Anybody else participated in the event of the millennia?

Anybody else participated in the event of the millennia?

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I dont play kids games.

Its just Death stranding level of product placement.

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>mumble rap

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>missing on the biggest thing to ever happen to the gaming AND music community in centuries
The video does no justice to it because interacting was part of the experience but at least you can have a rough look at how it was.
Personally I'll be dropping 2 tabs this weekend and watch it when peaking.

was gonna but did not wanna download whole game for just a event


I remember me and my friend tried to watch it but it didn’t loaded. Fucking Woic game


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Actually pretty cool. Was it zoomkino?

I hate fortnite but i have to admit that concert was pretty neat.

pathetic druggie

Sorry granpa but Johny Cash is shit. THIS is what real music sounds like.

Ah no, sorry. I'm not a child or mentally challenged.

do people now seriously listen to nigger speak "music"?

You keep using this word... I don't think you know what it means.

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So do you actually play normally while this giant rapper is mumbling in the background or do you just sit their and watch him dance around?

>hating on psychedelics
I rarely use the term but that is the most boomer shit thing ever. Hell, even boomers did that shit regularly back in the day so whatever that is worse than boomer, that'd be actual term I would be using.

>music community
Shut the fuck up. Teddy Riley vs Babyface was the event we were watching

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No one will want to admit it, but I think it seemed pretty cool.

It's not my type of music but an in game event like that is interesting. This may be the first step of a new trend we may see in the future

Trav isn't mumble rap. He's solid, shame so many children like him though.

look guys i don’t listen to rap. in fact, i don’t consider it music. hell i even call it “nigger mumble”
i am cool yet?

Ok give me an example of this "music" you speak of.


Only if you also live with your parents and unironically wear an acdc shirt

yes user very cool

karina kova

No fedora? Shame on you.

>Trav isn't mumble rap. He's solid

I'll give you he isn't mumble rap, but his lyrics are the same shallow; "saw shawty in the club, muh dick wanna rub" bullshit.

Like seriously these guys don't experience anything in life outside a club.

it's mumble rap


Thanks for helping me coom user

Yeah, I agree. This isn't something that's been done before. An interactive virtual concert, it's something new.

And unlike most new things of the last few years, this is something harmless. Is it for me? Fuck no. But it's interesting seeing something new being made.

fortnite live events seem cool.

but I aint never played fortnite, and never fucking will. never post about fortnite on this website again.

It’s club music, what do you expect?

>never post about fortnite on this website again
I'll post again when this one thread dies and you can't do anything to stop my boomer

bruh how they do that...

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bitch so fat, cant even run properly.

Club music used to be a little deeper than that even; and even when it wasn't "deep" it was at least original.

It's fucking boring all this current shit.

literally on OP´s video, retard.

>That face

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you don't listen to the genre, you don't know what that is.

It's just a sad reminder of the state vidya is in. Extremely commercial, very mass market and dominated by normies. I just want interesting and innovative new games, but the billions a game like Fortnite rakes in, the streamerfag culture and the huge virtual commercials for albums these people praise just encourages publishers to be more interested in that instead of just making new and interesting games.

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Why do niggers all look like apes? Doesn't help their "music" is made up of 70% grunting like the monkeys they are.

it's called mumbling, thus mumble rap

I mean I guess it's cool that they made it look more impressive than that Marshmallow concert.

It just needs to sound good when you’re fucked up on your drug of choice.

Wow... powerful...

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lmao shut the fuck up retard

WOw was worse but people still praise it it change blizzard vompletly and they just shit unfinishe garbasge for the upcoming decades because they knew peoples line up and buy.

We only have indie devs who are passionate to look up to, but once they get popular and turn into an enormous machine themselves (Valve, CDPR) and more money is involved it all falls apart.

why does the msm keep pushing niggers. Are niggers like cocaine to liberals?


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>I just want interesting and innovative new games
As sad as it might be this event has been more interesting and innovative than 90% of the shit developers make nowadays. So yeah, you are right about it being a reminder of the sad state of vidya.

Well most of them are full of cocaine so probably

based satania poster

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why does rap have no weight to it? what do normies feel when listening to this shit?

his fortnite model looks like a defjam character.

>they muted out when he said "cracker" like it was an actual swear
We're gonna make it after all whitebros

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Today I'll remind them.

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Can't stand Travis Scott but this was so well done, it could have been so mediocre, but they went all out and it ended up great because of that.