Why did the Resident Evil 2 remake become a huge mainstream thing/meme and Resi 3 just kinda whimpered...

Why did the Resident Evil 2 remake become a huge mainstream thing/meme and Resi 3 just kinda whimpered? Is it the pandemic or is it just not that good?

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Mr. X was memorable
Nemesis is a scripted boss you encounter 3 or 4 times.

REmake2 is good, REmake3 is not.

2 had good memes and was actually a good game.
3 wasn't.

3 doubled down on the flaws of 2.

That ugly fucking Jill redesign probably didn't help. Hope they don't fuck up Ashley like that.

>AAA ots zombie shooter
They're basically the same thing. Both are basically linear and have mission objectives telling you where to go or what to do.

>Is it the pandemic or is it just not that good?

RE2 was always the more memorable game and had two different characters to experience the story with and RE2 Remake basically recaptured all the things that made the original great and translated it into a super gorey and realistic engine while mostly respecting the original. It doesn't hurt that it's down to $15-$20 depending on where you look.

RE3 doesn't seem to be nearly as fondly remembered compared to RE2 / CV / RE4 and the remake removed much of the gore from RE2 Remake while scaling down the game world to streamline it for a more cohesive experience with little replayability beyond "grind invisible points and objectives to get game breaking items!" like infinite ammo weapons or regenerating health items that you have in your inventory to work. Add on the dumpster fire that is Resistance to justify a $60 price point with Capcom not looking to add content to either game beyond launch and it's just bad news bears all around.

RE was always a linear franchise, even the PSX games

Why do you lie?

Why you don’t believe me?

The original RE2 was better than the original RE3, next question

Isn't that frustrating as all fuck? How the fuck do you learn all the wrong lessons? Everyone hated that RE2 wasn't as faithful as it could have been, so they short change RE3? All they had to do was give Nemesis the capacity to run away when damaged too much. He can sprint, which makes him harder to flee from than Mr X, but he isn't invincible which makes Jill more badass. Instead he just sorta shows up a couple predetermined times.

Also the zombies going back to disappearing is lame as fuck. I've always hated that ever since it was introduced in the series.

Resident Evil 3 wasn't that good compared to RE2, this has been true for years. It was a shallow, cheaply made, quick release in an effort to ride off 2's phenomenal success. It just happened all over again.

>Isn't that frustrating as all fuck? How the fuck do you learn all the wrong lessons?
Probably because it's cheaper to cut things and Capcom wants to maximise profits. They learned exactly the lesson they cared about.

Because RE 3 has a female protagonist and gamers hate women. While RE2 had Leon as the only played character (BY the stats capcom gave, 99% played Leon AND ONLY LEON, didn't even touch Claire's 2nd run).

RE2make had more novelty and RE3make was overall a much worse game.

RE2make is less linear than the original. The "mission objectives" just state the obvious and are pretty pointless.


>The "mission objectives" just state the obvious and are pretty pointless.
I found them pretty useful when playing with long breaks between sessions.

RE3R did one great thing. It made me finally go back and play the original RE3 and I loved it.

>Fondly remembered
Nigger how high are you

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Yeah I guess that would be their only purpose, I never stopped playing the game long enough to forget what I was doing. Even so it would be easy enough to pick up on by just looking at the map and going to wherever you haven't fully explored.

resident evil 3 is worse than resident evil 2.
we knew this 20 years ago.

Because the truth is nobody wants to play as a woman

They tell you exactly where to go, and you map tells you if you've missed anything in each room. The game basically plays itself.

remake 3 is terrible in every possible way
the level design is crap
the gore and physics were downgraded
nemesis is worse than mr X
claire is better than jill in every way

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Your mom.

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>the gore and physics were downgraded
I didn't buy it since I heard it had even more cuts than 2. Can you elaborate?
Why would they do this when from what I've seen, they use the exact same zombie models?

Claire is not better than Jill lmao, Claire is a shitty mary sue 19 year old biker with 7 boyfriends at the same time who for some reason is an empowered feminist and says "I can take care of myself" after yelling "HELP HELP HEEELP".

probably because consoles cant handle remake 2 physics with more zombies /open world.

Nemesis isn't scary because he's never really let loose on you and doesn't feel like a real threat. His dog form is retarded and he is basically a big dumb cuck. The boss fights are also shit, which isn't necessarily a surprise as they were shit in 2 as well,

It's just inherently a worse horror game in every way, and two remake saw mainstream success because Mr. X was actually a scary pursuer and they did a good job building and maintaining tension.

>and two remake saw mainstream success because Mr. X was actually a scary pursuer
Are you sure it's such a big deal? I mean, X only chases you for about a quarter of the game.

yeah Mr. X became a huge meme cause of the X Gon Give It to Ya thing

The moments where he's roaming RPD were without question the height of the game for me at least.

With the Baker family and then Mr. X it kind of seemed like they were having success with that mechanic and Nemesis is like the mascot for that shit, so it really sucks that they bungled it so hard.