What did Almighty mean by this ?

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So much kino on the psp that is unfortunately forgotten due to the platform being both dead and niche

Move forward

What if a you were walking through a dark alley and suddenly from behind you heard PON PON PATA PON

How long did it take you to first DON DONDON DONDON?

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Book it.

Gone? Yes. Forgotten? Hardly. Sony's last real franchise if you ask me.

Half a day because the emulator was shit and completely out of sync.

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I would do a lot to go back and stop this concept/game from becoming a sony exclusive. This is part of my childhood, and I really do believe that being an exclusive is the reason no "new" games are coming out for this series. Yes i am zoomer.


tfw i used to play this on my psp while on the phone with my gf and she liked the songs

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>a literal side-scrolling rhythm monster hunter with little walking eyeballs as characters
People would be all over this shit if it wasn't trapped on a dead console, much like every other sony exclusive

That is exactly what i am saying.

It meant a good childhood game that taught kids musical rhythms and tales of heroism instead of learning how to attention whore on social media and suck nigger dicks

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>People would be all over this shit if it wasn't trapped on a dead console,
What's stopping sony from releasing patapon 4 on a new platform exactly?

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Literally got re-released on PS4 and there's a number of clones for mobile devices. People just don't care.

I think it is more the company than the actual console it is on.

So we all agree, right?
2 > 1 > 3

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>re-released on PS4
After more than a decade of nothing just to die the second death on the second dead console?
>clones for mobile devices
Never seen a single one but I'm assuming they're all obviously copying the soulless third game which is barely patapon and is obviously going to be outclassed as far as soulless mobile shit goes.

I never got to play 2 because I was a poorfag. What made it so good?

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It's just a straight upgrade to 1 in pretty much every respect.

March forward or DIE

>3 dead last

3's hero was OP as fuck

Yeah but he was cool and chuuni, meaning I was cool and chuuni

>1 was the basis for what the game would be like
>2 is just way more of 1 but also way better than 1
>3 goes off in a completely different direction that doesn't compliment the gameplay of the first two at all while also being a grindfest

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Is this game emulateable? I want to play it but am a PConly.

you make a good argument

It's a rhythm game so you might run into issues depending on how bad your input lag winds up being.

I jerked off to Naughtyfins as a teen.
Several times.

is there even rule 34 of her?