Diablo 2

Diablo 2.

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Cool game. Needs a remaster.

despite having no endgame, still the king

I am just getting into arpgs, I played torchlight 2 first and now im playing diablo 2. What does "end game" mean?

It's what you do after beating the campaign, which is grinding for items

because it was designed before the concept of "endgame". it's just meant to be fun from start to finish

but it codified infinitely respawning mobs and random drops, did they think people wouldn't go full minmax and grinding the same 2-3 areas would get old fast

Hey anons. Perfect thread to ask this question since everytime I make my own thread about it, it immediately gets archived. As if there's some secret cabal of jannies that despises this game.

Anywho anons, opinions on pic related? I bought it and it's expansions, but havent played it yet. Thinking about it soon. Opinions?

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Played for a while because I missed my meteorb, martial artist and tesladin. But I ended up rushing my 9 characters at the same time due to my autism. Then I started median xl. Got a druid to level 115 and started 4 more characters. Got bored and stopped playing

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literal titan quest 2 down to every detail
I fucking hate titan quest

I tried playing but i didn't really enjoy it, something sorta feels off about it

Play a better game, like NoX (by Westwood Studios).

I keep dying in HC and I don't know why I'm still trying.

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It's well made and has a lot of work put into it, but the level scaling is just so antithetic to the foundation of the ARPG genre, which is to get stronger and stronger. I think Titan Quest is actually a better game in that regard.

Didn't finish it but I remember one of my builds had one left click and one active skill, the rest were sustains and passives so it got boring quickly

whalecum to tianquest where we put cooldowns on fun

People need to understand that Diablo II wasn't supposed to be an infinite grinding for gear kind of game like what ARPGs have become. That trend started when they added runewords into the game because before that many people reached Hell and just made another character since trying new builds was more fun than playing through Hell.

Horadric cube recipes that you have no way of knowing about is shit game design, this includes the runeword system. There's zero intuitiveness.

Before runewords people grinded for uniques though

Love the game and I’ve beaten hell solo but having said that monsters having multiple elemental resists is fucking retarded and I’ll never figure out why they thought this was a good idea.

Why didn't anyone tell me about furry druids? Just started playing one and they're fucking insane.

Arreat Summit, nigga.

Runes only came in the expansion and aren't necessary to "finish" the game
it's an end-game system that understands that Diablo has an online community and that these things we be shared rapidly anyway
there's nothing wrong with it

There was always gear with absurd drop rates to be found, but it wasn't a guarantee it'd make your life much easier, plus with no "endgame" you didn't have much reason to grind past getting to level 98 for the memes. Runewords added a fun factor to the grinding where you suddenly opened all sorts of possibilities some of which were guaranteed to be very powerful, plus all you needed were the runewords and "any" weapon would do the job, no need to farm 1 specific unique.

OP runewords like enigma completely ruined the game

>Looking for Baal?

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Babby's 1st ARPG the game.

Did you mean: Diablo 3

Fun up until hell where you need to have some crazy good gear to make it through.

You do? Seems like half the mauls will carry you if you just up them.


hail to the king

indeed, it created the current form of the genre and now with games as timesink milking stations it has become irredeemable

D2 endgame was lvling a smiter up to solo run uber trist and get rich, and it was fun

D3 endgame is a treadmill

PoE endgame is getting instakilled by execution-based bossfights that require lengthy grinds to even practice

nobody plays torchlight or grim dawn

i miss my hammerdin

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You need a crazy amount of life leech or you’ll get turbo fucked, try to get an upped ribcracker, really solid weapon for them. They can solo hell its just more difficult, they are very fun though.

Literally why?