Is it worth trying

Is it worth trying

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If it’s your first Pokémon, yes. If you’re a longtime fan, no.

Not at full price.

I really liked it but I haven't played a pokemon game since silver, all the shit the hardcore fans were raging about means nothing to casual players

Naw just get the mana collection or Cyber Sleuth


No, I dropped it after 4 gyms and I've completed every other pokemon game.


Sure, you're not losing anything if you try it on pc



It only starts giving a challenge at around the 7th gym, and it's handholdy as fuck. Other than that, it's fucking pokemon, the game has been the same almost every time so if you like the previous ones you'll probably like this one too.

For free maybe. Gameplaywise pokemon still is a joke.

I dropped it after 2
This shit just killed my interest, man

It's a modern Pokemon game and everything that entails. I wouldn't play anything from 6th-gen onward unless you've gone through pretty much everything else you can. For me, one of the most jarring issues with the 3D Pokemon games is that at no point do they feel like you're actually going on an adventure, even if the basic structure isn't much different from before. It feels like you're constantly meeting with an entire entourage of people at every turn, and gameplay-wise, repeatedly being taken out of playing the game, for too long at a time.

No. Fuck no.
I wasted 60 bucks on this garbage.

What about these?

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imagine still paying for something that was overwhelmingly called out for being a lazy piece of shit before it came out

You must be American

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they're a masterpiece if you compare them with sword and shield

complete lies, even after the eighth gym, the game still throws trainers at you with incomplete teams and unevolved shitmons. there are no routes, no secrets, nothing to explore or do. your game sucks fucking dick and you are the cancer killing pokemon

Go with the ultras. Obviously more content, though GF destroy Nihilego's relevance by shoving Necrozma in the main plot


You mean yes

no they're in the same boat

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it's a game for toddlers whereas most pokemon games are simply for children. Just play some romhack

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I mean, the 2nd one isn't wrong

why cant GF into difficulty settings

I enjoyed every pokemon game so I bought this expecting to be the same

terrible story
shit pokemon
empty maps
bad graphics
atrocious unfinished animations

generally gave me a feeling of exhaustion and unease

it felt so rushed I felt insulted

I had to force myself to finish the story and couldn't stand to play anymore

Not even worth 20$
You are better playing BW , Emerald or even XY

XY is literally the same turd as SwSh, with only 20 dollars of difference...

When you see the absolutely garbage that is TemTem, you learn to appreciate again the Pokemon franchise, even in its current state.


compared to the rest of the series this was a fucking disappointment

Even B & W?

this is the story

your friend's brother is the champion. your friend wants to be the champion. you and your friend join a competition to become the champion. The competition involves collecting gym badges. You collect gym badges and occasionally your friend challenges you to a fight.

Meanwhile the professor's granddaughter is trying to uncover the history of two heroes that fought off something called 'the darkest day'. The big reveal is that the two heroes had legendary pokemon.

Side story: a moody boy collects magic peices that make pokemon go big (dynamax) somehow so he can impress the mayor who wants the peices for some reason. He destroys a wall and is told off. He no longer collects the peices. The fairy gym leader likes his pink coat so decides to make him the new gym leader

In the end you fight the champion but the mayor interupts the fight to tell everyone he is bringing on the darkest day. You go to him and he reveals he has woken up a legendary pokemon that was underground so he can use him for energy to power the city. The pokemon is out of control. You and your friend stop the pokemon with the help of the hero legendary pokemon who appear out of nowhere.

Then you fight and become the champion. The mayor goes to jail.


Yes actually, but only because you can shape an actual opinion about after you played it. I already thought the game looked bad after I saw the leaks, but when I actually played and finished on my own, its actually shocking how shit it actually is.