Released way back in 2001

>Released way back in 2001
>Still no sign of good Xbox emulator for almost past two decades.

Attached: OGXbox.png (2048x1115, 1.99M)

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What would you even play?

>What would you even play?

Attached: 2959850-ogxbox.jpg (1783x720, 768.39K)

Why would anyone even bother?

It had the shittiest games of all the consoles and the ones that matter made it to PC. It would be a waste of time to emulate this shit.

Attached: 1586395548980.png (692x677, 537.68K)

ah yes I forgot jet set radio future got ported to PC

xbox back compat has great emulation

I just want Blinx and then I'm good. But even so I already have Blinx on my XBOne via backpat

meant for

Only M$ knows how the hardware works.

mech assault since the newest xbox cant emulate it

>You need to patch the X360 emu to be able to play all XBox games.
Bravo Microsoft.

be it in 2001 or 2021 no one give a shit about Xbox.

Haha stupid fuck you ever even try to play those games on PC? They hardly run on windows 7 let alone 10

How do dumbasses still not know about this

Xbox One X has a fucking great Xbox emulator, I just wish it supported more games.

4k Crimson Skies is bliss.

Xbox had some underrated gems, be exclusives or best multiplat. Like that one Indiana Jones game, Galleon, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, or a version of Burnout 2 with more content, or DoA Ultimate. And PDO was fucking great.

>or a version of Burnout 2 with more content
Come again?

I just want to be able to play the Otogi games

>Buy Ninja Theory
>Don't make Kung Fu Chaos BC
I'll give them a pass for now because they put the fucking statue that might as well be a big lipped nigger eating watermelon in their video announcing they got acquired but fuck that game was fun.

Attached: Chinko Stinko.png (915x623, 1008.36K)

Burnout 2 Impact Developers Cut. It was best graphic wise and had customization skins + custom ost and all the extra cars and crashes tracks

I didn't know it had more content than the other releases, that's cool.

Tell me how I'm supposed to play NGB on pc you retard. Sigma is not NGB.

Did you just use good and Xbox in the same sentence unironically?

How does Burnout 2 compare to Burnout 3 Revenge?

No one wants to emulate games that are 90% on PC and can be played on Xbox One

Never played 3. The only thing i can say is that enjoyed that version a lot

> Burnout 3 Revenge?
Burnout 3 was called Takedown. Burnout Revenge is the sequel to Burnout 3.
Burnout 2 has much simpler physics and no takedown mechanic. It's much more like a classic arcade racing game.

I had 60+ xbox game by the end of the 6th gen, and only 3 of them are in your picture. I reacquired the 20 exclusives I wanted years later, and only 1 of them is in your picture. That's how much good shit the OG xbox has. These fags don't know what they're talking about.

No, it didn't. Future is a different game.

Do you live under a rock? Xbox emulation has made massive leaps in the past year

microsoft themselves made an emulator

too big to emulate properly

There's been recent advances