I have been playing this game for over two years at this point and I can say with certainty that it will be either dead...

I have been playing this game for over two years at this point and I can say with certainty that it will be either dead or a shadow of it's former self in a year. The game is currently experiencing an enormous growth in population due to an influx of mostly furry players. I suppose the word is now that VR is a better alternative to the fursuits. As if the zoomers and thirld-world desktoppers weren't enough, the furry players are becoming a common sight in public worlds. Some of the furry worlds are also starting to become the most popular worlds the public world list, such as the foxhole world which now appears in the hottest worlds selection. Wherever you find furries on the internet, you also find a community of once creative people now crowded out by degenerate human garbage. Say what you want, but at least the degenerates on Yas Forums are disciplined and talented.

It's over.

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mate quit your whining, VRChat was a shadow of its former self ages ago, the game is populated by Weeaboo degenerates who Groom children and pinkpill socially stunted people.

The best thing to happen is for this game to close down already.

That's like saying we should all leave the internet because furaffinity is on it. It's an open platform with many different people on it.

Besides that, the new stuff made with the Udon alpha shows promise for map makers and the news about Avatars 3.0 is going to take a lot of the headaches out of content making. It's going to be better in a year.

You can see retards just from their avatars so I just mute them instantly, I have no wish to even talk to you if you look like a fucking faggot

post avatar

I'm quite sure no matter what I post you would call me a faggot so I won't even bother. it's from a armor set from Monster Hunter

thats pretty based actually. What set?

>The game is currently experiencing an enormous growth in population due to an influx of mostly furry players. I suppose the word is now that VR is a better alternative to the fursuits
oh god no

kulve tarroth

Nice taste user.

Attached: VRChat_1920x1080_2020-04-23_20-59-52.765.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

Just wait for the next thing. Maybe ChilloutVR, maybe something like Sven Co-op/Gmod VR.
VRChat sucks mainly because of how limited and ass 'gameplay' is.

No person with a functioning brain would ever touch vrchat. It’s always filled with the mentality ill societal outcast that still tries to seek a sense of belonging in a social group even if that means being groomed.

Honestly it’s probably society’s fault but on the other hand it’s a containment zone for these freaks to have a sense of purpose before they kill them selfs.

The game would have been way better if the fucking developers wasn’t child grooming weebos themselves. Tupper is known to have erping session with underaged every weekend for fuck sake.


>VRChat sucks mainly because of how limited and ass 'gameplay' is.
Check out the Udon worlds.

>The game is currently experiencing an enormous growth in population due to an influx of mostly furry players.
you mean anime faggots? cause thats literlaly the only thing I see in that game

Well, guess I'll have to.

they're barely functional and very underwhelming.
Animefags have been in the game since it was created, as MMD Models take minutes to port over.

vrchat has always been secondlife for normies

it's time to come back

Attached: Firestorm-Releasex64_7E3GjxCErM.png (533x813, 379.74K)

It already is shadow of it's former self.
It only serves as a place to find foreigners to learn their language anymore. Except most of the japanese are scared to go to public rooms thanks to retarded weebs.

Generic trash. I would kick you out.

There's still a lot of 'testing' phase stuff but the ones in the Udon Spotlight list are pretty stable.

The videos don't give any hopes for them though.

What the fuck is it's former self? It didn't take more than one month after the knuckles-peak for the tranny/e-lationship to begin to form

Attached: 1554254728296.png (557x676, 379.41K)

okay e-boy

ban players not using vr

Game is a buggy mess good ridance rec room is more fun anyway if you're not there to fuck men with girl a avatars

The very start of VRchat was the best though.

You are trying too hard. You probably don't even speak 日本語 so whatever. :)

>go to club
>everyone idling while dancing/waiting for IMs
>go to room
>everyone looking at themselves in the mirror
>chatting and having a good time
>1-3 of them begin to touch me all over, playing with my phantom-sense
I dunno, it's pretty hard to go back.

Attached: [image] Aphex Twin.png (750x442, 71.2K)


>95% of the playerbase gone
There is literally no point having vr in vrchat, because there is absolutely nothing to actually do with the vrset. Kind of ironic, don't you think?
>inb4 udon worlds
They really aren't that impressive, and you can't really CHAT while flying around.

>1-3 of them begin to touch me all over, playing with my phantom-sense
how do you achieve this, verytime I enter a room in VR they dont bat an eye at me

Use cute avatar instead trying too hard with your game avatars.

% of the playerbase gone
the authentic definition of "good riddance"

i say again for the hard of hearing, the poor of understanding, and the small of mind
ban players not using vr

The ones with flight are pretty fun with motion controllers. Either aiming hands to thrust about Ironman style or 'swimming' through the air. The one with the robot arms is neat too, since they not only climb but you can 'throw' yourself in the air to get up buildings faster. There was also one somewhere with function copters and planes but I guess that slipped the list since it's not motion sickness friendly.

Again, it's testing stage stuff for a coding thing in alpha but it's already shown what it can do and how smoothly it can do it.

okay boothfag

so this ''''''''''game'''''''''' is just second life for youtubers

>I bought useless machine so others need to be outed out so I feel validated
I love vr tears.

Miss me with that gay shit.

I was running around as Pim from smiling friends I thought that was cute enough to warrant attention, I seriously dont want to take the anime pill if thats how far I'll need to go

Fuck VRchat

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