EVE is impenetrable

>EVE is impenetrable
>Elite has nothing to do
>Star Citizen is vaporware
>X4 looks like it was designed by the dudes who made GPU boxart in the 90s
Will we never have a good space sim ever?

Attached: mYHdfiqdp3APbyQ3tzRBNQ.jpg (1920x1080, 1005.89K)

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>Elite has nothing to do
PVP is kino

EVE being impenetrable is a bonus. It means you can play the game for months and still have stuff to learn.

>Stuck playing X3 because nothing on the market comes close to it
Fuck Egosoft for Rebirth and X4

The real problem with EVE is that it's too safe for big groups and there is no incentive to make it unsafe
There are way too many assets and ressources in circulation now
It needs a full server reset along with slower ressource/isk generation but it won't happen so the game will just slowly die

EVE is work. However investing work into EVE make it feel "real". You losses and your victories are that much more devastating and satisfying because of the work you put it.

So if you can stand the work, it's a gem of a game. If you can't stand the work it doesn't matter how much you love the effect of victories and losses it makes the game hard to enjoy. It's sucks because the same thing that makes it great is also what holds it back.

I'd be okay with work if you could automate it by hiring NPCs and shit. A single-player EVE that focused on the player building their own corporation would be peak.

And yes I know about bots but that's just asking for a ban.

>EVE's art designers and planetary operations
>Elites flying and sound design
>Star Citizen's ability to walk around and interact with things
>X4's empire building
It will never happen but this is what a peak space sim would look like.

Play the old games.

>>EVE is impenetrable
>log in
>get mates
>go pvp and kill cunts from day 1
WOW so fucking impenetrable such a hard game holy shit

>if you could automate it by hiring NPCs and shit
Eve Online has probably the most passive forms of income of any MMO ever.
Fuck, join any sovnull/npcnull/wormhole corp, do PI and from clicking buttons 15min a week you make enough passive income to pvp the entire rest of the month without having to farm or "grind isk".

Dont let the carebear faggot site runners, mission runners and miners fool you.

Where do you get friends that not only play on PC but are also willing and able to play the same game as you at the same time?

What about planetary ops?

eve has made some bad changes, but at least its pretty.

>Star Citizen is vaporware

Just you wait, hater, Star Citizen is going to be the best game of all time. I've already sank $2500 dollars into it, and once I get my stimulus check, I'm gonna add that $1200 to it too.

For me it's Starsector

Attached: 1579513451695.webm (980x551, 2.74M)

Here's a better question, what are the main ingredients to make a good space sim that DOESNT END UP AS A FUCKING SPACE-TRUCK SIMULATOR OR SPACE MINING SIMULATOR? Please carefully think before answering

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I know you're trolling, but I'd just like to take the opportunity to say that I don't hate Star Citizen at all and hope they succeed and more. I'm just also realistic.

Mountain Blade in space

Copy freelancer

I'd rather want Divinity OS2 in space. Just pick any of the hundreds of space opera books that are thousands of pages long and you've got enough story for hundreds of hours.
Deep sci fi is a really underexplored genre. Just imagine what you could do..

>obligatory hacker skills
>nanomachine skill tree
>all kinds of different weapons
>robots and AI characters that you maybe program but don't control directly
>playable aliens
>psi powers
>really weird alien shit, I'm reading this book where AL Capone comes back from the dead in the year 2800 and starts conquering the federation, turns out when you die your soul becomes some sort of void energy and you can possess peoples bodies by tormenting them
>having your own spaceship as base
>huge variety of possible maps and locations, ranging from remote planets that just started early colonization phase, to space stations, to huge arkologies on earth or whatever

Seriously, imagine Divinity gameplay and depth of skill trees but in a deep sci fi setting.
Space sims are great but they all suffer from space being too big and feeling empty. We need proper space stories.

Being able to earn passive income from NPC ships and having a mix of a handful of hand-crafted and infinite randomly-generated sectors to explore.

Star Sector is actually good at this, exploring with your fleet never gets old or loses the feeling of danger. I wouldn't consider it a space sim tho. You have to be in the ship.

Thats just a sci-fi RPG. You need to pilot a ship for it to be a space sim.

I want a space game so bad, Yas Forums

What's wrong with X4?

EVE is not a space game it's a generic warcraft clone with spaceship skins.
If you can't control your spaceship directly it's not a space game.

I said this before: X3 with the polish, universe size, and ship designs of EVE would be the end-all of space sims.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 103.11K)

Wanna know how I know you've never played Eve?

And Elites sound and flight model. God, it feels so good.

Busted economy, missing half the races of X3 and missing 1/10th the sectors.

PVP is broken as fuck. There's literally no balance to it. You either get the over engineered meta or die. No exceptions. Trade ships are basically free kills and anything smaller than a FDL is space dust.

Jita 4-4.... Home...

Try the rare retro game Escape Velocity: Nova, or its successor Endless Sky.

If you can stand the basic top-down graphics, you'll have a good time and enjoy a lot of playstyle freedom.

>If you can't control your spaceship directly it's not a space game.
You can literally do this, they added it into the game a few years ago.

The answer is less space.
By which I mean more focus on planets, space stations, etc. - places where you can't go in your space ship. Space is empty, and all you can really do in it is move and shoot, so if your game is totally focused on the experience of being in space then it's going to be full of shit like travelling around and mining.

>EVE is not a space game
>it's a generic warcraft clone with spaceship skins

I'm fine with having less sectors if it means they're so much bigger. Many of the sectors in X3 just felt like short corridors and were superfluous.

Piloting ships is pleb tier desu

Sure, you should ideally have someone else piloting them for you while you coordinate a fleet or a corporation, but you have to work up to that point.

Where is that perfect space game? Are we gonna have to wait another decade?

Attached: RMFqyx.jpg (1920x1080, 349.65K)

based. also please optimize this shit. litcube is nice and all but its combat is ass

Starsector is the best space game out there

Will this scratch the itch?

Attached: void-destroyer-5d28e.jpg (460x215, 40.21K)

>EVE being impenetrable is a bonus.
Yes user, because a video game where you have to have multiple subscription accounts as well as purchasing plex and injectors continuously in order to achieve literally anything is 10/10 well designed.

10 fucking years ago maybe. Now EvE is not work, its an AFK mobile game. Nothing is made by people anymore, in fact literally nothing is. Everything is made by thousands and thousands of bots, mining, refining and producing every ship, weapon and item in the game 24/7.

They might be player controlled, but they are effectively NPCs. There is no difference between EvE/WoW/FF and any other themepark MMO.

>just want space fighter sim in the vein of freespace and xwing/tie fighter
>only space truck sims are made

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I think we need to take a step back and reexamine what's important in a space sim. For me its all about freedom and exploration. Go where you want, do what you want. That's what I liked about Elite anyway. All I want is a first person space sim with seamless transitions from space to planet that allows for player owned factions to interact in a variety of ways, including all out faction warfare and a way to discover and claim new systems for yourself and be able to sell them to a faction.

How haven't the devs cracked down on bots yet? Are they afraid it will do irreparable harm to the economy?

>X4 looks like it was designed by the dudes who made GPU boxart in the 90s
God, I wish it would.

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You mean you can play the game for months and learn one skill toward the 30+ you need to fly a ship.

>tading is "MUH SPACE TRUCKS"
Then do combat missions you cuck

This user has it. The lure of space is not space, its the things in space, aka everything that isn't Earth.

Good space game: fighting in strange and unusual anomalies which have different effects on you and your ship, boarding parties, planetary exploration, exploring ruins and unknowns, fighting massive diversity of life both developed and undeveloped.

Shit space game: you mine X, refined into Y, either sell or produce Z. Or you find level appropriate enemy, kill them, sell loot, buy bigger ship, repeat. Or you fly into anomaly site #45256, scan X, get Y, sell. It all takes place in zero G space. EvE, Elite, SC and nearly all other space games fall into this category. They are objectively just shit video games.

That screenshot is from Endless Space 2, by the way.

wanna know how you're an autismal retard?
I tried eve 5 years back and uninstalled immedieately after realizing it's a shitty mmo clone with space skin.
-Didn't know that but lost interest permanently after first impression and then meeting some eve autists.

Hes not wrong. PvP is dead and PvE is literally just WoW raids but even easier.

Because they make them so much money. Why would you remove thousands of paying bots?

That new rebel galaxy game?

>>The answer is less space.
>By which I mean more focus on planets, space stations, etc. - places where you can't go in your space ship.
It's pretty much this. The "space" part just needs to be an overlay over the real game. Like XCOM has the geoscape overlay over the tactical combat missions.

So it would have to be a FPS with a space overlay, a Mountain Blade with a space overlay, a RTS with a space overlay, you get the general idea (preferably a combination of all of those).

Holy shit now that was a game

>Mountain Blade with a space overlay

After they released Plex a massive number of old players just left the game, it was just too P2W and ruined the entire point of EvE. Once that happened they had to recoup their losses, so the cash shop, injectors and other bullshit took over.

EvE is actually dead, I suspect only a few thousand people actually play at any one time, most are bots. But it still makes them lots of money because those few players who stuck around are willing to drop tens of thousands of dollars staying 'competitive'.

This is why I think the best space sim would take place in a completely hand-crafted solar system or 3, with DLC adding new ones.

Where is my space game with hundreds of players and space ships.

Why is it always CoD in space with 32v32.

EVE is the closest thing and it's not even fun, just pretty to look at.

So starcraft with fps/mount and blade elements?

Lol child, educate yourself.
Play Descent Freespace 1&2, and the Wing Commander Series.
Y'know. The forefathers to the space sim genre.

git gud

This was an experiment, still very cawadoody style, but has ships and so on.

I doubt you'd much appreciate the difference honestly. You'd be too preoccupied with your own shit to manage the scale and it'd just devolve into a clusterfuck free-for-all.

Besides, EVE had battles like that but they look like dull slideshows. Not a lot actually going on.

Problem is making something fun and exciting to explore is a huge amount of work.

Lets pretend you want to make it so players can fly past a planet and get a strange signal, which leads them to discover a deserted colony site, and finding what are basically Alien eggs, and all the shenanigans that go with that.

Just that one paragraph is like a year or two of development time, its not easy making that into gameplay where you fly in space, land, walking/vehicles, combat, medical/scientific exploration mechanics, ect ect