I just beat Nier Automata's C route and now I'm fucking DEPRESSED.
What games should I play to get my spirits up?
I just beat Nier Automata's C route and now I'm fucking DEPRESSED
a good one
such as?
Final Fantasy XIV so you can experience the real ending of automata
did you get ending Y?
Animal crossing
>Animal Crossing
I said "games"
nier automata again
Did you beat the game or did you only get Ending C/D?
Only C, have yet to complete the other routes, but I'm looking to take a break after also just having beaten B
Just reload before the 9S and A2 fight and pick the other character, you'll get ending D and then E right after.
you can go back to right before getting ending C to get D, and then by extension E. It won't take very long at all. You might cry though. I did.
wait...what if I saved to the only slot before the fight after completing it?
Am I going to have to play through all of C again?
There's chapter select.
chapter select. now go play games and get back to us in 20 minutes
Did you get the chapter select option after beating C?
Keep going. You still have 2 endings left.
Alright, I'll get to it
Godspeed. You'll feel better after the real credits roll.
keeping the thread alive for user's reaction to the ending
Finish the game before starting something else you dope
Read the thread.
Keep going user, you have two more endings to go to fully experience Taro's Wild Ride
Let us know whether or not games are silly things.
Wow, I'm glad I did it now. I'll be honest, I got pretty misty eyed there. And no, games are NOT silly things.
To add further: This game was great. It was rough in a lot of areas, but its story kept me going through the whole game and the gameplay was good enough to not drag on. There were only a few sour spots here and there, but I think all the positives of the game greatly outshine its weaknesses. There are few games that can make me care so much about a game's story and characters while also having shoot-em-up sections and clown robots. 10/10
NOW you can play something else.
According to Steam stats most people don't get the real ending, this is pretty sad desu.
It really is something special.
Huh, an actually good thread on Yas Forums about the shared experience of video games, who would have thought.
this wont happen for another million years