She makes a mean cocktail

She makes a mean cocktail

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Other urls found in this thread:

Replaying the original gain. Are Yuffie and Vincent worth a shit?

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She's such a cutie, man.


>time travel jannies
>zachs alive

oof just give us a au episode. we dont need any crisis core compilation trash.

Info from the last thread

>I just got the Ultimenia this morning and skimmed through it. There is a section where they talk about the ending in addition to a detailed interview with Nomura, Kitase, and Nojima, below are some of the answers they gave regarding the next installment.

>-They don’t plan to remove locations and scenes that the fans expect to see from the original in the next installments, and that the continuation of the remake will not be entirely different from the OG. Nojima even mentioned that he would like to add villages from CC.
-They have a general image of the total number of parts for the remake, but can’t talk about it now.
-Nomura promised that the fans will get all the answers for the ending in the next installments, and hopefully he talk about it in a few years.

>It’s a lengthy interview with a lot of story bits, I just wrote the most important things they mentioned from the the top of my head, hope it helps!


I don't drink, but does shaking alcohol by itself do anything to it? Like adding kinetic energy might disrupt hydrogen bonding, but to what extent does that matter?


kk I'll get them soon as I can
The real question is, is Cait Sith every worth a shit?

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you just answered your own question
More coming

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>They explain in detail actually, basically there is a point system for each character you play during the fight with the whispers (spells they use, limit breaks, staggering, killing the whispers etc) based on the total points each character gets, the order they join you against Sephiroth is decided. Pretty awesome imo.

It just seems like the idea of a cocktail is to mix drinks to create new bonds. She just shook a drink by itself.

Also the Cosmo Canyon just appeared out of nowhere. Where did Cloud's other glass go?

It mixes with oxigen from the air. But it's more like for wine and shit.

>for a 1/5 chance to get the one you want

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tfw no Tifa wife

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>helping out your fellow coomerbros

thanks bro.

Get a random one and trade it for the one you want

goddamit I cann't even do math right
There's an 8th secret one of who the fuck knows

i hate how the headache sound effect changed it used to be EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Are we doomed with low quality figs because of play arts bullshit? If Alter or Good Smile got a shot at FFVII figurines, they'd do way better. At least give me Nendoroids.

This type of shit has me anxious for future affections related things. Because the cast will get too big for this at a certain point unless certain characters get shafted to some degree.

Also I want that Highwind scene in Part 3 or whatever.

>tifa has a purse
>tifa likes piano


>making it basically impossible to have tifa arrive first if you know what you're doing since aerith is the natural healer/buffer


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Now we are talking

I know it's a waste of time, but I kind of wish the characters had sleeping attire. Because Cloud still wears that stupid metal shoulder guard while lying down. It's spiked no one can sleep like that.

Cmon Japan.

upon playing the original again the fact that Cloud doesn't even interact with Jenova in 7R is pretty stupid

tifa is a virgin and made for mwc, not bbc

barret should fuck red xiii because he still loves his wife

no one uses that dumb robot, and that's a good thing!

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Can't wait to jam on the piano in the flashback.

Just play as her the most. Cloud has to be on the fight, so using her a lot might put her over Aeris.

also i noticed the bench stuff instead of inns is weird. so they'll be no inns in the other towns? why not have benches and inns?

You ok up there?

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>like I mentioned earlier there is a page dedicated for the whispers and their objective, regarding wedge they write this:
>Location: Shinra Building
Scene: Wedge trying to save Barret and the others
Reason: To make Wedge abide by the flow of Destiny
So I guess they tried to kill him? It’s very vague.
In this page they have 24 “investigations” for the whispers, writing the location, scene, and reason for each one of them.

imagine her picking you up

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I got her first in my normal playthrough without knowing about this, so it doesn't seem too bad. Probably going to try to get Aerith for my hard mode completion though because I'll need a fucking healer quickly for that dumbass fight.

you're a big girl

>giantess fetish

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Does the PS4 Dissdia do them justice or give any notable scenes?

lol no

Vincent is bottom tier along with Cait Sith. Yuffie is basically tied with Cid for top 3. If you're talking about using in battle, anyway.

She also has a sign welcome to our Nibelheim or something like that in the bar

ps4 dissadia died. no one knows about the game. they did all this shit for zenos do and it died. zenos is trash.

damn they had a simple strategy with the PSP games and grinding wasn't a chore. 3v3 must have fucked it

okay... what was the point of changing anything then?

She ain't got nothing on my boy here...

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Entire Remake Ultimania

nice. soul.
dont believe them

So you're not just literally buying the same game?

>people seriously don't know if Aerith will die even though it's the "I am your father" of vidya games
I will personally suck Nomura if this was his plan all along

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>In an interview with GameSpot, Nomura indicated that the story in the remake might deviate from the one set out in the original, suggesting the remake may be more of a reimagining. “We’ve announced a HD port version on the PlayStation 4, and then we have the remake coming to PS4,” Nomura said through a translator. “You’ll have this extremely, very, very pretty FFVII existing on the same plane. We feel that if that happens, it’s like, why have the same exact game? “We think that if a game is on a certain platform and that platform becomes obsolete, then we’d recommend playing the new port version,” he added.

This was from 5 years ago

I think the idea is going to be that we'll still hit the same set pieces as the original, but it may not happen the same way. I'd be shocked if we didn't get the Rufus welcoming ceremony marching minigame, it's too good to pass up, but a lot of Junon can be done differently. As far as the overarching story is concerned, they just need to get on the boat to Costa Del Sol. As long as that occurs, basically anything else can happen in between.

>those souless bug eyes

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well damn me