Huh. Really make you think
Huh. Really make you think
Not really.
lol XD dude !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Why do you keep making this thread?
Whose in the wrong here?
What is going to happen to the employees who leaked it? Seems like it won't end well for them despite them having a reason since they weren't getting paid.
truly this wojack was ahead of its time
What dont american vidya companies understand about not pushing employees and work conditions to the edge with these crazy time frames and being so profit oriented. Is it really that hard to have a nintendo-like business model?
That depends on whether or not they get tracked down. I haven't noticed any ID on the leaked materials, and if they weren't dumb enough to not use proxy to create a new YT account they might as well make it.
Amazing point OP. We need to pass legislation that forbids companies from taking advantages of developers in this way.
It makes me hungry if anything. I don't remember the last time I had a chocolate bar that was crunchy, but I remember it being better than sex. What are some brands that have it?
I thought they were already identified, a dude uploaded a picture of one saying he was brazilian or something like that. Might have been a troll though.
But how couldn't he be tracked? It's not as if the employees Naughty refused to pay are a lot. They are all getting fired after this.
What makes you think AC didnt have Crunch. In japan of all places
>Implying TLOU2 won't sell a fuckload as well
>Bu bu bu bu bu muh Twitter seething
Lamo Japanese developer companies (including Nintendo) push employees just as bad if not worse. The difference is that japan, and other asian countries like china south korea etc. have ingrained in their culture that damaging the company's image, or even just quitting is a dishonor that will make you unemployable for life. Meanwhile, the yanks entire history is based around being dissidents, from the country's birth to any workers right movement, which makes whistle blowers and leakers pretty much heroes.
>if the employees Naughty refused to pay are a lot. They are all getting fired after this.
I don't see how that is any worse. They apparently were contractors and already didn't get paid. Had nothing to lose (apart from lawsuits, but good luck with that if they're from a different country).
The fact that it was delayed to avoid crunch
what happens when it sells worse than the original?
Makes me think lazy fucking Deva should get a different job if they hate crunch time
>They are all getting fired after this.
so? Why would you care about getting fired from a job that didnt pay you? Do you just expect them to keep working for free like some cuck?
You think your Twitter astroturf counts for shit?
>if you dont work for free you're lazy
Die jewboy die
right because no one is upset about the story at all user
why would any person buy a digital copy on a portable console in the first place? Unlike PC games which physical copies are worthless because of steam / uplay / origin / egs, on consoles they still have value, especially the switch, and multiple people can share the same game.
because they literally said so
>You leaked our game, we are going to sue you!!
Go ahead dumbasses, I have no money.
>You must have some money!
You didn't even pay me you fucking jews
>Sues anyway
>Gets no money
>Actually lose money on pointless lawsuit
Based leakers have won by already losing.
I get the Japanese are strict and overworked but overall they have a better understanding of the business to actually make quality fun games. American companies try so hard to unsubtly push their agendas and higher-ups and stockholders are old dinosaurs that just want money from idiots like us.
>both games are aimed at faggots, trannies, and pedos
that really makes me think
>Suing a BR code monkey for his favela money
ND are getting nothing out of this mess. They should have paid the guy with literally nothing to lose. Their fault
The small minority of Ellie fangirls who never understood the first game, kek
>one attracts faggots, trannies and pedo
>one BUILT FOR faggots, trannies and pedo central
Learn the difference.
Crunch is a bullshit meme created by Kuk-taco to get clicks and to shill anti-capitalist propaganda. The true difference is one is a soulless movie pretending to be a video game pandering to a retarded ideology and trying to sell itself to graphics whores. The other is a tried and true traditional model that doesn't try to subvert expectations and does what simply works, even with comfy simplistic graphics that have a charming aesthetic and is a project designed around fun as the goal.
Damn, I wish I had a crunch bar now
>being against crunch is anti capitalist
>working for free is capitalism
You shouldnt work unpaid overtime EVER
If its paid then yeah work it make your money thats capitalism
If its unpaid then thats not capitalism its slavery
crunch is slavery
Moron, the reason the game's story was leaked was because a dev who was working during crunch was fucking pissed about not getting paid.
So in this instance, yes, crunch is to blame.
Probably referring just to the NoA side of things with localization/qa and what not.