What makes it so good?
What makes it so good?
It managed to be dark without being broody while also having a fun, whimsical world
It's not. Missable items are the biggest mistake
Why the fuck aren't Burmecians playable in 14
I'd actually play it if that were the case
The long load times makes it extra kino.
git gud
Because it reminds me more of ff6 than either 7 or 8.
Nothing, it's garbage
Justify 9 being that low
i couldn't make a more shit list if i tried
A huge let down after the genius of FF8. A step backwards for the series.
Soulful music, which is the heart of a jrpg.
The card game is fun as fuck. Sometimes I'll turn the game on and do nothing but play cards for a couple hours. Sometimes I do that for more than one session in a row, and then I need to look at a guide to remember what I was actually supposed to be doing five play sessions ago.
Ugly character designs
Dumbass plot about death
Mc has a complete 180 personality near end despite him motivating everyone else through their troubles
Overworks is boring and not worth exploring
FF6 and FF7 have far more in common. Did you mean to say that 9 reminded you of FF4?
I can't take seriously anyone who rates 13 that high, sorry.
>Ugly character designs
>Dumbass plot about death
>Mc has a complete 180 personality near end despite him motivating everyone else through their troubles
>Overworks is boring and not worth exploring
the cast
Extremely poor take. The card game in FF9 was woefully shit and relied far too much on RNG as opposed to skill.
Thankfully they realize the chibi cartoon aesthetic was a horrible decision and they went back to realistic proportions with 10.
not that user, but you don't ask someone to defend their claim, then retort with that low level shit
might as well be on plebbit if structured responses are met with WRONG
This is how people on Yas Forums argue though. If you want intelligent discussion go to reddit
14 sells exclusively on weeaboo fapbait.
14 is a shittastic, recycled 11 asset packaged that had to be redesigned twice
The only reason it even has a player base now is because it's a wallpaper simulator and ERP dungeon
character designs just look so average
even the original 7 better, because it look so bad it became charming after awhile
True tier list:
B: X
the rest are not truly FF and i honestly haven't played VIII
Vivi ded
This really isn't a valid description. If anything FF9's cast is extremely eclectic and intentionally absurd. First of all they are all chibi style which is not average by any means. Steiner looks like Buzz Lightyear which stands out hard in a JRPG environment. A majority of the main cast are all unique designs, Vivi being a callback to FF1's Black Mage but in higher detail and with more characterization. FF9's strongest suit IMO is its willingness to create weird, silly, whimsical characters to match the setting.
>FF7 and FF8
>Some literal brainfucked retard designer thinks that what the fantasy RPG genre needs is a bit of 90s EXTREME ANIME with shitty sci-fi garbage and super-serious characters like it's Gundam Wing or some shit.
>Literally every character has to be a chiseled supersoldier badass who swings 10 swords and mopes around melodramatically while slaying nameless soldiers on top of a giant robot with guns and shit.
>Actually a fantasy game that doesn't take itself too seriously and isn't afraid to make characters that are interesting and have unique personalities and it's not a fucking rainy weepy melodrama.
Let's be honest with ourselves; No one actually enjoyed FF7 and fucking NO ONE ON THE PLANET liked FF8. People don't even pretend to like that shit ironically to shitpost.
>GOAT soundtrack
>pleasing aesthetic
>good story pacing and a constant sense of progression
>ATE being one of the best things to happen to an RPG with a strong cast
I know the battles themselves are slow but I also really liked how you learn abilities through equipment so you're constantly looking for the best weapons or cycling through equipment.
>not a fucking weepy melodrama
I don't know, some part of FFIX are pretty dramatic. The rat people got absolutely fucked in this game.
idk user i love FF9 but I still love FF7 too. I've been thinking a lot lately about the title music of FF9 compared to FF7. Like you said, FF7 is so absurdly melodramatic while FF9 is light, whimsical, and fun. But I get chills listening to the FF7 prelude because it's incredibly dramatic and melancholy. FF9's excites me, gets me ready for a fun adventure. It's a different feeling and both are good.
i have never played FF8
Based retard
Although I agree with 12
I might try this off of Steam.
Any required mods for a proper experience besides Moguri?
>some part of FFIX are pretty dramatic.
If you don't know the difference between drama and melodrama, then I think you may have brain problems. All stories have drama, but not all stories are melodramatic.
The body type won't let them use the regular humanoid cosmetics.
Why is there a FFIX thread every day?
Switch XII with XI and X with XIII and you might be on to something.
>S: IV, IX
mellow drama is the chillest kind of drama idiot
Devoted cult like fanbase
We want more games like it
squarebots don't know how to proceed with the 7remix threads so they're starting these for some on-brand cross-promotion
got jealous of all those ff7 thread
Because Square was firing on all cylinders during the PS1 era. The policy of only allowing a maximum of two years of dev time for every project definitely helped as well.
Here is my tier list
Haven't played any others, thanks for reading my blog
It's not. Gameplay is shallow and disgustingly slow.