Shoot him

>shoot him
>decides to shoot him back
I will never understand this retarded complain

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Ya, it always struck me as weird. It wasn't as if it was the new tomb raider where in a cut scene she'll be crying over stabbing a guy and five minutes later you're gunning them down with an AK like an African child soldier let loose on his hometown.

It’s probably the fact that it looks too realistic while the violence is played for jokes if addressed at all.
I’ve played plenty of games as a mass murderer, not many where the violence looks that realistic and the characters play it off like it’s all wacky hijinks. It’s not that Drake kills a lot of people, it’s that he doesn’t care at all that he kills a lot of people. Indiana Jones at least killed nazis and child slavers, Drake is mostly killing rivals and the occasional werewolf

>Indiana Jones at least killed nazis and child slavers,
You almost had a point but you lost me there.

WW2 nazis, you imbecile, you and your treehouse are safe

3000 self-defence cases

>WW2 nazis, you imbecile
even worse, i doubt most soldier nazi choosed to be one, they most likely just didn’t want to be questioned with the whole “you aren’t a filthy joos suporter, aren’t you?”
also it was propaganda and that shit, but is ok becasue it was old times and people watched it as a kid and D-DON’T QUESTION MY FAV MOVIE

not his fault that his rivals hired 3000 mercenaries to take 1 single guy

Wow man you must be the first person to ever have this take. No one has ever articulated this before. Congratulations on your freshman level film theoru

It is his fault for being a fucking rat ass thief, I would open fire on him too for fucking up my digs

He was actually on private property in U4 and people were hired for security and not for killing him, but whatever

i don’t really care if people already said what i said before, i don’t watch other faggots talk about movies

Uncharted 4 never happened, franchise ended with 3

The idea is that he's constantly putting himself in situations where murder is his only option. He could get a job doing any number of things that don't involve gun violence but he doesn't. You are now slightly smarter than you were when you made this shitpost.

> I don’t read and I’m proud of it

Found the American

t.Eddy Raja

He's a jovial goofy archaeologist and yet he has a kill count in the thousands and never ever gets seriously hurt or close to death.

The complaint is that the story and his character don't match the actual gameplay. You must honestly have autism not to get it, OP.

>Found the American
jokes on you, i am not from burgerland

>go inside someone's house and start stealing/destroying their stuff
>they shoot me
>I shoot back, killing their entire family
>get charged with multiple homicides and trespassing

>even worse, i doubt most soldier nazi choosed to be one
Who cares, definitely not the Allies as they steamrolled them that's for sure.

>steamrolled the nazis

Great to know that American culture has invaded the rest of the world and apathetic soap box preaching is now no longer confined to the states

You’re right user. Mario should stop rescuing Peach and just work as an actual plumber. Or Link should stop saving Hyrule and just make a farm. Or Samus should stop being a bontyhunter and make a pet shop. Now those are good ideas for vidya

You’re spazzing out way too much
The Indy movies are throwbacks to propaganda where the Nazis are unquestionably bad guys to set Indy up to be the hero despite being a sucker punching scumbag, a big part of why Crystal Skull sucked is because they wouldn’t go as hard on commies
Drake meanwhile is a jerkoff fucking around in shit that’s none of his business for no ones benefit but his own, I guess he stopped the bad guy in 2 from making invincible armies or whatever but other than that? Not a clue what the fuck any of the villains did. None of his happy endings are earned by anything other than the player killing everything in their way, which sure makes for a decently fun game but the stories are overhyped dogshit

Kek lmao seething small dick white bitch boi

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Beginning of 2 he's hurt

Drake never kills the natives, he kills other burglars.

You know what else isn’t a good idea for a game? A movie

I honestly do think that Temple of Doom has a more effective story because the Kali cult is more unambiguously evil and does a lot of horrible things on screen. Raiders/Crusade basically use the Nazis as a historical shorthand and don't show them committing that many atrocities, it's easy to interpret it as one state actor killing a bunch of other state actors.

A couple of things
1) Your killing being justified doesn't make it less absurd that you're killing hundreds of people and then smirking and quipping through all of your dialogue
2) A great deal of the situations where he's "forced to kill people to stay alive" are situations he put himself in willingly
3) The second game ends with him "sparing" Lazarevic because killing him would be bad, this after a whole game of Drake self-defensing hundreds of people and despite the fact that most people would gladly murder Lazarevic and rest easy
4) The amount of people available for your killing is absurd in and of itself. The games become a drag of shootout after shootout with increasingly bullet spongy enemies, and the game style is slow enough where you have to really soak in every moment you're hiding behind cover so that you can wait your turn to murder yet another mercenary or monster person

>Beginning of 2 he's hurt
>Imeadiately climbs a fucking train and gets into another firefight despite wearing a t-shirt and it being below freezing

>The complaint is that the story and his character don't match the actual gameplay.
why not? is fucking simple, nathan wants stuff, but other guys want also the stuff so he send 500 guys to stop him, so obviously nathan is going to defend himself and after that continue to get the stuff. it is really that hard to understand? also gunplay is only like 25 percent of the game, the others 25% are for puzzles, climbing and cutscenes

Congrats. You have autism.

i’m not defending nazis you double nigger, but is fucking retarded to say that a character is a psycho for killing and latter say the other character isn’t because he killed people with a ideology i don’t agree with

Weird 4 was better than 3

He kills natives in 2.

You know who isn’t funny? (You)

I enjoyed 4 and Legacy

its like hitting a girl, OP. the girl cna hit or shoot as many times as she likes and get away with it, but as soon as the hero or guy retaliates in any way, it is 100% his fault and everyone jumps him (even though he was being attacked in the first place). i would post a webm but i dont want to get banned again

>no argument

Thats the joke. Unfortunately idiots take it seriously.

3 didn’t have niggers
>b-but sandniggers
sandniggers are based

That’s weird, I was being serious, but great counter argument

ok Ahmed

You ignored my argument, you fucking autist.

>also gunplay is only like 25 percent of the game, the others 25% are for puzzles, climbing and cutscenes
This is dead wrong, also the puzzles and climbing are so atrociously abysmal that they don't even count. Shooting is the only thing that is even remotely passable gameplay-wise, and you do a fuckton of it.

Well duh, don’t you see Nathan is white?

Didn't look that realistic in the first 3 games and people were complaining back then

Thank you I'm Muslim, liked 4 only because the combat feels good. Also fuck neil and ((them))

It was pretty realistic at the time, especially compared to Naughty Dogs' previous franchises.

You’re just comparing apples to oranges man. The Nazis are comically evil in Indiana Jones and he kills maybe a dozen at the most. Let’s also be real in that Every death is an event, part of a bigger scene. That’s Spielberg’s genius is his ability to progress the story through action

In uncharted (you) are killing multiple hundreds of men and then going into cutscenes acting like nothing happens. It’s just not cohesive and it’s disorienting to play one way and act another. It’s a huge problem of the awkward adolescence of games where they wanted to tell more serious stories while keeping goofier and heightened gameplay. GTA IV had the same problem

Ahmed’s long dead dude. America is killing itself now has been for a long time

>Empire uses Deathstar to terrorize planets, literally see them commit genocide on an ethnic people with it.
>But luke, millions of people were on the deathstar :(
>Mercs literally start shit with Nathan Drake.
>Why Nathan kill so many people :(!!! ;-;
>Aliens gleefully rape, butcher, enslave, and eat so many humans it sends a psychic backlash that's like a trillion knives to the nuts to the Emperor.
>Why Imperium hate aliens D: D: ;-; :(
Maybe people are just really fucking stupid?

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because ND fanbase are drooling movieniggers and shooting baddies is too videogamey for them
I hope TLOUfags choke on tranny cock now after the leaks

>1) Your killing being justified doesn't make it less absurd that you're killing hundreds of people and then smirking and quipping through all of your dialogue
Not his fault 500 faggots wants to kill. And he have any right to laugh at them by losing to a single guy
>2) A great deal of the situations where he's "forced to kill people to stay alive" are situations he put himself in willingly
So if you want to buy a Blu Ray of Megamind but the other dude wanted and start shooting you to get it, you wouldn’t defend yourself to get it? Or you would just give up and think “it isn’t worth it”? That’s a pussy move
>3) The second game ends with him "sparing" Lazarevic because killing him would be bad, this after a whole game of Drake self-defensing hundreds of people and despite the fact that most people would gladly murder Lazarevic and rest easy
Again, he kills in self-defense, not because he wants to. It makes sense he sparred him since he stopped being an threat to him
>4) The amount of people available for your killing is absurd in and of itself. The games become a drag of shootout after shootout with increasingly bullet spongy enemies, and the game style is slow enough where you have to really soak in every moment you're hiding behind cover so that you can wait your turn to murder yet another mercenary or monster person
Again, not his fucking fault. Maybe the villain should start hiring more competents people instead

>indiana jones killed nazis
Sounds pretty bluepilled

>soldiers should just get a new job
>police should just quit

Drakes a thief, not a hero, similar to Indy in fact. But Indy gets to build up to being a selfless hero while Drake just gets to keep being exactly the same

It’s like the most Reagan ass nostalgia movie ever what are you smoking

Sounds like you are coping hard

You’re way late, dude, the Arab already took the hit for that one for some fucking reason

Stealing shit isn’t a job, Drakes a rat ass thief and rat ass thieves see the judge on Monday morning

There's a collection for free. You can just play it so you would actually have a say here

For me, it's Chloe.

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Indiana Jones movies are based on old 1940s adventure serial films.

Because the other mercs aren't there to steal shit too, lol. The first time we see anyone attack Drake it was in the middle of the ocean and they were trying to steal hundred year old shit that he plundered himself.
So I don't know what point you're trying to make.

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