"sir, why would you want a remake that's 1:1 with the original game?"

>"sir, why would you want a remake that's 1:1 with the original game?"

>"because the original game was good"

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Then just play the original you fucking goon.

>"but sir, telling the same story is boring, just play the original"

>"play a new game if you want a new story instead of rewriting an old one"

Attached: tumblr_pvbj659O4c1wxy4xzo1_400.jpg (400x469, 12.03K)

Remaking a game is actually very risky business. It's easy money on paper, but there is lot of goodwill that gets gets squandered by very careless and lazy practices. Link's Awakening, for one, was so damn contentious even though it imported most of the progression wholesale with minimal changes to gameplay simply due to the aesthetic style. Samus Returns, as I understand, isn't very well received simply because they made a modern-minded Metroid game, as opposed to Samus Returns. Shadow of the Colossus (PS4) is almost 1:1, but I'd argue that there aren't too many moving parts.

This whole FFVIIR on the other hand, is a giant wankfest that will induce a third wave of FFVII cringe; the first was FFVII's release, the second when Advent Children hit, and this third one will be the product of what happens when a character designer becomes a director. No one ACTUALLY likes NGE Rebuild, and I gaurantee with the next "episode" (assuming it does release) no one will actually like FFVIIR.

Shouldn't the first wave be Kingdom Hearts?

Based. Remakes are dumb.
If the original was good trying to improve it will likely result in something inferior, and if the original wasn't good then that budget and creative energy would be far better spend investing in something new.

I played the remke but no the original

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>"but sir, it's called a remake, not a remaster. they have to 'remake' the story."

>"calling it a remake while expecting players to know the original story and changing the entire narrative is objectively bad story design"

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I feel like it's reasonable to lump KH and Dissidia in that second wave of "Square Enix smugly wanking itself over how cool and successful Cloud is". It's that late 00s energy where they didn't yet think a full on FFVIIR was monetize able and they were trying every way to continue to monetize FFVII's wake.

Ok, so what's the fucking point of doing a remake then?
I'm not arguing for different remakes, by the way, I'm wondering why anyone who supposedly thinks the original is a great game would think it should be remade at all.

Stop being so obsessed with nostalgia, ask for NEW games instead of rehashing things you recognize.

If they're gonna do remakes, it should be for games that sucked but could have been good. Remake Mass Effect 3 or Andromeda. Remake Resident Evil 0. Remake Legend of Mana. Remake Skyward Sword. Games full of good ideas that were squandered or ruined.

>"b-but sir, then what's the point of remakes anyway?"

>"to remake a classic from scratch without tarnishing what made the original great to begin with, letting fans relive an old classic in greater detail and bringing in a new audience. telling a new story and that expects you to know the original narrative while calling it a "remake" goes against what a remake is in the first place."

Attached: OFJy8yiZ6GoqKSLnBvozq3sJBGLyGNIoTTMbHqYkRTQ.jpg (1080x1331, 101.63K)

>Ok, so what's the fucking point of doing a remake then?
To update the graphics and refine any problems with the original gameplay, obviously.

>Remakes? Just play the original.

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who gives a fuck retard, the game is fun and that's all that matters. it sold really well too so looks like you already got btfo

>pic unrelated

Who are you quoting?

>who gives a fuck retard, the game is fun and that's all that matter

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Why is that necessary? Just make a new game.

gigachad already got you

>"to remake a classic from scratch without tarnishing what made the original great to begin with, letting fans relive an old classic in greater detail and bringing in a new audience."

>"b-but sir, then what's the point of remakes anyway?"

>"To sell an old game at the price of a new one"

Attached: 1571247073345.png (600x635, 51.89K)

>"why yes, i don't mind paying full price for a classic game that was remade from the ground up with new art, a remade soundtrack, and refined gameplay while staying faithful to the original story"

Attached: unnamed (2).jpg (500x500, 25.54K)

BASED gigachad
How does he keep winning?

How many pics of this guy are there, jesus christ. Just when you think you've seen them all somebody posts a new one.

>sir why do you want make a remake?
>too fuck things up lol

"Greater detail" doesn't add anything significant and a brand new game that lives up to that classic would be better.

Do you need old movies to be remade with modern actors, CGI and digital photography to enjoy them more? No, because part of the charm of the original is those very limitations of its time.
Having brand new HD graphics is a novelty at best that will wear off by the time the game is over, your memories of the original will still be stronger than the remake, whereas a brand new game would be a whole new memory that would stick with you much more than a simple rehash.

Would you rather look at some photos of you and your friends on a camping trip, or go on an actual camping trip with your friends?

>"miss, why wouldn't you want a remake that's 1:1 with the original game?"
>"because I want to see how the new generation of developers handle the game from a different perspective without straying too far from the original story. I believe that a remake should capture the younger audience through the story it was intended to, while introducing new quality of life improvement using new technologies."

Attached: giga.png (1080x1344, 581.33K)

If you need to remake your game you fucked up the first time. Now you can fix it, there's no discussion to be had.

I didn't know having a fucked up chin meant you were retarded

holy shit she fucking killed him. rip gigachad

>"sir, why would you want a remake that's 1:1 with the original game?"
>"play a new game if you want a new story instead of rewriting an old one"
Truly a chad.


Attached: 1559883662209.jpg (300x240, 9.74K)

Samus Returns was pretty well received by people who actually played it.

>letting fans relive an old classic in greater detail and bringing in a new audience. telling a new story and that expects you to know the original narrative while calling it a "remake" goes against what a remake is in the first place."

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>"sir, why would you want a remake that's 1:1 with the original game?"
Because what I want is the same game with graphical updates. Graphics can't make a bad game good but they can make a good game great.

Gigachad posters are console users.

No wonder they're chads. Bet they don't pay for online as well.


Then they should make a brand new game instead of relying on the original game's coattails.

someday it will happen.... and then will be no need for me to replay these year after year...

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Remakes are only good if they actually add stuff they wanted in the game but couldn't because of technology or time limitations. Like adding missing story elements or areas, or polishing the gameplay up.
Like Dark Souls Remastered should have been adding to late game areas and impoving the gameplay so it's a good balance between DS1 and DS3