why are video games soulless now?
Why are video games soulless now?
Greed over creativity and everything else
unironically capitalism
you're just a lazy cunt that can't be even bothered to play games. Keep on complaining instead of doing something. It sure is gonna change
I miss my dad
There's nothing wrong with video games. The problem is you.
Maybe try moving on with your life, and once you don't spend 20 hours in front of the screen 7 days a week and come back occasionally, you will see that video games are still fun.
effort goes into pretty graphics
>play games
>have fun
>mfw I'm having fun
Nobody cares about making a fun video game to escape from the troubles of life with anymore. Its either greed, politics, or laziness that they infest their games with.
Because you keep eating AAA games
Go indie or go home
>tfw my dad was in his 70s
>tfw my dad only ever played one video game: Subspace Continuum
>tfw he died 3 years ago
He played Team Fortress Classic with me a few times, and Mechwarrior. I wish he and I spent more time together. I regret not going to the park with him all those times he asked, I would give almost anything to spend an afternoon with him again.
I miss you, Dad.
Normie intrusion into the hobby and specially by people that don't care to understand the culture and demand it changes to fit them
Even the years when the dudebros got into games were better that right now
This, a billion times over. Get the fuck out of your room. Go sit out on your porch or balcony or on the stoop in front of your apartment building. Just fucking sit there. Enjoy the world for the good and the bad as it walks by you.
Get a perspective that isn't sitting in your room plugged in to everything 24/7, and you'll probably feel more desire to go back and play shit. It took me getting a job to really want to play vidya again. When I had all the free time in the world? I couldn't be assed, and I just sat here, browsing Yas Forums all day and night.
imagine spending a bunch of money for a mechanical rgb keyboard, a special gaming mousepad, two giant ips monitors, whatever fuckin headset, DX racer chair and then losing.
imagine spending all that money to be bad at video games
i wish i as this delusional, i bet you're all zoomers who never played real games as kids
It's tacky but I always liked the RGB light shit on things
There are dudes out there who will spend thousands on a computer setup just to play 10 hours a week. I bought a VR setup and I at least play it a few times a week.
>those days dad played SNES with me
simpler times
Video games are still fun, you’re just not looking in the right places. There’s over 40 years of video games from all over the world out there to play, user. Drop the mainstream AAA shit and try something else.
I bet you don't have fun playing video games because you think they're soulless
I'm 30. Games now aren't good, but old games still exist. If you're not playing those, why?
videogames were always souless. look at atari or nes shit. do you think they made those game for fun? they just eanted the money of brainless children
> those days dad took my to the arcade to play fighting games even though he sucked at them
i hate my dad now, wtf happened
>old games still exist. If you're not playing those, why
im , which is what making me think gaming will never be as good
b-b-but indies are bad
What fucking zoomer tells people to chill on the stoop? Dumb fuck.
I spend my time as I damn well please and I do many other things aside from vidya, but it's still my main hobby and it's fucking shit right now
That's nothing to do with me
i tried giving more popular games a try, fortnite,vaolorant, movie games what ever these kids play these days, i always start playing with with open mind only to be disappointed
Based funanon
world of warcraft which i played my teenage years is fucking horrible blizzard is gone, i dont have any other MMO to play
you being a depression faggot.
I dunno dude. I'm playing Dood eternal, AC New Horizons, Granblue Versus. I'm gonna play FF7R after I beat the classic that I just bought on my switch. I jump on RE3 Project Resistance. Games are great right now and they're all fun.
my dad tried to play games with me when i was younger but he was a boomer and sucked. i thought i hated him but now hes gone and i realize that we were just products of different eras.
Holy shit, that head is fucking huge.
well im glad you think so user
capitalism does not stop you from making your own game commie
My dad almost got into gaming with me when we played Soldier of Fortune 2 (great parenting, I know). One day I came back from school and he told me he played ever since I left and didn't notice time slipping, he could see how this could become a problem, so he stopped.
im sorry user
I mentioned those specifically to say there are a bunch of different genres that are all making good stuff. I don't make myself care about games that don't appeal to me for whatever reason. Tailor your experiences if you think """"""GAMES""""" aren't fun or don't have soul
>that time dad installed Quake 3 and F.E.A.R on PC after seeing me enjoy medal of honor on cousin's PS2
Worth mentioning that he was a massive fan of Unreal tournament too
>just play a handful of boomer games over and over
>throw in some mods to change things up
>have all the fun I need
>when eventually starting to get bored, just shitpost on Yas Forums about them
>often learn about a new mod or a cool boomer game I don't have yet
>never feel the need to buy a new game
Life is good.
My dad deliberately didn't get into video games because he knew that he'd just get absorbed into it and the arcades would eat all of his money. By the time I rolled around he never developed hand-eye coordination well enough to play video games, and knew that even when I was 5 years old while we were playing some racing game, even though he wasn't actually trying, he knew that if he did actually try he'd still lose.
soulful mid-budget games can no longer exist. It's either AAA budget games or indie shit budget games
It has everything to do with you. You're just too stupid, your perspective is so limited, you don't even understand what is happening to you. Sure you can do whatever you want with your time, just don't be surprised if you spend it stupid ways, you end up like the depressed fuck you are.
You have only yourself to blame in this situation.
>THQ Nordiq
>dad tried playing mario tennis
>wow this peach character sure is hot
never knew he was based until much later
Games started being absolute dogshit around 2006 when dlc and obnoxious anti-piracy measures became the norm