What are your thougts on The Last of Us 2 right now?
> dabs on your Joel and Ellie
Edgy to be edgy. Basically undoing Ellie and Joel's journey as "HURR THEY BAD"
They're not the main character in this one? Or do they just die at the end
You play as that edgy OC donut steel in the OP for the second half of the game.
I'm actually sad about it.
I don't care about it, same as before.
I think the first is overrated and had a mediocre story. But these leaks made me appreciate the first game a little more
I want her to peg me
You literally play as the badguy and beat Ellie and Joel to death.
from my perspective, it is the joel that is the badguy
anyone who thought joel was a good guy after shooting up a hospital full of doctors trying to find a potential cure is a retard
god i hate Yas Forums stop trying to look for a new tortanic every month and just play video games
>trannie beats a lesbian couple
>one of them is a (((bisexual))) degenerate
>the cheating bislut cucked Ellie with a man
Most based game of the decade so far.
>god i hate Yas Forums stop trying to look for a new tortanic every month and just play video games
It's not even just Yas Forums this time though, even retardera and plebbit are shitting on the the game because of the leaks.
>cutting up a child alive for muh possible cure
> we dindu nuffins
dilate tranny
i'd kill everyone in a hospital trying to slice up my dog much less my daughter. good to see this place is still infected with bugmen
google utilitarianism
based retard utilitarian
I don't reckon they'll make her a tranny, she's too ~~morally ambiguous~~ and jacked for people not to get mad if she is ftm
Also do you reckon they'll justify her clearly non-natty level of muscularity in the fucking post apocalypse by having her do a handful of pushups and situps in a few scenes
Druckmann's political opinions never grow beyond adolescence and apparently his writing is the same. His entire being is about lashing out against the norm and trying to be edgy and subversive, instead of balancing the value of something versus the opportunity to improve upon it.
You can just tell by seeing his interviews he's a self-absorbed snake who enjoys tearing apart the work of others, basically a Rian Johnson character.
Why trans girls are better than all stupid pussy women:
- Pussy women today are all inmature, capricious, crazy, stupid, selfish, malicious, traitor, unfaithful, promiscuous, used whores without anything of value or dignity, deeply victimist, feminist and self-destructive little girls.
They hate feministy, they hate males, they hate give birth and raise children.
They are not princess anymore; they are all slut witches, who do not know how to cook, serve as women, or contribute ANYTHING to a man.
They only serve to fuck (and not even that, because they are used whores) and for that, it is cheaper going with prostitutes (no cryes, no touch the balls, no waste of time with their family, no problems.)
- In the other hand, we have Trans Girls.
Trans girls love to be femenine, they are eager to find a "daddy" male who takes care of them, protects and loves them; and to which they can serve as good faithful sluts and loving wives.
They dont despise their feminine role, on the contrary, they want it more than any stupid pussy woman, and because of the difficulties suffered they know how to value men what appreciate them (and they value themselves more as women)
A Trans Girlfriend is much better than a stupid useless pussy woman. Why pussy women are useless? Well, what is the only problem in a relationship with a trans vs pussy woman? A trans girl can not give birth
In a short future, with the artificial wombs, pussy women will be useless, and any self-respecting man wont want waste time with them (they are a virus).
And, even today you and your trans wife can have children with rent bellies. Or even better, the future that awaits the stupid pussy women, if they can still be usefull: serve as a maid in the house of a hapy marriage between a masculine man and his trans wife. So, husband and wife, can have sex and breed with the pussy woman, and the pussy woman can serve them as their maid and wet nurse helping to raise the children
Trans Women are BETTER THAN Pussy Women
This... thing is supposed to be a kid around the time of the first game, right? Basically around Ellie's age.
...Who in the fuck is doing tranny operations in the post-apocalypse? People have to scavenge just to survive, but oh no, we can do full on tranny surgery and have a shit-ton of meds stocked up for hormone therapy and whatever horseshit goes into being a tranny.
The Armstrong shit saved it for me. MGR makes everything better.
she literally agreed to it
Feeling about like this right now
Dude you play as the villain it's soooooo deep
she's just a big girl
The first game had the same type of revenge murderporn just like the second does, and was equally jarring. I don't really give a fuck about Ellie or Joel because after seeing the trailer it became clear that they were doing all of this shit to please a certain demographic that is shitting up every other form of mainstream media.
She's probably a woman who dipped into the firefly's stash of steroids inbetween games.
That or as I remember in a prior thread, no one really needs that shit compared to all of the useful medicine, so if they haven't expired, you could stockpile them for yourself if you look hard enough
Rent free
Joel got his comeuppance, this isn't some action movie where the people he killed are just nobodies with no names, the people he killed were people, with names and families.
why do you triple retards never understand? Joel didn't act in the interest of humankind, he shot up that hospital out of selfishness, and he knew it. the fireflies were desperate, and jumped on the best chance they could find to make a cure. it doesn't matter if it would work or not, there was a chance. Joel chose to doom humanity's future by stopping a potential cure than experience losing a daughter again.
>Joel killed would be child murderers.
>Joel got his comeuppance.
I wish you all the worst in life. People with your mindset are not human.
>wake up after nearly dying, bringing your daughter figure 3/4 of the way across the country to these guys
>hey, where's my daughter figure?
>"she's in surgery, now fuck off. No, you don't get to bring your guns and supplies, just fuck off."
>can I at least say goodbye to my daughter-figure?
>"if you don't march your unarmed ass straight into the zombie-infested wilderness right now, we're going to shoot you."
Reminder that we still haven't seen the epilogue or any of the Santa Barbosa chapter aside from the very beginning. Ellie is already hunting Abby again by this point. There's still time for round 2.
What? The leaks say that she lets them live and the Jew goes on to have a baby but Ellie can't let her anger go and pursues revenge. They don't die.
either way they could have killed him via CIS male
Holy shit that is a man. I don't know which is worse, they canonically decided that putting a tranny in the game was a good idea, or they are so terrible at making models that their women straight up look like men.
Joel didn't...
what don't you understand you autistic fucking nigger? i would gladly kill my way through every 4channer if it meant saving someone i love from being experimented on like a lab rat. the reason joel is relatable is because he is flawed you turbofag. that's what made it a good story
Not him but come on now you're purposefully neglecting all the fireflies that wouldn't have had anything to do with it. And no faction is that black and white, there would have been some fireflies that wouldn't have agreed with it either but had no clue of what went on in there. The point is that they were all just people trying to protect their assets, bandits, rogues, and actual murderers not included.
Controversy bait, every hack's best friend. In fact I'm starting to think this leak was intentional to stir shit up.
>First game rips off The Road and Children of Men
>Can't rip off any more Cormac McCarthy books because his other books wouldn't fit
>Rip off I Spit On Your Grave instead but without the rape
Joel is the hero of this story and now a martyr
It's kind of tragic that hard work was done to make what would have been the most fucked up, brutal, sad story in gaming history and someone spoiled it
Yes Joel dies but he and everyone else keeps saying the tranmaam beats Ellie and Dina to death which she definitely does not.
Excited to see the shitstorm when normies play it and realized they got RAIDEN’D into playing as a random roidtranny who kills one of the previous protagonists.
>My name is SheHego Monsoya, you killed my father. Prepare to dilate
>a father who doesn't want to lose another daughter for a completely unknown attempt at a cure deserves comeuppance
>what would have been the most fucked up, brutal, sad story in gaming history
Max Payne 1 already exists.
They weren't when you killed them in the first game.
>stop thinking just consoome
What is with shills and tortanic? You're like journos and gamergate. Glow harder nigger.
goddamn lmao
>It's kind of tragic that hard work was done to make what would have been the most fucked up, brutal, sad story in gaming history and someone spoiled it
>This shit
Yeah, tragically bad.
>Joel did it because he's selfish
He was okay with it until they kicked him out, told him it probably wouldn't work, and that they'd need to kill his surrogate daughter for a 1% chance at a cure when they're a bunch of desperate crazy raiders like himself. He just realized they were full of shit and couldn't help themselves let alone humanity.
You also only have to cannonically kill the one doc and the black woman.
Ellie isn't his real daughter you pussy.
The survival of the human race is more important than your lesbo daughterfu.
It's not confirmed that Ellie dies, just that there's a fight with Ellie.
I knew it was going to be shit after the announcement trailer with the lesbian kiss.
People deluded themselves and somehow convinced themselves it wasn't going to be shit. Then the game gets leaked and it's more SJW garbage.
Sony has positioned themselves as the "wokest" of the consoles. Nintendo mostly markets children, Xbone gets the dudebros, and Sony gets the weebs and trannies.
Why would you be surprised, they marketed it as such from the word go.
Ellie loses and is left for dead that's for sure
and thank god that autismos like you are a tiny fraction of the population
>prepare to dilate