Bigger than Joel

>Bigger than Joel
>Faster than Joel
>Stronger than Joel

Abby is coming, it's over mi TLOU familia

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>literally a mans model with long hair and a womans voice

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Nah Joel is bigger he's 6ft something, she's 5'6 at best

she's on roids, she has to be

>Finally, she's here for you
>It's the last member of the TLoU crew!
>This woman so strong, it isn't funny
>Can make a straight man cry out for mummy
>Can pick up a boulder with relative ease
>Makes crushing balls seem such a breeze
>She may move slow, he can't jump high
>But this girl one hell of a guy!


Fucking kek

>imagine taking videogames that serious
hahah senpai

Isn't that primarily what everyone is laughing at about this game after all?



we got too cocky familia bros...

one last corona before it's over...

Who is Joel? Who is Abby? What am I looking at? Why are there so many goddamn threads about this game up the past 2 days holy shit do you people actually play these shitty movie sjw games?


We play games unlike you, yes.

Is Abby actually a tranny or are we just memeing?

Sounds like you watch games bruh
Some dev at naughty dog leaked a bunch of shit about the last of us 2 as a fuck you to the company. Now fans are pissed, Yas Forums is memeing, and there seems to be genuine damage control posts from the company. For someone with no stakes in it, it’s been amusing.

No one knows yet but she either is or takes steroids. Some girls aren’t actually girls either, doctors remove the genitalia when they’re born if they have both without telling the parents. Look it up.
So who knows. Even if the writers say she’s just a girl I’m still going to be skeptical.

Roid rage.

She's the first member of the DK Crew

Yea, that really fucks the kid up. But I’m not here to discuss trannies, I just wanted to know about the game.

I would guess not, her model is a biological woman on roids.

>faster than joel only because writers wanted her to be
>stronger than joel only because writers needed her to be

TLOU power level charts when?
Abby "El grande Madre" must be at the top

It’s not a visual novel, dickhead. There’s actual gameplay. There was online multiplayer in the first game too that was decent for the time but they’ve taken it out of the sequel which sucks.

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So this is the power of GOMAD + SS...

Oh I see then. Why exactly was the dev pissed at Naughty Dog? What is the biggest spoiler he posted from the “game” and how have ND responded?

Wait, I’m thinking of the botched circumcision that resulted in one of the first mtf attempts.
But either way, here for vidya

Hold up its a pandemic and they still have enough food and trt to look like this?

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does christine have a chance of surviving the apocalypse?

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>holy shit do you people actually play these shitty movie sjw games
yeah, Yas Forums actually love movie games is obvious

You realize the pandemic has already been going on for almost 30 years at that point? Try to use your brain a little.

>writers needed her to be
They really didn't. A somewhat in shape woman could getting a guy in the head with a pipe is hardly out of sorts with what Ellie has done before.

bitch, you see us on the news killing ourselves over it? No.

I’m just projecting because I’m such a big MGS fan.
They were pissed because of rushed deadlines and ND holding back bonuses or something. Something about “crunch time” sucking.
Biggest spoiler is that Joel, the dude from the first game, is killed by Abby, the “girl(?)” from op, and not Ellen Page gets beaten up by her, then you have to play as Abby later supposedly.. Like I said, I didn’t play the first, but there’s been a lot of shit flinging.
You have people saying the dev shouldn’t have ruined the game for people who want to play.
You have people saying if a game is spoiled and that renders it unplayable then it wasn’t a good game to start with.
Then you have reddit trannies and pol nazis doing their usual song and dance. So who knows how much of that is planned to derail threads, and how much is just Yas Forums in 2020.

Isn’t Joel really old now as well? It wouldn’t take some beefed up girl to take him down.

Well, what’s the hold up? Get to it already.

>black, hispanic and asian minorities beat down the protagonist while the stronk tranny kills the old and outdated white man
Wow it's almost like there's some kind of agenda being forced here. Good job Cuckmann.

The only Yas Forums meme I'm okay with seeing on Yas Forums. It's genuinely hilarious regardless of the context.


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Thanks for the rundown user, that’s hilarious lmao I can’t believe people will pay $60 plus tip for this shit HAHAHAHAHAHA SEGA ALWAYS WINS BABY

Abby trashing a GameStop shouting 'IT'S MA'AM'


Unless getting roided is very easy in a post-apo world, there is no way Abby isn't a tranny.

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