Adventure time - BEST OPTION. This event has the most versatile things in it, has a dungeon crawl that even new players are able to do, and can reward unique event only items. Pick this if you're not a retard.
>cons - everyone and their mother will recieve reflective shades making hypno glasses worthless
Doctor Who - Good option. Comes with a puzzle and easy access to a secret area. If you don't know how to solve the puzzle, you probably won't figure it out, so only pick this if you are a powergamer who knows the answer to the puzzle for sweet unique items or just want the screwdriver for time travel on demand.
>cons - only experienced players can get the most ouf of this event
Game of Thrones - WORST OPTION. Comes with almost non-existant passive depending on the house you pick, provides almost no in game advantages, poorly designed event, and leads to not a single unique thing.
>cons - No content, only good for reaching places you can easily achieve by other means
Adrian Powell
If you haven't played before this is a slow to fast paced game where you acquire skills and items that you can use to fuck up other players on any turn. Everything has it's own description in it
Samuel Cooper
One more player to start
William Campbell
Is boardgame truly dead?
Jose Diaz
Remember the cowboy in the bar is gay. You lose 1 speed if he fucks your ass