Why do games with straight couples always do fine, but games with gay couples always end up being a PR nightmare?
Additionally, why do games with straight couples have characters that are interesting and have goals beyond their sexuality, but games with gay couples are always "They're gay, that's the game"?
Why do games with straight couples always do fine, but games with gay couples always end up being a PR nightmare?
Bioware is incredibly based for making the token fag in inquisition be pro slavery
I thought the fag was for magic "people" liberation or some gay shit like that
>Bulma smokes
Gay couples are degenerates, period. It's perfectly acceptable to ridicule them, it should even be encouraged.
her dad smokes too
>Why do games with straight couples always do fine, but games with gay couples always end up being a PR nightmare?
That's mainly with western games nowadays. It'll get published all over websites to push it as a selling point, and for the most part, it IS being used a vapid, shallow selling point. They're shamelessly pandering to people. Meanwhile, Japanese media can have gay couples, and they just DO it, without a whole shitload of PR. They let it just be a thing that happens.
why are you using bejita-sama wife to shitpost?
>She smokes inside the building
They're a straight couple, aren't they?
>Japanese media can have gay couples, and they just DO it, without a whole shitload of PR
What are some games that do this?
>she smokes inside more than once
Because gay relationships are only carnal. It's a fetish, not real love. They can not procreate so their is nothing beyond pleasure. How do you make interesting stories with such one dimensional characters?
I know what video this is from
>game exists in a generally heteronormative society
>has a heteronormative couple
>gets no mention because of heteronormative society
>has a non-heteronormative couple
>everyone under the sun beats their keyboard to death (this place included) talking about it and it overshadows the rest of the game
welcome to mass media in 2020
Which one?
Because they know that homosexuals are mentally deranged and they’re just doing it to pander, not to make a good game
They're both Einstein-tier or higher geniuses. Uplifting the entire human race with their tech is hard work, let them smoke once on a while.
They've probably also developed their own health-risk free cigarettes or at least some sort of miracle drug that counteracts any negative effects.
>Why do games with straight couples always do fine, but games with gay couples always end up being a PR nightmare?
Because despite what social media would have you believe, straight orientation still makes up the vast majority of all humanity, as the desire to reproduce is a fundamental part of a biologically successful origin.
>why do games with straight couples have characters that are interesting and have goals beyond their sexuality, but games with gay couples are always "They're gay, that's the game"?
Because media producers learned they could get a free pass for making low effort characters if they made them "representative" of something, both because they carry all the baggage of what that 'thing' represents and because of the ablative virtue points armor it gives them.
She's the smartest lady on Earth and makes all sorts of crazy tech we could only dream of having, yet she has to deal with the fact that the vast majority of alien races are still far more advanced in the sciences and capable of interstellar travel taking as little as a few hours, while also seeing how technological advancements don't even matters if you have Ki powers or 'magic' because that lets you fly or teleport, summon wish-granting dragons, annihilate entire galaxies with the flick of a wrist, survive any caliber of ballistic weaponry including nuclear missiles while also being able to create just as much destructive power out of nothing, and even become a god with any combination of capital and lower case letters. And to top all of this shit off, she's married to Vegeta.
If I were her I'd definitely be going through at least half a pack a day.
You kind of answered your first question with your second question.
Plus she's married to Vegeta and that must be intense.
>the vast majority of alien races are still far more advanced in the sciences
Capsule Corp's ships are WAY faster than Frieza's.
The hover cars and shit are fast yeah, but the only capsule corp machines that have actually managed travel behind the Earth's moon were existing alien craft that were retrofitted with CC technology, and even then they're not actually better than shit like the Saiyan pods or even base form Frieza just flying around for shits and giggles.
>it's society's fault
Basically, because leftists use gays as a mouthpiece for their politics, like they do with black people.
Honestly, I don't care for gays much, but they do get a rough deal in the entertainment realm.
It's either constant far-left political preaching or nothing.
It's unfortunate, because there's probably some genuinely interesting stories that could be told using a gay couple's unique relationships.
But it's always gotta be about muh oppression olympics shit.
until super came to imply they had ayy contact for awhile, leaving it open they just sold ayy tech
No. I don't blame you for being wrong since Toonami aired that dub. But Capsule Corp built their own ship since Goku's was in disrepair for decades and unfiesable to reuse. It was an upscaled prototype that was based on studying Goku's podship. But the Corp's ship runs on gravity-space warping technology that is unheard of anywhere else in the universe. Literally no one else commands this absurdly useful and physics altering technology, or if they did the Freiza Empire destroyed it because the liked the sound it made when it went "pop".
It takes 6 days to fly from Earth to Namek. It takes Frieza's ship at least 60 days (since he complains about traveling for "Months" to get to earth", and really it could be the better part of the missing year and a half for King Cold's ship to reach Earth.
>Hey Shen-ron, can you cure my lung cancer
Problem solved.
>Senzu Bean
Also, and rather
>Shenron can you turn all my coffee plants in my industrial farm into Senzu Beans plants?
Because a lot of people try and take their few gay characters and use them to represent the whole group (usually as sassy, snarky bitches because that's what they know/like) when it doesn't work like that, and any sensible person knows it.
They feel like if the gay isn't front and center, it would just be hiding them or some shit because enough people beat them over the heads about characters like 76 and tracer being effectively "trivia gay."
There's gotta be something to the nips being able to have BL and yuri as known, prevalent genres in their shit but have nobody outside of their target audiences give a fuck, whether it be fujos or actual homosexuals.
Is there a faster track straight to shit tier for a girl than smoking?
Because games with gay couples nowadays usually come with a butt ton of political drivel shoehorned into it because their writers cant help but force their viewpoints into their games instead of letting the writing/story do it for them. There's always a political undertone to it the hipster writers force down peoples throats.
News flash assholes, people dont like having ideas shoved onto them, whether straight or LGBT, thats why theres a huge divide now because any natural process of NATURALLY DEVELOPING ACCEPTANCE OVER TIME was thrown out the window.
>girls who smoke aren't upgrades
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