 61.92K)

That game has some fucking amazing OST, holy shit.