What locations would you like to see?

What locations would you like to see?

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Somewhere in Africa, some kind of theater/opera level

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Coronavirus mission where you get arrested if you're spotted moving around the streets.
You can execute the target by replacing his hand sanitizer with plain gel then getting an infected individual in contact with him by bypassing security and convincing them he wanted to meet to discuss a business deal.

I've suggested it previously multiple times but I love the idea of an airport level where you start out in the airport and if you're not fast enough then you have to follow the target on a plane/private plane/private jet/etc and you have to figure out a way to eliminate the target and hide them without their body being found during the entire flight

unironically sounds fantastic.
imagining disguising as a baggage handler to get your briefcase on board and then stowing away to enter the cabin during the flight.

FUCKING YES, I hadn't even thought of that

It only hurts that IOI won't fucking do this

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A porn shoot level
A pitbull level

>protagonist can't be exposed

Juventus stadium
Please come back to us zizou

Poor hick town in rural West Virginia
Red light district in downtown Tokyo
Fort Knox
Lavish, massive catholic cathedral a la the vatican or the Cologne cathedral

enjoy your sniper level

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Some castle in germany or the UK

Sgail is already a castle

isle of sgail takes place on the orkney islands in the UK

Proper career mode or bust.
Im tired of playing memory puzzle simulator, learning the gimmicks of each map through repetition so i can get a specific ranking.

I wanna manage contracts, pre-plan, scout, organize weapon purchasing, identity protection, getaways, having to deal with a botched hit etc

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a high end shopping mall where you can blend in as a mannequin would be fun.
a tech companies office in a skyscrapper. you can blend in as office worker, but you can only bluff for so long. if you take too long, security is called and you have to avoid them by taking elevators, fire exits, stair wells, etc. to racket up the tention, they deny access to your employee card, so you have to obtain a new one on the fly.

ive suggested this a lot too, i got shot down fairly quickly by other posters because apparently it'd be a big 'no no' cause muh terrorism. modern warfare 2, a massive budget, highly advertised AAA got away with it a lot closer to 9/11 where you mowed down civilians to boot, im sure Hitman could pull it off, with it's more comedic tone. or just not have gun for... reasons.

i feel like modern airports really fit the tone of hitman visually. very sleek. just too many opportunities. a private lounge where you can poison food, tamper with the full body scanners to pull target aside to questioning room, etc.
even simple things like messing with the departure boards so target goes to wrong gate and misses his flight.

Airport, embassy of some kind, comfy snowy town

>embassy of some kind

Fuck locations, I want gameplay reasons to actually be using big guns to complete a mission without hurting your final score

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Modern warfare 2 was 11 years ago, I dont think one could release without all the outrage social media has grown too. Maybe cause hitman's obscure but the fact that an airport is so obviously an amazing level idea makes me think IO has already considered it.
Using guns and playing like cod isnt what hitman was made for, its not even fun cause it always devolves into camping a doorway to kill every guard in the map. More fun to play stealth, or suit only.

You know a mission during a big soccer match would be nice.

That`s not what I mean you dumb faggot, I am not suggesting changing core gameplay, I am saying give me a situation here a shotgun or a SMG can do the job the regular pistols cannot do so there can be an actual use to them instead of being meme weapons for when you want to kill everyone in the level.

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In what situation would a loud big weapon make more sense in an assassination?

Train station.
Some kind of factory with lots of heavy machinery.

I mean a full-fledged embassy with multiple floors and a massive layout, kinda like the White House from BM

Retro-future secret space station with access similar to the Hokkaido mission, where your access level is tied to your suit. Imagine making a breech and throwing the target into deep space.

Stopping power with silenced shotguns and rifles against armored enemies, High penetration with silenced SMGs etc

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Silent Assassin remake

Stadium, during a football match
Amusement park
A huge IKEA-like store